"Ha ha This is also true. After all, no one can fly on the branch to become a Phoenix. " Yao Huan said sarcastically, but his face was indifferent.

"Yes, the reason why the Phoenix can fly to the branches is that it is the Phoenix itself, and how can some pheasants not fly?" Zhou Manchun chuckles and scoffs at the corners of her mouth. She doesn't know how to play pun.

Yao Huanyu was so angry that she wanted to satirize Zhou Manchun. She was addicted to her mouth, but Zhou Manchun reversed the situation and made Zhou Manchun laugh at herself.

Yao Huanyu's performances, in a popular sentence on Weibo recently, are about where the pheasant is playing for himself.

"Ah I'm going to have an operation, Mrs. Jin I'll talk later when I have time. " Yao Huan's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, put his hands in the bag of his white coat, and said with a frivolous look.

Zhou Manchun is also very disgusted with chatting with Yao Huanyu. With such people, he always feels that he can't find a common topic. How can we chat? If two people chat, even the words are competing, then why waste saliva?

However, Zhou Manchun just had a mouth addiction, the heart is very happy.

After saying goodbye to Yao Huan, Zhou Manchun proudly walked to the nurse's station and saw Jiang Jingqi writing with her head down. She was as absorbed as she had been many years ago. Zhou Manchun lifted her lips and smiled, cleared her throat and coughed twice: "cough..."

Jiang Jingqi's right hand with a pen, eyebrows slightly frown, she seems to hear Zhou Manchun's voice, is it her own illusion?

After half a sound, she just raised her head and smiled at the clear and transparent eyes of Manchun last week.

"Xiaochun, how did you come here?" Jiang Jingqi quickly put down her pen, turned around, trotted out from the nurse station, and stood in front of Zhou Manchun.

"I come to see you. Haven't I seen you for a long time? Are you busy now? " Zhou Manchun looks at her quietly with her face on her side. The soft line of her face is too beautiful to move her eyes.

Jiang Jingqi said with a smile, "I'm not busy now. Did you take the time to slip out?"

"Yes, I'm not here to see you. I'm here to see my future son." Zhou Manchun's head hung down in a gentle manner, and his round apricot eyes stared at Jiang Jingqi's flat abdomen.

"Baby, do you hear me? Your mummy has come to see you." Jiang Jingqi said with a very cooperative smile, with a soft smile on her side.

"Have you talked to Dr. Yang?" Zhou Manchun sat down with Jiang Jingqi and asked with a smile.

"Well, he was so happy. Now he's going to have an operation." Jiang Jingqi shrugs, even her gentle voice line is sweet and warm.

"It's so nice. If you have a daughter, you will be our daughter-in-law, and have a son and brother."

When Jiang Jingqi heard Zhou Manchun's words, her heart was also full of joy. Her red lips were slightly hooked. She said wittily, "baby, do you hear me? Your godmother said that if you are a woman, let Xiaomo marry you."

"Xiaoqi Let me ask you something. Is Yao Huanyu still popular in the hospital? " Zhou manpure out of selfishness, tone jiaochen asked a sentence.

"I think it's funny to talk about this. Yao Huanyu was so angry with us. On the first day she came to work, the doctors in our department were talking about her at the morning meeting in the office. She just heard a few hard words. Hahaha Her face was so black that she couldn't hold it, but the woman could bear it. " Jiang said heartlessly, but she admired Yao Huan's calmness.

If it were her, Jiang Jingqi would not be able to breathe.

"Is it? What are you talking about her? " Zhou Manchun picked the eyebrows and began to be curious.

"I didn't say that. Anyway, those big people in our department don't like her."

"How much do you dislike?" Zhou Manchun's face was full of curiosity. When he heard Yao Huanyu, he was not very popular in Jiaru hospital. He was very happy.

"You know, Yao Huanyu once came to Jiaru hospital, he wrote down Yiming. Yiming didn't say it, but she was not happy. Why did that woman take the fruits of Yiming's work for many years? All these years, the heart doctors are very emotional, just like a family, Yao Huanyu's arrival is like an aggressor, no one likes her anyway. " Jiang Jingqi curled her mouth and looked proud.

"Shall I ask the dean to pull down Yao Huanyu and make Dr. Yang the director again?" Zhou Manchun has made an abacus. Yao Huanyu is her rival. She deals with her rival. It's natural and natural!

At this moment, Zhou Manchun had an impulse to suppress Yao Huanyu, but he hesitated for a while when he thought that Yao Huanyu was the doctor in charge of Jinyu desert.

However, Zhou Manchun asked Jiang Jingqi what she meant. As long as Jiang wanted Yao Huanyu to abdicate, she immediately asked Yao Huanyu to abdicate.

Xiao Mo's medical history, Zhou Manchun, has been studied. In fact, it is not very complicated. But few doctors in China can do this operation.

Jin Yumo's congenital heart disease is a relatively rare heart disease, which rarely occurs in China. Doctors naturally have little practical experience. But Zhou Manchun feels that she can do the operation. Although she is no longer a doctor, she has not read a few medical books. Zhou Manchun has lost all the knowledge she should learn.

"Here It's not very good. Let's forget it. Save the trouble. You don't have to be angry, Xiao Chun. I know you're for me and Yiming. I'm very grateful to you, but let's go first. If Yao Huanyu is a fox, he'll always make his way. " Jiang Jingqi drooped her eyes and smiled shyly, with a calm expression.

"Xiaoqi You've really matured a lot in these years. " Zhou Manchun's Apricot eyes moved, and her eyes gently scanned Jiang Jingqi. Jiang's appearance did not change much, but her character changed a lot. The girl who was a little humble but not confident finally became confident.

"Thank you for your praise," Jiang said quietly, suddenly reaching out to hold Zhou Manchun's hand. She smiled and said to her side of her head, "Xiaochun, I miss your working days in the hospital very much. Sometimes, when colleagues in the Department have a dinner, you are often mentioned."

"Is it? That's my pleasure. "

"You don't have to be modest. You have to come back more when you have time." Jiang Jingqi looks at Zhou Manchun with a reluctant face, and her eyes are shining.

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