"What can I do for you? I divorced Xiaochun, right? But she is Xiaoxin's mother. She comes to sleep with Xiaoxin at home. Does it need your consent? What are you? " Yu Chen wiped the corners of his mouth, but his bony fingers were stained with blood.

"I think you're looking for your own death." Kang song tightly clenched his fist and creaked.

"Get out quickly. If you don't leave, I'll call the police." Yu Chen was furious and threatened.

"Call the police, yes, call the police." Kang song sneered scornfully, and there was deep sarcasm in his eyes.

The atmosphere in the living room was very stiff. Zhou Manchun was also waked up by the quarrel downstairs. She opened her eyes vaguely, as if she heard Kang song's voice. Looking around, Zhou Manchun was shocked. How could she be here? Her memory lingers in coaxing Xiaoxin to sleep. Did coaxing Xiaoya to sleep coaxed her to sleep?

Open the door, two men's quarrel more real into her ears, Zhou Manchun hurried downstairs, some dazed standing there.

There was a bloodstain on the corner of Yu Chen's mouth, his clothes were not neat, and Kang song's fist was clenched. It seems that they had a fight just now.

It's just that Yu Chen is not Kang songdi's opponent. He lost miserably!

"What's the matter? Did you fight? " Zhou Manchun swept the stagnant atmosphere around his eyes and felt that his heart had spread to a certain degree of depression.

Yu Chen and Kang song have a good understanding. No one has spoken, but Zhou Manchun can see this picture.

"I say are you young or not? Kang song, why did you hit him? " Zhou Manchun's angry tone came, and her eyes fell on Kang song.

Kang song was almost stared at by Zhou Manchun and his face was red. He bowed his head in shame, bit his lips and said, "it's already half past eleven. President Jin can't get through to you all the time. Let me pick you up and go home."

Zhou Manchun's face trembled and her heart beat missed half a beat. Then she suddenly recalled that she had forgotten Jin Beisen!

After bathing Yu Xin, she was so sleepy that she would fall asleep with her. It's over. Is Jin Beisen misunderstood?

"Let's go." Zhou Manchun said, turning around to the sofa and picking up the bag to find the mobile phone.

"Xiaochun." Yu Chen looked at the back of Zhou Manchun's decision, and cried out without saying anything.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Manchun looks back, but he has been pressing the home key of the mobile phone. His head is in a mess. He hasn't been back to his mind yet. Why doesn't the mobile phone light up?

Yu Chen turned his head away in a hurry, his deep eyes mixed with some disappointment

Zhou Manchun has been observing his mobile phone, how not bright? Is the mobile phone broken?

"Well." Zhou Manchun responded with a perfunctory tone.

Kang song's car stopped at the front door of bieyuan on the left bank, got on the car, Zhou Manchun sat in the passenger seat, frowned and asked, "what's wrong with my mobile phone? Can't drive all the time, is it broken? "

"How could it be so easily broken? There should be no electricity. Is madam going to call president Jin? Use my cell phone. " Kang song takes out his mobile phone from his pocket. When he looks at Zhou Manchun, his eyes become dark.

Zhou Manchun takes over the mobile phone and immediately calls Jin Beisen. Jin Beisen immediately connects the phone, but is silent.

Through her cell phone, Zhou Manchun could feel Jin Beisen's anger. She bit her lips and felt deep guilt at the bottom of her eyes. After a while, she said, "Beisen."

"Well." Jin Beisen responded with indifference. He had long guessed that it was Zhou Manchun who called with Kang song's mobile phone. Only women would be so uncomfortable. Kang song is a person with a very direct personality. He can say what he has and won't swallow.

"I I accidentally fell asleep at Yu Chen's house. I was tired by coaxing Xiao Xin to sleep, so I fell asleep. Beisen, don't be angry. " Zhou Manchun's eyes drooped, his face was tired, and his whole heart was in panic, so he was afraid of Jin Beisen's anger.

"Oh." Jin Beisen said coldly. His self mocking sneer crossed his heart. He didn't want to talk more.

Zhou Manchun, Zhou Manchun, you promised me that you would go to see Yu Xin in the future, and you would ask me what I mean. I was coaxed by your bravery. I slept in Yu Chen's house. Maybe I slept in the same bed. Now I pretended to be a nobody. Why?

Jin Beisen's heart was very unhappy. It was like he was blocked by a dirty thing. He didn't want to talk, and his brow was very deep.

The atmosphere is eerie and frightening. Jin Beisen's word "Oh" completely panicked Zhou Manchun. She explained incoherently: "Beisen, it's not what you think. Yu Chen and I haven't happened. The child is still there."

"What will happen? What do I think? Where did you send the desert? " Jin Beisen's cold words are like ice, shooting at Zhou Manchun.

Three sharp questions, Zhou Manchun is speechless in an instant. She bites her lips with all sorts of guilt and tries to explain them, but the person at the other end of the phone says: "think about it for yourself, whether you did it wrong or I did it wrong. Call me after you think it through."

Then, there was a "toot toot" disconnection on the other end of the phone

Zhou Manchun's show eyebrows are frowning. The whole person is worried. After so many years of love, this is the first time Jin Beisen has hung up her phone!

It seems that Jin Beisen is really angry this time!

Zhou Manchun looks at the dark screen of his mobile phone and stays for a long time, just arriving at the villa.

She picked up her bag, jumped out of the car, threw off her flat shoes, and walked angrily to the bedroom.

Zhou Manchun turned on the light and immediately charged the mobile phone. Today, she played outside with Yu Xin for a long time. She took a lot of photos of Yu Xin. She forgot to charge her mobile phone when it ran out of power. She turned on her mobile phone and looked at it. Jin Beisen had made many calls to her mobile phone, but she didn't answer them.

No wonder Jin Beisen would be angry. Zhou Manchun slapped his head with chagrin and fell tired on the bed.

When the light turned off, the room suddenly turned dark. Zhou Manchun curled up in the quilt, grabbed the quilt and sniffed it. There was a sharp hormone smell from the man. Zhou Manchun missed Jin Beisen so much at the moment. Her face was upset and she summoned up courage to call Jin Beisen. After two or three rings, Jin Beisen hung up!

He didn't take it!

Zhou Manchun's heart is even more flustered. She feels sick of headache. This is her old problem. Before every cold, the symptom is headache. Occasionally, she gets tired and has nervous headache.

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