"I don't know, Murphy. Jin Beisen and that sumuni are no longer in touch. It's obviously not that kind of relationship when you listen to what he just said." Ren said with his mouth turned.

"It's possible that this upper class society is really messy, but I don't like sumuni very much. I think she's very arrogant."

"I hate bitches."


Su Muni is having dinner with Jin Yumo. She has been staring at the screen of her mobile phone for a while. She thinks Jin Beisen's phone should be here by now.

If she didn't expect it, Jin Beisen's phone call came in. Sumuni took up the tissue gracefully and sipped her lips. She left her bright red and enchanting lipstick on the white tissue. She raised her lips and picked up the phone happily.

"Hello, Beisen." Sumuni said with a gentle smile.

"Where did you take the desert? Send it back to me quickly. " Jin Beisen said in an imperative tone, his face was dark and full of sinister things.

"I'm eating with the desert. What's the matter?" Sumuni's flattering smile, the look between the eyes with some kind of coquettish and calculating taste.

"Sumuni, I warn you to take desert back to the villa in ten minutes, or you will be responsible for the consequences." Jin Beisen was angry and picked his chin slightly. He was really unprepared for sumuni!

"Xiaomo, your father's phone number." Sumuni pretends to be attentive and hands the mobile phone to Jin Yumo.

"Father, I'm with Gan Ma. Gan Ma has brought Xiao Mo to eat delicious food," Jin Yu Mo said, chewing chicken legs

Jin Beisen and Zhou Manchun are sitting in the car, their cell phones are on to amplify. Zhou Manchun hears Jin Yumo's voice and exclaims excitedly, "Xiaomo."

"Mom." Jin Yumo blinked in disbelief. He didn't know how much Jin Beisen and Zhou Manchun were worried about him at the moment.

Zhou Manchun closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She felt that her heart was blocked by something. She smiled unsteadily, and her tone was full of enthusiasm. "Xiaomo, where are you?"

Zhou Manchun wants to be angry at the moment, but Jin Yu doesn't know anything. She can only pretend to smile calmly.

"I'll take Xiaomo home later." Sumuni took the mobile phone to his ear, didn't say where he was with Xiaomo, and a strange smile came up from the corner of his mouth. Anyway, her goal has been achieved, and nothing else.

Zhou Manchun held her head and put her long fingers into her hair. Her expression was very painful. However, hearing Jin Yumo's voice, her heart finally landed safely.

After hanging up the phone, Jin Beisen held Zhou Manchun's hand, his smart eyes became cold, but when he looked at Zhou Manchun, his eyes immediately became warm, and his magnetic and mellow voice sounded in the closed car, "don't worry, Xiaomo is safe now."

Zhou Manchun shook his head, shrugged his shoulders, his body was quivering, and there was panic in his eyes. "No, Beisen, what did you say that sumuni took our desert away?"

I don't know if the sixth sense of a woman is too strong, or if she thinks too much, Zhou always thinks that sumuni's intention to take Jinyu desert away is not so simple.

"Don't think so much. It will be OK. Let's go home first." Jin Beisen looks at Zhou Manchun in a tense manner. He frowns and is in a gloomy mood.

To be honest, Jin Beisen can't guess sumuni's mind, let alone what sumuni did with Jin Yumo. He can only ask Jin Yumo later.

520 Haibin road.

After getting out of the car, Jin Beisen quietly took Zhou Manchun's hand, and they hurried into the living room. Su Muni and Jin Yumo were playing with toys in the living room, with a harmonious look, as if she was Jin Yumo's biological mother.

Zhou Manchun's mouth twitched. Suddenly, she felt that the whole person was not well. She left her bag and ran towards Jinyu desert.

"Desert!" Zhou Manchun kneels on the floor and hugs Jin Yumo, who is building blocks on the blanket.

Sumuni put down the wood blocks in his hand, looked up lazily, and looked down Jin Beisen

Due to Zhou Manchun's overuse of force, he accidentally smashed the castle just built by Jin Yumo. Jin Yumo was hugged tightly by Zhou Manchun, but his eyes stayed on the building blocks on the blanket.

"Mom, you broke my building block." Jin Yu Mo curled his mouth. He felt that he wanted to suffocate. Zhou Manchun hugged him so tightly that he could hardly breathe.

Zhou Manchun quickly released Jin Yu desert, and watched him smile peacefully. His apricot eyes were moist, and his tears fell down in frustration. "Little desert, do you miss your mother?"

"Yes." The gentleman of Jin Yu desert smiled and took the initiative to reach out and circle Zhou Manchun's arm.

Zhou Manchun holds Jin Yumo in his arms in peace, and finally a long lost smile appears on his warm face.

"Come out with me." Jin Beisen looked at Su Muni coldly, only to see her face calmly sitting on the sofa, a look of indifference.

Jin Beisen wanted to ask her what the hell was going on!

Su Muni carried the bag, and a smile flashed at the bottom of her eyes. She raised her red lips. Her eyes were full of provocation and disdain, and she forgot Zhou Manchun's eyes.

Zhou Manchun is so angry that she can't wait to rush up and slap her. If it wasn't for Jin Yumo, she really wanted to go up and start!

This abnormal woman took her son away without saying a word. Fortunately, Jin Yumo is OK.

Su Muni follows Jin Yumo to the outside of the villa. It happens to be next to Su Muni's sports car. The setting sun is reflected on the window. The light is dazzling, just like Jin Beisen is against the light at the moment, but it's cold and can't open his eyes.

"What did you take Xiaomo to do?" Jin Beisen went straight to the theme, and there was no pleasant face on his handsome face.

"What else can I do? I took Xiaomo to dinner. I haven't seen him for a long time. I miss him. " Sumney smiled like a flower, soft as if he were soaking in a honey jar.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Jin Beisen's indifferent voice line suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees, and his face was ugly. He stared at Su Muni with black eyes. If his eyes could see through a person, Su Muni would have been stared at by Jin Beisen for a long time.

"If you don't believe me, I can't help it. I really just took Xiaomo to dinner. If you don't believe me, ask him." Sumuni shrugged, and the smile on his face did not diminish at all. He did not show a sense of panic in front of Jin Beisen.

"Stay away from the desert." He frowned, said Sen coldly. Maybe influenced by Zhou Manchun, I always feel that it's not so easy for Su Muni to take Jin Yumo away today!

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