When he hesitated to call Zhou Manchun, Jin Shuwen called in. She said that Zhou Manchun had a high fever. After lying in the hospital for two days, Jin Beisen immediately left his job and rushed back to city A.

After returning to city a, Jin Beisen went straight to the hospital where Zhou Manchun was. Last night, he narrowed his eyes with her.

Zhou Manchun had a high fever and Jin Beisen didn't sleep well. One night, he was afraid to go to sleep. He changed four pieces of fever relief stickers for her.

Fortunately, Zhou Manchun's fever finally subsided when he woke up this morning.

As for the work in Switzerland, Jin Beisen has sent uncle Zou over.

Jin Beisen's face was calm, but he gently put her in his arms. In his quiet voice, he could not hear any emotion and asked, "is it still hard for people?"

Zhou Manchun shook her head. When she woke up today, she felt refreshed. She didn't know how hard Jin Beisen had worked to take care of her last night.

Last night, Zhou Manchun slept on Jin Beisen's arm. Jin Beisen's arm was numb, but he didn't say a word and clenched his fist silently.

Zhou Manchun faintly felt the arm behind her neck was exerting force. She suddenly widened her eyes, sat up from Jin Beisen's arms, and asked anxiously, "Beisen, did you lose your arm?"

She sat on the bed and carefully bent the man's arm.

"Not for the first time." Jin Beisen moved his arm. When the arm was not numb, he put Zhou Manchun in his arms again.

"You Still angry with me. " Zhou Manchun listened to Jin Beisen's awkward tone and felt sour in his heart. This man must still be angry.

"Well, very angry." Jin Beisen said frankly.

Zhou Manchun nunuzui, drilling into Jin Beisen's arms, said smilingly, "but you can't let me go. Come to see me as soon as you return home, right?"

Zhou Manchun is also simple. He thinks that Jin Beisen has finished his work as before, so he comes back to see her, but he left his work to see her.

After this incident, Jin Beisen learned a lesson. No matter where he went on business, he would take Zhou Manchun with him, or his wife would really run with others.

Zhou Manchun has no intention, especially for her good people. She has no doubt. Her head is simple and she doesn't think that Yu Chen and Su Muni collude with each other.

This time, it's very dangerous. Fortunately, Jin Beisen came back in time.

"Don't be funny, are you better? Is it hard or not? " Jin Beisen said sternly on his face, but he held out his hand gently and measured the temperature on Zhou Manchun's forehead.

"I'm done, Beisen. Do you want to miss me?" Zhou Manchun laughs, soft as a child.

"I don't want you. Why do I fly back?" Jin Beisen looks at Zhou Manchun, with a relaxed smile on his eyes. He doesn't know what the woman thinks, but he doubts whether he wants her or not.

When Jin Shuwen called Jin Beisen, he was having a very important business meeting. He didn't finish the meeting, so he left his work and flew over.

"Have you finished your work?" Zhou Manchun asked later. She usually didn't ask about Jin Beisen's work, because he always finished the work smoothly and didn't need her to worry.

"Done." Jin Beisen reached out his hand and stroked Zhou Manchun's eyebrows slowly. There was a little hesitation in his mind. He was still wondering whether to tell her that he had left work to see her. But he didn't want to add trouble to Zhou Manchun's disciples. He liked to see her smile on her face.

"That's good. Are you tired? Or sleep a little longer. " Zhou Manchun raised her eyes just to Jin Beisen's tired eyes, and her mood suddenly became turbulent.

Up to now, JS international has already globalized its industrial chain. JS international has cooperated with many European and American countries. Some customers are easy to get, and Jin Beisen will let his subordinates go. As for those customers that are difficult to get and some very large lists, Jin Beisen will run by himself.

Since Zhou Manchun returned to China, Jin Beisen has been reluctant to leave her. She knows that Zhou Manchun is a family lover and doesn't like to run around with him. The main part of Jin Yu desert is still small. If Jin Yu desert has grown up, Zhou Manchun will surely go with Jin Beisen in peace.

Jin Beisen shook his head, his sharp eyes fixed on Zhou Manchun, his thin lips moved gently, and said slowly, "don't you want to tell me what you have done these days?"

Zhou Manchun reached out and rubbed his frown. He said with a careless smile, "what can I do? I miss you so much every day. "

Jin Beisen pushed her away, and his eyes narrowed into a slit? Where is the little desert? You left the desert to find your ex husband again? "

Zhou Manchun's face sank, his heart "cluttered" for a while, and he turned his mouth and said: "what are you saying? Where am I going to find Yu Chen? I'm going to find Xiao Xin. "

"Is there a difference between the two?" Jin Beisen sneered in a low voice.

"Of course, there is a big difference. In short, I didn't do anything sorry to you. Xiaoxin left the hospital the other day. She called me to say that she wanted to go out and play. The child rejected me a little before. Now it's not easy to relax with me. Can I not go?"

"How do you know that Yu Chen didn't want to see you and deliberately used his children as a cover?" Jin Beisen picked up his eyebrows and squinted at her.

"Is he so boring? Beisen, I know. I don't like Yu Chen. " Seeing Jin Beisen's face getting darker, Zhou Manchun tried to explain.

"I know you can't bear Yu Xin, but she is an outsider after all. Xiaomo is our child. You sent Xiaomo to my grandparents' house like this, and didn't ask him what he meant. Isn't it irresponsible?" Jin Beisen said with some displeasure.

"I didn't ask him where. I asked his opinion. Xiaomo would like to go, Beisen. I don't think about it properly. I won't do that in the future." Zhou Manchun's eyes drooped with shame, and the eyelids became more and more heavy.

Jin Beisen pursed his lips and didn't speak. Instead, he held Zhou Manchun tightly in his arms and sighed wistfully, "Hey, what should I do with you?"


"Don't say anything," Jin Beisen held out his finger and gently pressed it on Zhou Manchun's red lip. "I want to forgive you this time, but you have to accompany me on business later."

"Then don't I have to go to work?" Zhou Manchun asked with a sneer. For a moment, she thought Jin Beisen was possessive.

"I support you. What class are you in? You are not by my side, I have been thinking about you, and my work efficiency is very low. "

Zhou Manchun smiled and gave Jin Beisen a big kiss with his slender fingers on his forehead. "OK, I will accompany you next time."

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