"Mr. Jin, with all due respect, you must learn to be a little compassionate in the future." Chen Jinhua jokingly said.

Jin Beisen glanced at Chen Jinhua and said coldly, "don't say what you shouldn't say."

"Women are used to spoil, not to abuse." Chen Jinhua is Jin Beisen's personal doctor. He is ten years older than Jin Beisen. Four years ago, Jin Beisen was racing at the top of the mountain and almost died. It was old Chen who saved him.

"Are you a little broad?" Jin Beisen's cold eyes narrowed, and saw Zhou Manchun frowning in his sleep. He looked very painful, and his heart began to ache involuntarily.

"I have no conscience. I saved you, and now I save your wife. How can you say that to me?" Chen Jinhua's tone is sad. I don't know if he pretends it.

"Who says she belongs to my wife?" Jin Beisen glanced sideways at Zhou Manchun, who was lying on the bed. In his mind, she was just a doll.

Jin Beisen has told himself countless times in his heart that he can't be emotional with Zhou Manchun. However, whenever he looks at her eyes and listens to her, his attention will be attracted by her. Zhou Manchun seems to have magic, which can easily stir Jin Beisen's mood.

"Oh? Isn't it? After all these years, I have never seen you bring another woman here for the night. " Chen Jinhua is a very observant person. When he saw Zhou Manchun in his pajamas, he knew that Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen were living together.

"Are you finished? When you're done, get out. " It seems that Jin Beisen's mind has been broken down, and he is a little angry.

Of course, Chen Jinhua is very understanding. He quickly tidied up his medicine box. Before leaving, he patted Jin Beisen on the shoulder and told him, "look at the salt water, it's going to be pulled out when it's almost finished. Otherwise, it will be fatal."

Zhou Manchun had a nightmare in her sleep. She dreamed that her parents were framed, and their family were all in prison. In prison, she was humiliated, so she cried loudly for help, but no one came to save her. The feeling of helplessness, even in her sleep, was so clear.

Jin Beisen takes away the towel. The cold towel has been ironed by Zhou Manchun's body temperature. His brow is twisted. He turns to Wang Ma and says, "go and change a towel."

"Yes." Wang Ma takes the towel and moves quickly to the bathroom.

Zhou Manchun's eyebrows are tied tightly. She doesn't know how long she has been sleeping. Subconsciously, she seems to hear Jin Beisen gently calling her name.

Since she fell asleep, Jin Beisen has been with her all the time. He hasn't left for more than half a step, and the salt water has already been hung up. He just keeps her motionless and doesn't go anywhere.

"Water Water... I want water. " Zhou Manchun opened Zhang's dry lips and made a dumb voice from her mouth.

Hearing her intermittent voice, Jin Beisen eased his eyes slightly. He moved his body and held Zhou Manchun in his arms. Then he took a water glass from the bedside table and handed it to Zhou Manchun's lips.

Zhou Manchun drank water greedily, and the cool cool sensation stimulated her brain nerves. After sleeping, she felt that she was awake a lot.

Slowly open your eyes, what you see is Jin Beisen's enlarged face. You can see his pores clearly.

"Why are you here?" Zhou Manchun's voice appeared a touch of surprise. She vaguely remembered that Jin Beisen was no longer with her when she woke up.

"You have a fever." Jin Beisen didn't explain it, but said on his own.

"Ah? How can I have a fever? " Zhou man's pure face showed a brilliant smile, a neat row of bright teeth, like sunflowers bathed in the sun, which was very powerful, and Jin Beisen's mood was also involuntarily better.

In Zhou Manchun's impression, she hasn't had a fever for several years. Zhou Manchun has a bad constitution and is easy to catch a cold. Every cold is also caused by tonsillitis, but this time it seems that it's not the same as before.

"How do I know? You're a doctor, you don't know? " Jin Beisen gave Zhou Manchun some empty answers and all the responsibility. In fact, why did Zhou Manchun have a fever is still clear to him.

Last night, the room has been air-conditioned, and Jin Beisen tossed Zhou Manchun all night, and the two still changed their postures from time to time. Zhou Manchun's whole body is almost exposed to the air. With the air conditioner blowing at her, Zhou Manchun, who has a poor constitution, has not escaped the fever.

"Please, I'm a cardiologist, not a physician." Zhou Manchun doesn't forget to quarrel with Jin Beisen when he is weak.

"Do you want to sleep? Squint your eyes and go to sleep. " Jin Beisen ordered Zhou Manchun to have a good rest.

Zhou Manchun smiled and waved, trying to get up from bed and go to work She had no idea that it was still early.

"Five." Jin Beisen answered without expression, but there was a sense of teasing in his calm eyes.

Zhou Manchun thought it was five o'clock in the morning, and relieved, "then I'll have a rest."

"It's five o'clock in the evening, not in the morning." Jin Beisen's lips are thin, and his dark eyes are deep.

"What! It's five o'clock in the evening! " Zhou mantun cried out in surprise, and the whole man gasped heavily.

She's absent from work! Lao Li hasn't killed her yet! Zhou Manchun feels sad.

"You Why don't you wake me up. " Zhou Manchun put tears on his eyes, tears in the corners of his eyes like broken pearls, plopping down.

Looking at her crying, Jin Beisen didn't feel very distressed, but he thought it was very interesting, because Zhou Manchun was so cute like a child.

"I called. You didn't wake up. You slept like a dead pig. What can I do?" Jin Beisen put Zhou Manchun down and moved his body. He shrugged and said innocently.

"What can I do now? I have to deduct my salary for absenteeism without any reason. There is no full attendance award at the end of the month." Zhou Manchun's imagination is flying. In his mind, a lovely, long winged grandpa Mao appears, as if he is waving his hand to her and flying away.

"How much do you charge for a break? By the way, who said you were absent from work for no reason? " Jin Beisen's Mo Mou narrowed, and his calm face fainted with an indescribable emotion.

"I didn't ask for leave, but I didn't call it unprovoked absenteeism!" Zhou Manchun said angrily, feeling that Jin Beisen intended to do all this.

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