Zhou Manchun looks at Yu Chen with complicated eyes, and knows what Yu Chen is worried about. She sighs in her heart. This matter is really not something she can make a decision on alone. The most important thing is the idea of the child. If Yu Xin is willing to follow her to Jin's house, she will persuade Jin Beisen, for fear that Yu Xin will not. Jin Beisen is not that kind of man.

The corridor full of disinfected water was a little silent. Three people were waiting at the door of the emergency room quietly. No one spoke.

The emergency room door was opened. Zhou Manchun was the first to rush forward. The chief paediatrician came out of it. He had just made a precise examination for Yu Xin.

"Director Li, how is the child?" Zhou Manchun asked anxiously.

Director Li took off his mask and smiled when he saw Zhou Manchun. "Doctor Zhou, it's no problem, but the children don't agree with the local conditions. Her work and rest habits and diet in the United States are different from those here. In addition, it's almost autumn. The virus is easy to invade the body. The immune system of the children is not very good. Now the high fever has come down. Just pay more attention."

"Thank you." Zhou Manchun breathed a long sigh of relief. Hearing director Li say Xiaoxin is OK, his heart was calm at last.

"Oh, by the way, I'd like to remind you that don't let your child get too excited. She doesn't have a good cold yet. Emotional excitement is easy to cause coughing. Try to make the child cough less." Director Li smiled kindly.

"Well, we'll pay attention." Zhou Manchun nodded, his hands tightly tugging at his corner, and said gratefully.

"Dr. Zhou doesn't need to be so polite to me. Everyone used to be colleagues. Why should I thank you for such a small thing?"

"I'm not the doctor here now. Thank you for your care." Zhou Manchun also said modestly.

When Zhou Manchun was the director of Cardiology Department of Jiaru hospital, she and the directors of other departments also knew each other. When we had a meeting, we often met and greeted each other. Zhou Manchun was very popular, especially with men. So long after Zhou Manchun left, those doctors often casually talked about Zhou Manchun in group meetings.

At noon, Yu Xin was pushed out of the emergency room by the paramedics. She was wearing a brooch on the back of her thin hand. The salt water penetrated into her skin one by one. She closed her eyes in a dazed and painful way.

Zhou Manchun sat on the edge of Yu Xin's bed and looked at the little guy's face. It was painful. She shook her lips helplessly. Suddenly, the tip of her nose was sour and tears came into her eyes. A drop of tears came down her white cheek and wet the quilt cover.

"Xiaochun Don't cry. " When Yu Chen saw Zhou Manchun crying, he got together and wanted to rush forward and hold her in his arms.

Zhou Manchun blinked his eyes, took a deep breath, wiped away his tears with the back of his hand, raised a smile desperately and said, "I'm ok, don't cry."

Thousands of Molly really can't stand a sensational look, quietly out of the ward, to the hospital outside to buy lunch.

Although Zhou Manchun and Yu Shen have been divorced, Qian Molly has a deep premonition that she can't integrate into his life no matter how long she uses it. If she cries today, Yu Chen will never respond.

Qian Molly feels that she is also a bitch. She never forgets Yu Chen because of love. Maybe one day she won't treasure it. She patted her head and swore in a low voice: "Qian Molly, who do you like? Why do you like a man who doesn't have you in his heart?"

But, like is like, some people fall in love is a lifetime, no matter how to persuade herself today, she will be very firm like him the next day.

Qian Moli is a little depressed, but she doesn't hate Zhou Manchun. She just hopes that Zhou Manchun can be further away from Yu Chen, or that Zhou Manchun can take Yu Xin away. In this way, Yu Chen has no excuse to find Zhou Manchun. Zhou Manchun, who is called by Yu Chen for three days, really makes Qian Moli uncomfortable.

Zhou Manchun and Yu Chen are in the ward, but they don't say a few words. Zhou Manchun is worried about Yu Xin, and Yu Chen's attention is all on Zhou Manchun.

Yu Chen sits at Zhou Manchun's left rear and looks at her carefully. His eyes are greedy and red fruit. He is eager to take Zhou Manchun as his own. He only regrets now. Why did he bring Zhou Manchun back!

After Qian Molly bought lunch, Yu Xin just woke up. Qian Molly specially bought the gruel with preserved eggs and lean meat that Yu Xin liked. She didn't know if she wanted to eat it now, so she bought it first.

Yu Xin lies on the bed and slowly opens her eyes. She moves her arms uneasily and feels uncomfortable.

Zhou Manchun quickly found out that she woke up, opened her eyes, smiled kindly and said, "how are you, little Xin? Is it hard or not? "

Yu Xin tightly closed her mouth and didn't want to talk with Zhou Manchun at all. She turned and saw Qian Molly coming in with two bags. Yu Xin said wearily, "aunt Molly."

Thousand Molly smiled and her face was much better. It's hard to hear Yu Xin call her so initiatively. Since she was ill, she didn't talk to people very much. If it goes on like this, thousand Molly will wonder if Yu Xin is a little autistic!

"Xiaoxin, you are so lovely. Do you feel better?" Thousands of Molly gently walked to the other side of Yu Xin.

Yu Xin slants her to look at her, silly smile way: "Molly aunt, did you buy skin egg thin meat congee?"

The thousand Molly exclaimed, "well It's amazing. Our little Xin's nose is really smart. Does it look good? "

Yu Xin's fever has just subsided, but her head is still a little dizzy, but she is very strong and says, "well, yes, I'm not suffering now."

"That's great. Do you want to eat congee with preserved eggs and lean meat? My aunt feeds you. " Thousand jasmine is very kind to look at Yu Xin, give a kind of cordial feeling.

Who could have thought that the female lawyers who are usually cold and tall also have the tender side? It's really amazing.

Zhou Manchun's heart is a little lost. She purses her lips and feels like a redundant idle person. She shouldn't stand here and don't know what to say. Yu Xin's ignoring her makes her feel embarrassed.

Did she really do it wrong?

For a while, Zhou Manchun did not control his depressed mood, and the voice of sighing came into the ears of all.

Yu Chen shakes up Yu Xin's bed. Hearing Zhou Manchun's sigh, he is filled with too much helplessness. His hand suddenly froze and his movements stopped abruptly.

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