"You own this restaurant?" Jin Beisen asked with a cold smile in his cool eyes.

"Well, it's been two years." Zhao Tianyu also said with a smile that his voice was elegant and gentle, which was introduced into people's ears, but people thought his voice was very pleasant.

Jin Beisen didn't want to turn over the past account either, but when he looked at Zhao Tianyu in a suit, his anger didn't come out. Four years ago, Zhou Manchun was accidentally hospitalized in heatstroke because of Zhao Tianyu!

At that time, Zhou Manchun also concealed Jin Beisen. Jin Beisen was worried about this for a long time. Zhou Manchun was not in good health at that time. It was really unworthy to have heatstroke for such a person!

"Does Mr. Zhao have time now? My wife and I don't think we've seen you for four years. " Jin Beisen's Mo Mou narrowed slightly, and the expression on his handsome face was even thinner and colder, he said calmly.

"Well, I'm free." Zhao Tianyu's deep vision is toward Zhou Manchun's back, and his shining black eyes are twinkling with sincerity and missing.

Jin Beisen puckered his lips, but his expression didn't change much. In his heart, he had greeted Zhao Tianyu's ancestors for 18 generations. He didn't expect that there were such shameless predecessors in the world!

Jin Beisen has never experienced the difficulty of riding a tiger. Today, he has tasted it. It's very hard.

But soon, the shrewd man raised his lips and smiled. His delicate features highlighted his innate noble spirit under the shining crystal light. "Wife, come to meet the old acquaintance."

Zhou Manchun sighed, and his chest was heavy. Jin Beisen's brain was broken. He could understand. After all, he was blinded by jealousy. But what did Zhao Tianyu do? Although these two men haven't torn their faces in public, they can feel that their aura is not in the same magnetic field from their brief communication. There is a rhythm of needle to wheat. A fierce battle is about to start.

Zhao Tianyu will promise Jin Beisen that he is free. He just wants to see Zhou Manchun's face. He hasn't seen her for four years.

Jin Beisen is only a tentative question. He wanted to upset Zhao Tianyu. Unexpectedly, he played with Zhou Manchun.

Zhou Manchun is very innocent. She cries grievance in her heart. Can't she keep silent? Why do these two men treat her as cannon fodder?

Zhou Manchun didn't want to go to see Zhao Tianyu, but she couldn't go without Jin Beisen's "warm" greeting.

Biting his teeth, Zhou Manchun raised his head, fingered his hair with his hand, and turned away quietly.

Zhou Manchun walked towards Jin Beisen and Zhao Tianyu until she came to Jin Beisen's side and stopped. She didn't say hello to Zhao Tianyu, because suddenly she didn't know what to call him, whether to call him Zhao Tianyu or Tianyu!

It's called Zhao Tianyu. It seems strange, but Tianyu is too intimate. Jin Beisen's Vinegar jar is about to brew into a missile!

Zhao Tianyu looked at Zhou Manchun with a smile. His tone was as gentle as before. "Xiaochun, I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you ok?"

Zhou Manchun picked the eyebrows and said with an embarrassed smile, "it's very good."

Jin Beisen clenched his fist, and his hands on his side were almost creaking.

"This is not the place to talk, or go to my office."

"I think it's a good view outside. I'd better go outside." Zhou Manchun's complex mood suggests that people feel depressed in a closed space, so it should be better to go outside.

"Well, well."

Jin Beisen takes Zhou Manchun's hand and goes to the front desk to pay.

Zhao Tianyu stopped Jin Beisen and frowned, "what is president Jin doing?"

"Pay the bill. I can't take advantage of you, can I? There is no shortage of these two dollars. " Jin Beisen said more seriously.

Zhou Manchun frowns, always feeling that the air is covered with mines, which can be blown up accidentally.

"It's not easy for you to come to my place for dinner. I'll treat you to this meal." Zhao Tianyu also insisted.

"No, many years ago, you gave me a rare treasure. I should give you some compensation." Jin Beisen took out his mobile phone and bought a list directly with Alipay, a total of one thousand three hundred and fifty-eight.

This meal is quite expensive. It's not that the food is expensive, but that some things are too heavy. For example, memories are too expensive. They come like the surging sea water.

Zhou Manchun stood beside Jin Beisen, looking at him all the way, not even at Zhao Tianyu with his eyes.

Zhao Tianyu, on the contrary, has been secretly aiming at Zhou Manchun. She is still the same as before and doesn't like to talk in front of outsiders.

Sadly, Zhao Tianyu is the outsider at the moment!

Zhao Tianyu looked at Zhou Manchun's side face, and even had an illusion that time seemed to return to the moment when he just knew her.

It was Zhao Tianyu's first time to be attracted by Zhou Manchun. On that day, the sun was just right. Zhou Manchun had the habit of practicing in the afternoon. After eating, he would play the piano with a thick piano book. There was a student union outside the piano room, but Zhao Tianyu happened to be a member of the student union. In order to peek at Zhou Manchun, he often wandered outside the piano room.

Zhao Tianyu has never seen a person who can play more than ten of the richest and most difficult tunes in a row, especially the song don Juan, which just amazes Zhao Tianyu's ears.

The door of the piano room is made of wood, but there is a piece of glass above it that is transparent. Zhao Tianyu is tall and can see Zhou Manchun very smoothly. Zhou Manchun seldom reads music when playing the piano. In Zhao Tianyu's opinion, she is often in a state of emptiness.

For a long time, Zhao Tianyu found that Zhou Manchun can play some different tunes every day. Her zither skills are so good that she can play it as soon as she gets the score. The most important thing is that she never gets stuck, listens to Zhou Manchun and loves her ears.

"President Jin joked, but Xiaochun is really precious." Zhao Tianyu looked at Zhou Manchun in a clear and honest way. His eyes were open and transparent.

Jin Beisen sneered, "are you still single?"

"Well." Zhao Tianyu just answered.

"This is I didn't meet a good girl. " Jin Beisen's eyes are slightly cold.

"Yes, if you are a rainbow, you will know that there are some people above you. Some people have met you once, and you will never forget the amazing years." Zhao Tianyu chuckled, his throat moved slightly, but in his voice he could not help thinking.

Jin Beisen's face was speechless, and his face was dark to the extreme. He thought to himself that Zhao Tianyu was such a fool. What is his affectation now? Is it great to rely on Zhou Manchun's first love?

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