520 Haibin road.

Zhou Manchun is sitting on the sofa watching TV. Because Jin Beisen is not there, she is relaxed. The host in the TV is working hard to make fun of her. Zhou Manchun also follows. Her good-looking face sends out a smile from time to time.

Stop the car and turn off the fire. Jin Beisen bends to get out of the Lamborghini. All the movements are completed in one breath. He walks very fast, as if with the wind.

The door was opened with a crack.

Wang Ma comes out of the kitchen with a glass of milk and is shocked by Jin Beisen's sudden appearance.

"Jin President Jin, you are back. " Mother Wang said tremblingly.

Jin Beisen walked quickly, with a rage on his face, ignoring Wang ma.

Mrs. Wang patted her chest and thought, "no, look at Mr. Jin's face. Miss Zhou must suffer tonight.".

Sure enough, Zhou Manchun, who is watching TV on the sofa, suddenly stands in front of his eyes, stupefied for a moment.

"Jin North, you're back. " Zhou Manchun is not a fool. She saw the dangerous smell on Jin Beisen's face. She wanted to call him president Jin. But when she thought of what Jin Beisen said, she asked her to call him Beisen, she immediately changed her name. But looking at his sinister face, Zhou Manchun found that she couldn't call him.

"What? Have you learned to call them by their first names? " Jin Beisen sneers. Gao dajianshuo's body blocks Zhou Manchun's sight.

I only heard a very funny laugh from the guests on TV, but Zhou Manchun can't laugh at the moment.

I don't know what kind of dynamite Jin Beisen ate, but suddenly he became so indifferent.

Zhou Manchun felt that Jin Beisen's body was covered with a shadow. She dared not look at him, let alone talk back to him.

"I......" Zhou Manchun opens her mouth, but finds her throat stuck. Mei Mou looks at him innocently and makes a sound.

"Come with me." Jin Beisen turns around, and the eyes of the evil stare at Zhou Manchun.

Zhou Manchun's whole body quivered, as if he had been pushed into the ice cellar. Turning around, he found that Wang Ma was standing at the exit of the living room with milk. Wang Ma was also nervous, and gave Zhou Manchun a look of sympathy.

The door of the room was locked. It was clear and loud.

Just like Zhou Manchun's heart, it seems to fall on the ground and be chewed up.

Zhou Manchun is neither standing nor sitting. She stands on the floor with her head down. She bites her lips and feels like a prisoner about to be interrogated.

The problem is that Zhou Manchun didn't even know what he had done wrong. Two days ago, Jin Beisen was still on the phone saying good night to her. How did he come back and suddenly become like this? Who can stand his abnormal character?

"Who did you see when I was away?" Jin Beisen drags Zhou Manchun and forces her to the corner of the wall. Her back clings to the wall. There is no way to go back.

"I I didn't see anyone. " Zhou Manchun's mind is blank. What's wrong with her?

"Lie." Jin Beisen sneered coldly. There was no half pity in her gloomy eyes. Her long fingers suddenly clasped her chin and forced her to look up.

"I didn't." Zhou Manchun's heart rate is speeding up, and he says three words with difficulty.

"But also quibble, I will give you another chance, you want to be clear and then answer, Zhou Manchun, you should know, it's no more than three things." Jin Beisen's eyes were fierce, warning fiercely.

Zhou Manchun felt that his words were full of bloodthirsty gloom. Looking at his angry look, she could not control her fear and could not help shaking.

"I I see your cousin. " Zhou Manchun thought about it. She thought that Jin Beisen and Shi Botao had a feud. He should mind Shi Mingge.

"I know that. You told me." Jin Beisen's eyes were full of evil, and his whole body was cold.

"Then there will be no one else." Zhou Manchun shivers nervously. Jin Beisen in front of her makes her feel very frightened, even more scared than watching horror movies.

"Are you sure? Your answer. " Jin Beisen accentuated his tone with a strong sense of anger and blackmail.

Zhou Manchun nodded. She didn't think Jin Beisen would care about her private affairs, so she didn't talk about Zhao Tianyu.

"Who did you go to the detention center to see?" Jin Beisen suddenly grabbed Zhou Manchun's neck. His fingers were so hard that his joints were white. Zhou Manchun's life was hanging in a line. He was almost out of breath.

"I I... " Zhou Manchun is very difficult to answer. Jin Beisen pinched her so much that she felt like she was dying.

"Say it!" A short word, but with a strong hostility.

Jin Beisen let go of Zhou Manchun, stood in front of her face, and did not force him to use force to deal with Zhou Manchun.

"I went to see Zhao Tianyu Cough. " Zhou Manchun coughs crazily.

"Who is Zhao Tianyu?" Jin Beisen pretends to be stupid, but his eyes are cold.

"Jin Beisen, you are despicable." Zhou Manchun stared at Jin Beisen straight, even dared not blink. She was afraid that her tears would collapse at any time.

"Don't pretend to be pitiful in front of me. You'd better leave it to your ex boyfriend." Jin Beisen's mouth was filled with indifference, and he added the words "ex boyfriend".

He said it to Zhou Manchun on purpose.

"Now that you know everything, ask me what I'm doing!" Zhou man said with a pure red face, but felt Jin Beisen was one centimeter closer to him.

"If you like, I'll send you to prison to get together with him." There is no temperature in Jin Beisen's words, with a bloodthirsty warning!

Zhou Manchun is suffocating because of his oppression. Suddenly, she reaches out to push Jin Beisen away, but she fails.

Jin Beisen's hand speed is very fast. Zhou Manchun is hugged by him and throws it heavily on the bed.

It's as casual as throwing a dress. It's very light and casual.

The tears of Zhou man's pure pain flowed, and Jin Beisen also scratched the mark on his arm.

Jin Beisen quickly bullied him. Zhou Manchun couldn't move.

"Tear pull" a, Zhou Manchun's coat is broken.

But Jin Beisen didn't stop his violent actions. His flesh colored bra was exposed in the air. Jin Beisen's actions were crazy. His hand reached Zhou Manchun's back, and he pulled Zhou Manchun's bra and threw it on the ground at will.

"Ah!" In Nuo's villa, Zhou Manchun's feeble and empty cry came.

"It's no use shouting. No one will help you." Jin Beisen, Mou Zisen, stared at Zhou Manchun coldly.

Zhou Manchun's beautiful eyes flashed a ray of tears. She tried hard to protect her bare chest. There was a trace of humiliation in the bottom of her heart. She was so big that she had never been humiliated!

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