"Little Xin, do you want to miss your mother?" Yu Chen's magnetic voice was mixed with a little excitement. He felt a little despicable, but he couldn't help it.

In fact, Yu Xin's hospitalization for pneumonia was an accident, but Yu Chen designed some plots for Zhou Manchun to come to the hospital to see Yu Xin. The divorce between Yu Chen and Zhou Manchun was also what Yu Chen told Yu Xin personally. Yu Chen made use of the good nature of his children to let Yu Xin play with him.

Yu Xin is very simple and doesn't understand the right and wrong grudges between adults. Yu Chen tells her that as long as you play with your father obediently, mom will come back to us, and Yu Xin does the same, showing a very disgusting look to make Zhou Manchun sad.

Yu Xin nodded straightly, "well, Xiao Xin thinks of her mother, Dad, isn't it because my mother won't come to see me when I'm out of hospital?"? Do I pretend to be sick? My mother will come to see me when I am ill. "

Yu Chen's fingertips trembled and held Yu Xin's small hands. For a while, he felt uncomfortable. What kind of man was he? He was so despicable that he used a three-year-old boy. Fortunately, Yu Xin didn't help him, or he would not lift his head in front of Zhou Manchun.

According to sumuni's information, Jin Beisen has gone on a business trip these two days, which is undoubtedly a good opportunity for Yu Chen.

"Xiao Xin, my father will take you out of the hospital today. Where do you want to play?"

Yu Xin hangs her head, and in her shining eyes, she can't stop the childishness on her face. "I want my mother to play with us."

"Then you call your mother, you tell her." Yu Chen takes out his mobile phone and hands it to Yu Xin. He smiles warmly.

Yu Xin thinks it's a good idea. Click on the phone book of Yu Chen's mobile phone, and click on Zhou Manchun's name, Xiaochun, to call her.

Zhou Manchun is just in a meeting at the moment. Seeing Yu Chen's phone call, she doesn't answer it. The business director of Manchun mall is making a report there. She initiated an initiative to increase the creation of the theme environment of Manchun mall. Zhou Manchun listened to his suggestion and felt very interesting.

Before long, Yu Chen called her again, but Zhou Manchun still didn't answer. Ten seconds later, Yu Chen's wechat sent a voice. Zhou Manchun pasted his mobile phone to his ear, but accidentally pressed the sound reinforcement, and the voice content was played out, echoing in the quiet conference room.

Voice content is like this: Mom, what are you doing? Why don't you answer the phone?

Zhou man was so pure-hearted that he was surprised. He was also a little pleased. Unexpectedly, Yu Xin would send wechat to herself. Isn't the little girl angry with herself?

The people in the conference room looked at each other and looked at Zhou Manchun in a fog. How could there be a little girl's voice suddenly? And call Zhou Manchun mother. As we all know, Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen have a son.

It's said that Zhou Manchun and Yu Chen had a daughter when they were in the United States. Is that the voice in the cell phone their daughter?

The managers of all departments pretend to be indifferent, as if they haven't heard the voice just now. Nobody dares to talk behind their backs. This is the rule of JS international. Employees are not allowed to talk about the boss's private life behind their backs. Jin Beisen hates people who chew their tongue the most.

"Director Zhang, your suggestion is great. Let's do it. Create a theme every month, design according to the most popular elements, and give me the design draft before the 20th of this month." Zhou Manchun said meticulously that this was the first time she presided over the meeting since taking office. Although Jin Beisen was not present, she was not as nervous as she expected.

"Yes, President Zhou." Director Zhang replied seriously.

Due to some farce, the meeting ended in a hurry. Zhou Manchun returned to the office and immediately called Yu Chen.

Yu Chen is cutting the apple for Yu Xin at this time. The cell phone on the bedside table suddenly rings a nice piano sound. It's a song that Zhou Manchun played before. It's recorded by Yu Chen to make a cell phone ring tone.

"Dad, it's mom, it's on the phone." Yu Xin is sitting on the bed with her mobile phone in her pink princess skirt. She has already finished dressing up. Her pink face is like a red apple.

"Take it, Dad, and peel the apple." Yu Chen's heart was shaking, but he didn't reach out for his mobile phone. He also knew that it was not good to call Zhou Manchun to the hospital every day, so he didn't have the face to open this mouth. Yu Xin was the most favorable trump card in his hand.

At the moment, Yu Chen was very glad that he had adopted the child.

No matter what relationship he and Zhou Manchun will become in the future, this child will always be the fetter of both of them.

Yu Xin picked up the phone with a smile. She was lying on the bed with her head askew innocently, only to hear the pure and gentle voice of Zhou in the phone.

"Aachen." Zhou Manchun didn't know that it was Yu Xin who answered the phone. He smiled.

"Mom, I'm Xiaoxin." Yu Xin's smile was soft, and the whole person was like soaking in a honey jar.

"Little Xin Are you feeling better? " Zhou Manchun asked with concern that the pencil in her hand was drawing back and forth on the white paper, and she didn't know what she was scribbling. Anyway, she would be so nervous.

"Mom, I'm ok. The doctor said I could be discharged today." Yu Xin's smiling, lively voice makes people listen to the tip of their heart.

Zhou Manchun pursed her lips and smiled, holding the corner of her lips? That's good, Xiao Xin. Don't catch cold again after discharge. "

Yu Xin was silent for a while, and made an eye toward Yu Chen. The little girl's eyebrow was frowning. Yu Chen's hand holding the fruit knife was slightly stunned and stagnated in the air.

"Well Mom, I miss you. Can I see you today? I want to go out and play. " Yu Xin repeated what Yu Chen had taught her before.

The innocence of children's tone, after all, let Zhou man pure heart soft.

Zhou Manchun also has her own concerns. Although she promised Jin Beisen that she would not visit Yu Xin so often, today Yu Xin is discharged from the hospital, and the little girl still calls. After Zhou Manchun's consideration, she still feels that she should visit her.

"Well, you're still in the hospital. Mom will pick you up after work." Zhou Manchun looked at the clock hanging on the wall, and felt that the time of the afternoon passed quickly, as if it would gallop.

"Mom, what time do you get off work?" Yu Xin asked with Jiao.

"About four o'clock."

"Mom, many people are off work at four o'clock. Can't you come here now? Will you come now? " Yu Xin's pure eyes looked at Yu Chen and said.

Zhou Manchun clenched his lips and stared at the clock for a few seconds. Now it's 3:15, and there are still 3:15 hours to get off work. Anyway, today Xiaoxin is discharged from the hospital. She went to see her earlier.

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