
After Jin Beisen hung up, Zhou Manchun asked anxiously, "what's the matter?"

Listening to Jin Beisen's tone, it seems that Zhou Manchun is also worried about other things.

"It's OK. There's something wrong with the construction site in the South business district. I'll ask Kang song to take you home. I'm going to rush there." Jin Beisen soothed and said lightly.

"I'll go with you." Zhou Manchun holds Jin Beisen's hand in a fiery way, with a sense of foreboding in his heart.

"No, after flying for so long, you go home to have a rest. I'll go back to accompany you when I'm done." Jin Beisen's eyes narrowed slightly, thinking how bloody it would be if Zhou Manchun followed him to the construction site and the migrant worker jumped down from the top floor!

Jin Beisen drove to the South business district soon. On the way, Zou Shudu had explained the matter clearly. The original construction party defaulted on the wages of the migrant workers. The migrant workers' daughter was treating leukemia in the hospital. She had no choice but to think of such a way.

With Jin Beisen's road coming, the field was cleared immediately, but some media were still eager to try. The spotlight was slapping randomly. The reporters stretched their arms and necks one by one and rushed towards Jin Beisen's car. As soon as Jin Beisen got out of the car, the water blocked by the reporters was blocked.

"President Jin, is JS international in arrears with the wages of migrant workers?"

"JS international has always been rich and powerful, and has never defaulted on employees' wages. Does president Jin know about this?"

"I heard that president Jin took his wife to city B for her honeymoon. Did you come as soon as you came home?"

"President Jin, how are you going to deal with this?"

The reporters kept on asking questions with the microphone. Jin Beisen looked at the dark crowd in front of him proudly. His eyes narrowed slightly. The police rushed up immediately and stopped the reporters outside the police line.

"This matter is still under investigation. As you know, JS international has never defaulted on anyone's wages. Today, this kind of thing will happen. It must be the construction party who has an internal ghost. I will tell you after I have made an investigation. Please go back first." As soon as Jin Beisen stooped, he got into the police line and turned to the reporters.

Reporters didn't hear the substantive answer. They were reluctant to leave the construction site. When the police saw that Jin Beisen had gone inside, they immediately picked up the baton to drive away the reporters.

"President Jin." Uncle Zou was pacing back and forth in the chaotic construction site. He saw Jin Beisen and hurried forward.

"How is the investigation going?" Jin Beisen asked calmly with steady steps.

"We suspect that the construction company has an insider, and the company's financial department has already transferred the salary last month." Uncle Zou explained.

Jin Beisen looked at the top floor. The sun in the sky was dazzling. On the platform more than 50 floors high, he could vaguely see a figure shaking on the platform.

The police of the public security bureau are commanding with walkie talkies. Several policemen have gone up, but the negotiation fails. The migrant worker insists on meeting Jin Beisen.

"What's up?" Asked the director of the Public Security Bureau.

There was an indistinct voice in the walkie talkie, and the wind above was very strong. "The migrant workers have been arguing to see president Jin. He is very excited now."

Two big airbags have been prepared on the ground, but if a person jumps down from a place 50 stories high, ten airbags can't help him.

Jin Beisen frowned, and immediately stepped forward to go up. At the same time, he told uncle Zou, "let someone prepare one million cash at once."

"Yes." Uncle Zou calls immediately.

Less than three minutes later, a black car hurriedly stopped outside the construction site. A man in a suit and suit came in with a safe, which contained a million dollars of cash.

The policeman at the bottom of his heart took a breath of air-conditioning, and thought to himself, Jin Beisen is too big to let go. The migrant workers can give him a million yuan for jumping off the building!

"Mr. Jin, do you give him all the money?" Uncle Zou took the silver safe, put on his helmet with Jin Beisen and got on the construction elevator.

"Well." Jin Beisen said calmly.

"Even if you are in arrears, it's only 50000 or 60000 yuan. President Jin, why do you give him so much? If this matter is passed on, what will someone do after it?" Zou Shuxin has a lingering fear. If everyone comes to blackmail JS international, it's not a mess.

"Our employees, we must protect them. Migrant workers are very hard. It's really not easy to work on the construction site in the summer. Moreover, his daughter has leukemia, which is really impossible to do." Jin Beisen is compassionate. He looks at the construction elevator moving away from the ground gradually, and has an unspeakable taste in his heart.

Uncle Zou didn't speak a word, but looked at Jin Beisen with his eyes light. Jin Beisen changed. He seemed to be more and more kind and more considerate of others. Jin Beisen in the past was not like this. It seems that Zhou Manchun changed him.

At the top floor, three uniformed policemen were waiting anxiously. When they saw Jin Beisen coming, it was like grasping a straw for help. One of the policemen ran over immediately and said in a big sweat, "president Jin, we can't control the scene."

When I walked in, I only heard migrant workers standing on the edge of the top floor, crying out heartbreaking, "are your conscience eaten by dogs and embezzled our hard-working hard-earned money? You will be punished in this way."

"Don't be excited. JS international has never defaulted on the wages of any employees. How much does the construction party owe you? Here is a million yuan, which is not enough?" Jin Beisen went on. In front of him was a newly built floor. The edges were empty and there were no protective facilities.

When the migrant workers saw Jin Beisen coming, they didn't believe him. He was in his early thirties. He was swarthy and blinked. After a few seconds of hesitation, they said, "this must be a fake. You are a fake. You won't even pay me 50000 yuan. How could you give me a million yuan?"

"It's real money here. You come down first. It's dangerous on it." Jin Beisen frowned and shouted. The wind was howling in his ear. He could fully understand the migrant workers. He was just driven to despair by life, so he came up with the idea and used suicide to attract people's attention.

"Then throw the money over first." The migrant workers stared at Jin Beisen suspiciously and said with half confidence.

Jin Beisen was about to throw the money away. Unexpectedly, the migrant workers added, "wait a minute, you will send it in person. If you dare to cheat me, I will die with you."

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