"How much do you love me?" Jin Shuwen looks puzzled and raises her eyes. The bright eyes are right on the dark eyes of upper Ye Junwen.

Ye Junwen bowed his head and kissed her lips. He wanted to kiss her twice. But Jin Shuwen was just like a special charm, which made Ye Junwen unable to hold it. He greedily pried off her teeth with his tongue and entangled with her.

After a long time, until the air exudes an ambiguous atmosphere, ye Junwen slowly releases Jin Shuwen and tucks in the quilt for her.

"You are like my heartbeat. I can lose one arm and one leg, but if my heartbeat stops, I will die immediately." Ye Junwen affectionately said, words fall, but also Jin Shuwen's eyebrows fell a kiss.

Jin Shuwen pulled the corner of her mouth and smiled. Her heart finally landed safely. Instead of answering, she fell asleep in Ye Junwen's arms.

City B.

The three-year provincial business summit was held in the global hotel in B city. Many business tycoons came and Jin Beisen was also invited.

A black Bugatti stopped outside the global hotel, and the doorman immediately greeted it warmly. This business summit is of a large scale, which stipulates that each invited person can only bring one family member, and only those with invitation letters can enter. The hotel has been packed today.

Wearing a black suit, Jin Beisen looks calm and unassuming, and doesn't make people feel too old-fashioned. The doorman opens the door for him, but Jin Beisen himself bypasses the copilot's seat, opens the copilot's door, and invites Zhou Manchun to come down.

Zhou Manchun pulled her skirt and stepped down carefully on high heels. She was wearing a green and White V-Neck dress. At the neck was a rose shape. On her feet were a pair of white bow tie high heels. Her long hair was smooth and elegant. She was half loose. The red lips of the flames were slightly raised. Her face was delicate with a faint smile Meaning.

In the air, a burst of magnesium lights flashed in a flash. The sound of "click, wipe and wipe" when the camera was taking pictures kept on going. Zhou Manchun frowned and smiled gracefully. He put his hand on Jin Beisen's arm and walked into the hotel in the curious eyes of all the people.

The business summit is divided into two parts. All the invitees have to go to the infield for a meeting, while the family members stay in the hall, and the hall is full of toasts. Most of the guests are young and beautiful socialites, some of whom Zhou Manchun doesn't know.

Jin Beisen put his arm around Zhou Manchun's slender waist and fingers on her smooth cheek. He doted on her and said with a smile: "wife, you can rest here for about an hour. If you feel bored, you can go back to the hotel first. Kang song is waiting outside."

Zhou Manchun smiled, but did not expect Jin Beisen to be so thoughtful. She smiled and said, "no, I'll wait for you here."

Looking around the party, all the CEOs of some listed companies came to the party today. There were several senior executives who accompanied the young and beautiful girls. Zhou Manchun pinched Jin Beisen's waist and raised his eyebrows and said, "Jin Beisen, you are 50 years old, will you bring the beautiful girls to the party?"

When men have money, they like to pursue other things, such as sex and stimulation, which are not available to their wives, so they can only find some beautiful young girls to make up for it.

Jin Beisen's dark eyes were deep, and his long fingers gently pointed Zhou Manchun's head. "There is no such thing as thinking nonsense."

It's not hard to hear that there is some anger in the man's haughty tone.

Zhou Manchun chuckled, stretched out his slender arm to help Jin Beisen tidy his tie, and said softly, "go to the meeting, I'll wait for you here."

Jin Beisen rubbed Zhou Manchun's head, and his eyes were reluctant to part with him. He pointed his belly across her cheek and doted on her, saying, "then don't run around."

"Don't worry, I'm not a child. Where can I go?"

Before Jin Beisen left, he looked at Zhou Manchun uneasily. Zhou Manchun smiled at him. Anyway, she was not the first time to attend such a business party.

In the air around her, there were women's coquetry laughter. Zhou Manchun looked around and found that everyone had company basically. She felt lonely and suddenly she was a little lonely.

Zhou Manchun went to the long table and saw a piece of meat cake ready to take up. Just when she was going to take the cake, someone took the cake she saw faster than her, but Zhou Manchun's hand had also fallen.

The atmosphere seems to condense in an instant. Zhou Manchun and Qianmu are looking for the cake almost at the same time, but they start a little faster than Qianmu. They look at each other

When Zhou Manchun looked at Qianmu, the woman's eyes were big, with a pair of beautiful apricot eyes. The eyes were pure as if there was a clear spring flowing through them. She was wearing a goose yellow dress. Under the light, her skin was more white.

Qian Mu's face was smiling. She blushed unconsciously. She divided the cake into two parts and put half of them into Zhou Manchun's plate. She said with a smile, "do you like this cake, too? Then we'll be half alone. "

Zhou Manchun did not expect that she was so polite, but also replied with a smile: "thank you. My name is Zhou Manchun. How about you?"

When Qian Mu smiled and said, "I am Qian Mu, where are you from?"

"I'm city a, and you?"

"I'm from Z city." Thousand Mu's kind smile.

Zhou Manchun and Qianmu are very close to each other. They have a good chat and wechat.

When Qian Mu picked up a glass of champagne, smiled and handed it to Zhou Manchun. His eyes were touched with the taste of tenderness

"Yes, but I don't drink very well."

"Are you married?" When Qian Mu suddenly asked a gossip, she looked at Zhou Manchun up and down, looking at her appearance and age. It's not like a married woman, just like a girl who just graduated from university.

"The children are all four years old." Zhou Manchun lifted his lips and smiled. His eyes were as gentle as water waves.

"Really? I can't see it at all. " Qian Mu's face was surprised. She didn't expect Zhou Manchun to get married as early as she did, but she didn't have a baby.

Looking at Zhou Manchun's happy face, Qianmu feels that Zhou Manchun must have married a good husband and envies her very much.

"Oh, who do I think this is? It's Miss Qian." When Qian Mu and Zhou Manchun were talking happily, a female voice suddenly came from behind, accompanied by sarcasm, to her ears.

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