Jin Beisen was dressed in a black suit and a delicate bow tie on his white shirt. He stood tall with a doting smile and his eyes fixed on Zhou Manchun.

Zhou Manchun was shocked and looked at the dreamy scene in front of her. She couldn't even believe her eyes. There were chairs on both sides of the blanket and many people she didn't know. If Jin Beisen hadn't waited on the opposite side, she couldn't believe it was her wedding.

At this time, the shopkeeper handed a bunch of exquisite flowers to her, smiled and looked at her and said, "I wish you a happy wedding, Miss Zhou."

Zhou Manchun suddenly realized that this was all planned by him!

Zhou man's innocence was both astonishing and joyful. With the sound of piano and violin, the band began to play the solemn and sacred "Wedding March".

The blue sky and the sea, the fragrance of flowers, this wedding without a little bit of defense, so turbulent, Zhou Manchun is excited, and his eyes are slightly red.

Zhou Manchun's hair is light, with a string of exquisite diamond pendants on her head, a pure handmade wedding dress, and a reasonable cutting to set off her graceful posture more perfectly and gracefully. Her red lips hook and smile, looking at the unreal things in front of her and Jin Beisen waiting for her at that end, she is in a happy mood.

Two little flower boys, wearing beautiful dresses, suddenly ran quietly behind Zhou Manchun, carrying a basket of flowers, and sprinkled the dream rose petals into the sky

The bra style wedding dress perfectly sets off Zhou man's pure and white skin. Her round shoulders are as soft as lanolin. The design of the waist of the wedding dress is a piece of soft lace. Along with Zhou man's slender waist, the pendulous skirt is inlaid with large and small diamonds. With Zhou man's pure steps, it shines in the sun

The most amazing is the wedding skirt design, which is a semi-circular mop skirt, full of 10 meters long, with lace and silk stitching, light and full of ceremony.

Zhou Manchun's face is painted with light make-up, and the grapefruit lipstick adds a bit of elegance and vivacity to her. She moves towards Jin Beisen slowly with light steps.

This road is very short, but Zhou Manchun walked for more than two minutes, until Zhou Manchun came to Jin Beisen's side, "Wedding March" just finished playing.

Jin Beisen takes Zhou Manchun's hand and makes a kiss on the back of her delicate hand.

At the moment, the guests sitting on the beach burst out with warm applause, and they all looked at Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen with a happy face.

The priest came up, took the microphone to the side of the couple, smiled and said, "Jin Beisen, would you like to marry Zhou Manchun as a wife, live with her according to the Bible's teaching, unite with her in front of God, love her, comfort her, respect her, protect her, just like you love yourself. Whether she is ill or healthy, rich or poor, remain true to her until she leaves the world? "

"I will." Jin Beisen said firmly with a smile and joy in his magnetic voice.

"Zhou Manchun, are you willing to marry Jin Beisen as a wife, live with him according to the Bible's teaching, and be one with him in front of God, love him, comfort him, respect him, protect him, just like you love yourself. Whether he is ill or healthy, rich or poor, remain true to him until he leaves the world? "

"I will." Zhou man pure red lips hook laugh, the soft voice appears particularly pleasant.

When the two exchanged rings, the priest said: "the ring is golden, which means your love is stronger than gold, and it will never fade like gold. The ring is round, which means your feelings are unreserved, endless and unbroken. I wish the two new people a long life together. Now, the bridegroom can kiss the bride."

Jin Beisen made a smile on one side of his thin lips, gently clasped his palm on Zhou Manchun's slender waist, brought her into his arms, lowered his head, and kissed her red lips affectionately.

The wedding ceremony ended with warm applause from the passers-by. Jin Beisen invited all the guests present to share the dinner party in the top five-star hotel on Jinnian island.

After the dinner, Jin Beisen and Zhou Manchun did not go back to the hotel to have a rest, but went for a walk by the beach.

The dark blue sky is dotted with stars. The moonlight is gently sprinkled on the sparkling sea. The breeze blows and brings a trace of cool.

The evening breeze gently blows over Zhou Manchun's delicate auricle. Her red lips are smiling, and she is clasped with Jin Beisen's ten fingers, barefoot on the soft white sand.

Jin Beisen, like a magician, suddenly took out a wine red velvet gift box from his suit pocket. With a doting smile on his eyes, he said in a cool voice, "reach out."

Zhou Manchun immediately reached out to take it, without any hesitation. The small wine red box was placed in the palm of her hand, smart and delicate.

"Is it a ring?" Zhou Manchun asked with a smile on her bright red cheek.

"Open it for yourself." Jin Beisen deliberately kept some mystery in the cold voice line.

Zhou Manchun opens the gift box, and the pupil doubles in an instant. In the wine red box, there is a pale pink jewel ring lying quietly. The moonlight shines on the ring and refracts into Zhou Manchun's eyes. The smile on her face is more and more deep.

"How can I get another ring?" Zhou Manchun asked happily. Every time Jin Beisen gave her a gift, he didn't ask her in advance whether she liked it or not, but he was very good at choosing gifts, which Zhou Manchun liked very much.

Pale Pink Gem rings are rare in the world today. It took Jin Beisen a long time to find a famous craftsman to make them.

"Look carefully." Jin Beisen's sharp handsome face is soft and unappealing. Against the moonlight, it highlights his noble and extraordinary temperament.

Zhou Manchun took the ring out of the small box, raised it over his head and looked at it. The pale pink gem ring exuded a faint halo in the moonlight, which was so beautiful.

The ring is so beautiful that people can't move their eyes. Zhou Manchun looks carefully. His eyes brighten up in a moment, just like hiding little stars.

There is a sculpture of pan, the God of animal husbandry in ancient Greek mythology, in the pink gem! It's really hard to find if it's not in the light.

Zhou Manchun was fascinated by ancient Greek mythology when she was in primary school. People like Apollo, Zeus and Athena, but she only likes the ugliest God in ancient Greek mythology - pan'en.

Paine was ugly, just a god of animal husbandry with little magic power. He looked at the cattle and sheep for Zeus all day long, but his voice was like the sound of nature. There was a lake at the end of the river. No one dared to step there, because the river was cursed. Once he stepped there, anyone would become a fish, and never come back.

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