"Her name is Yao Huanyu. She is a doctor in a hospital in Switzerland. She cured Xiaomo's disease. She is not from city A. here, she doesn't know anyone. Who will pick her up if I don't?"

"She is a person from another city, what is she doing in city a alone?" Zhou Manchun asked aggressively, as if smelling a smoke in the air.

Women will be brave, often because of two kinds of people, one is men, the other is children.

Women are weak in nature, but they are strong in their mother's life. However, women also struggle with their thoughts and means in the pursuit of true love.

Zhou Manchun guessed that Yao Huanyu must have come to city a for Jin Beisen, but how could Yao Huanyu be so familiar with the name? It seems that where she heard it, Zhou Manchun was stunned by Qi. When she calmed down, she suddenly recalled that Yao Huanyu had studied in the UK. They all graduated from the medical department of Oxford University, but Yao Huanyu was one year older than her, and her tutor was different.

"She has no parents in City C and doesn't want to go back to the place where she is sad." Jin Beisen explained patiently.

"So You've been with her all afternoon? " Zhou Manchun raised his eyebrows and his red lips were full of sarcasm.

Jin Beisen pursed his thin lips, and after a few seconds of silence, a wave rose in his calm eyes, "are you doubting me?"

"Jin Beisen, I found that you have been changing the topic tonight. Are you in the heart? I just want you to have a clear answer. Are you always with her this afternoon? " Zhou Manchun's tone was a little excited. She stared at Jin Beisen's cool eyes, her heart was shaking, and her face was sneering.

"Yes." Jin Beisen replied calmly.

Chanel five is a classic lady perfume. No man usually smells this perfume. In the evening, Jin Bei Sen went back to the villa, and with the perfume that he brought, Zhou Manchun suspected that he had gone out with a woman in the afternoon.

Zhou Manchun was silent. He felt that Jin Beisen was about to cry. A sour rush came up from the tip of his nose. There was a kind of hot liquid in his eyes. She bit her teeth and asked wrongly, "so you've been with her all afternoon? I didn't reply to wechat, but spent the whole afternoon with other women. "

Women's sixth sense, sometimes it's really scary. For example, Zhou Manchun, her sixth sense has always been very accurate. Since Jin Beisen didn't reply wechat, she faintly noticed that Jin Beisen was with other women, just didn't know what they were doing together, and who was that woman!

Zhou Manchun's eyes had already been filled with tears. Her eyes were red. She wanted to cry, but she tried to restrain her tears.

Seeing Zhou Manchun's charming appearance, Jin Beisen's anger in his heart suddenly subsided for more than half of the time. He couldn't see Zhou Manchun's tears most. Just now, he didn't use a very fierce tone to talk with her, but he couldn't control his anger for a while, and the tone was a little harsh.

Jin Beisen is also aggrieved. He and Yao Huan are clear and innocent, but Zhou Manchun mistakenly thinks that they have an affair. Sometimes women are suspicious. It's terrible.

With his long arm outstretched, Jin Beisen hugged Zhou Manchun into his arms, and his tone suddenly softened a lot. His cold personality is not like the warm man of Libra, and he can comfort people. Jin Beisen has never been able to comfort people, but he knows the importance of Zhou Manchun to him, and the quarrel in the evening hurt his feelings.

Zhou Manchun struggled twice in Jin Beisen's arms, frowning uneasily.

"Wife, don't be angry. She and I really have nothing. Yao Huanyu has just come to city A. I accompanied her to get familiar with some places near her home. After all, she is our life-saving benefactor in Xiaomo. It depends on Xiaomo's face. Don't be angry." Jin Beisen's strong long arm tightly clasps Zhou Manchun. He refuses to let Zhou Manchun struggle in his arms.

After a long time, Zhou Manchun gradually calmed down. She thought she might be a little bit cautious. What's her anger with Jin Beisen for a stranger she never met? If Jin Beisen wants to cheat, will he still coax her here?

This time, she seems to have wronged him again

Just when Zhou Manchun's thoughts drifted away, a deep and clear male voice suddenly sounded in his ear, "I will take you to see her tomorrow, and you will know when I see her."

"I'm not going. Why should I see her?" Zhou Manchun is a little calmer, but she is not willing to see Yao Huanyu.

Zhou Manchun still knows what Yao Huanyu looks like. When she was studying in medical college, she was recognized as a beautiful woman. Yao Huanyu is a Libra, and a Libra woman is very good at flirting with Chinese people. In this regard, Yao Huanyu is very well used.

Jin Beisen smiled at the corner of his mouth and rubbed his fingers on Zhou Manchun's waist. "Don't you doubt my relationship with her? After I show you, I can rest assured. "

"I don't want it!" Zhou Manchun refused decisively, her eyelashes quivering, and she thought to herself that she could not lower herself to go to find Yao Huanyu. If Yao Huanyu was really interesting to Jin Beisen, they would meet.

It's just that Zhou Manchun didn't expect this meeting to come so soon.

This night, Jin Beisen and Zhou Manchun were tired. After they made up, they hugged each other and went to bed. The next day, they woke up late. Until half past seven, Jin Beisen, Zhou Manchun and Jin Yumo went downstairs together and suddenly saw Yao Huanyu sitting on the sofa.

Jin Beisen's Mo Mou is slightly Lin, and her expression is stunned. He didn't expect Yao Huanyu to come here, and he didn't know what she was doing. He squinted at Zhou Manchun beside his eyes. Zhou Manchun's face was calm, but his eyes were not good at looking at Yao Huanyu.

Jin Yumo saw Yao Huanyu and went down the stairs laughing. He looked very friendly and rushed up and shouted: "aunt Huanyu..."

Zhou Manchun glanced at Jin Yumo's back. Unexpectedly, his son was not so reserved. He could not hold back when he saw the beauty.

"Ah, desert." Yao Huanyu stands up. She is wearing a simple gray shirt and a white skirt. It's very simple and elegant. It gives people a fresh feeling. In addition, Yao Huanyu laughs. There are two shallow dimples, which give people a more cordial feeling.

Jin Yu Mo goes over and kisses Yao Huan Yu's cheek. His big eyes are just like blooming brilliance. His eyes are staring at Yao Huan Yu. "Aunt Huan Yu, when did you come to city a?"

"I came yesterday. Is Xiaomo happy to see me?" Yao Huan Yu touched Jin Yu Mo's hair and hugged him into his arms.

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