Yu Chen glanced at the thousand Mollies with her eyes around her arm, and immediately crossed the idea of "actually she is not bad." in the past, Zhou Manchun never twined her arm in such a coquettish way. She held him politely at most.

In such a contrast, Yu Chen's heart is a little lost.

If Zhou Manchun could love him as qianmolli, they would be very happy now.

He didn't love him very much, even if it was one tenth, but Zhou Manchun only had Jin Beisen in his heart, and he couldn't hold anyone else.

520 Haibin road.

When I got home, it was more than eight o'clock. Jin Yumo was asleep and closed his eyes.

Jin Beisen took him out of the back seat of the car. Zhou Manchun followed him in a low voice and walked into the splendid living room. The bright lights made Jin Yumo wake up gradually.

Jin Yumo looks sleepy and lies on Jin Beisen's shoulder. He looks up to see Zhou Manchun behind Jin Beisen and says with a smile, "Mom."

"Xiaomo, are you tired? Hungry or not? Mom is going to cook noodles. " Zhou Manchun came forward and rubbed Jin Yumo's smooth face with his hand. His mother looked at him in flood of love.

Jin Yu Mo shakes his head, and his eyes are shining. "Mom, I'm not hungry. Little mo wants to sleep. Tonight Can Xiaomo sleep with you? "

Maybe it's a long separation, or maybe it's a lot of things happened today. Gao Leng, the little Zhengtai, Jin Yumo, has even cast Jiao.

Zhou Manchun's heart was soft. He rubbed Jin Yumo's hair and said with a smile, "OK, let dad take you to take a bath first, and then you go to bed obediently. Mom goes to the kitchen to make noodles for Dad."

Jin Yu Mo nodded and said, "well."

Jin Beisen's heart was soft. He held his son tightly and went upstairs to bathe him.

The water temperature in the bathtub is just right. Jin Yumo sits in the bathtub, still sleepy. Jin Beisen pushes some bath gel on the bath ball and gently wipes it on Jin Yumo.

This kind of life, he did not imagine in the past, who could have thought that the president of JS international had become a super father. Jin Beisen really loved Jin Yumo, because he was the son of Zhou Manchun and he. Maybe they will have another child in the future, but Jin Beisen's love for Jin Yumo will not change.

Jin Beisen helped Jin Yu Mo out of the bath. His white shirt was wet. He took the child to the bed and covered his quilt. He took a shower and changed into a casual home clothes.

Zhou Manchun cooked two bowls of delicious noodles and came out a little tired. She took out her mobile phone and sent a wechat to Yu Chen before Jin Beisen went downstairs.

I'm sorry. I have something to do this afternoon. How is Xiao Xin now? Zhou Manchun sent a line to Yu Chen.

Yu Chen stares at the screen of the mobile phone, looks at Yu Xin on the bed of ophthalmopathy, takes a picture of Zhang Yuxin's sleeping face and sends it to Zhou Manchun with a sentence.

She has been much better. I apologize for Xiaoxin and you about this afternoon. It's because I didn't discipline the child well. Don't worry about it.

Zhou Manchun points to Yu Xin's picture. There is a sadness in her eyes. Why does she want to hurt so many people?

Even if Yu Xin really wants to hate Zhou Manchun, Zhou Manchun has nothing to say. She deserves it!

You take good care of him. I'll come to the hospital to accompany her tomorrow. Zhou Manchun is biting her lips, but she doesn't say a word. She slowly taps a sentence on the screen.

Yu Chen replied: you are in a hurry this afternoon. Have you solved everything?

Zhou Manchun: it's solved. Don't be too tired on your own, or ask a nanny to take care of Xiaoxin.

Yu Chen: I don't trust others. I can do it.

Jin Beisen took a bath and went downstairs with light steps. From the stairs, he saw Zhou Manchun staring at her mobile phone, dazed. Her face was still heavy. Her mobile phone was tinkling, and she didn't know who was sending wechat.

It wasn't until Jin Beisen came to Zhou Manchun's side that Zhou Manchun regained his mind. He shrank his eyes in fear and immediately turned off the mobile screen.

"Beisen, are you here, hungry? I cooked a large row of noodles. " Zhou man said quietly.

"Who are you chatting with, so excited." Jin Beisen's seemingly peaceful words are actually filled with jealousy and sour.

"It's Yu Chen, didn't I tell you? Xiao Xin is in hospital with pneumonia. " Zhou Manchun explained calmly.

"You seem very unhappy. What happened?" Jin Beisen just observed that Zhou Manchun's face was not very good. He didn't know whether she was about Xiaomo or Yuxin.

"In fact, it's not a big deal, but in the afternoon, the little girl asked Yu Chen and I in the hospital if they were divorced. She couldn't understand this. She was disappointed with me and had a bad temper." Although Zhou Manchun had a smile on his face, he was holding his forehead with one hand. He was very tired.

"It's something she has to accept. Don't be upset. We can't be separated because of one Yu Xin, can we?" Jin Beisen said in a low voice. He put out his hand and put Zhou Manchun in his arms.

Zhou Manchun leans on Jin Beisen. The smell of Fresh Shower Gel comes from the man. She closes her eyes greedily and smells the smell. Her long white arm tightly encircles Jin Beisen's strong waist, unable to sweep her. She says in a low voice: "Beisen, I'm so tired."

Jin Beisen hugged her with heartache, and his heart began to shake unconsciously. Why did he feel that his heart would be stabbed by thousands of people when he heard her cry for tiredness? If he is a bit more ruthless, get rid of Yu Xin, or send Yu Xin to others, and let her exist in the invisible range of Zhou Manchun, will she not be upset?

However, Jin Beisen has already changed. His heart is not as hard-hearted as it used to be. He has been assimilated by Zhou Manchun's kindness. He can't bear to see Zhou Manchun's inability to see Yu Xin. This is like a deadlock. There is no good way out.

After so long together, Jin Beisen heard Zhou Manchun say tired for the first time. His heart was even worse than Zhou Manchun.

The man Mo Mou tiny MI, the facial expression on the handsome face is mixed with some kind of distress, "tired depends on in my bosom to have a good sleep, what words can say to me, don't bear these alone, you know?"

Jin Beisen stroked Zhou Manchun's head slowly, just like his father's strong and broad chest when he was a child.

Zhou Manchun was moved by the watery tears, the sour nose and the wet apricot eyes. Others said that the highest level of marriage is that the other side treats you as a daughter.

Jin Beisen tolerated her too much. Zhou man was very happy. She must have accumulated virtue in her last life to marry him.

Zhou Manchun drooped his eyes and smiled bitterly. He got out of Jin Beisen's arms and said, "eat noodles quickly. They are all going to paste."

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