"Well, I hope you can remember what you said today, and I will make you pay for your actions." Kang song's eyes were cold, and he stared at Ouyang fiercely. Unexpectedly, he was so stubborn in Ouyang. He could not persuade him.

"Ah..." Ouyang just tasted a sip of tea with a calm face. Today's tea is not as sweet as it used to be, but rather bitter.

Ouyang is also very strange. Is it his heart or his tea?

Kang song's whole body exudes the breath of senhan. He warns: "if you do anything unjustly, you will kill yourself."

Ouyang was not deeply touched. He did something wrong, but he didn't inject the virus into Jin Yumo's body. Even if it was retribution, it was sumuni's first retribution.

Jiaru hospital.

It was half past ten in the night.

Mr. Ren and Mr. Yu have gone home to have a rest. Only Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen are left in the ICU. Before the test report of Jin Yumo comes out, he will stay in the ICU.

Zhou Manchun's heart was burning. His apricot eyes stared at Jin Yumo. He didn't know whether the child was asleep or not. How could he not wake up.

Zhou Manchun blamed herself. She recalled that she had taken a lot of birth control pills in the early stage of pregnancy. If she could not take those pills at that time, her body would not be damaged. Knowing that she was pregnant, Zhou Manchun was determined to give birth to the baby in spite of the opposition of the doctor. She just felt that since the baby had come to her side, she could not easily Give up on him.

She wanted to make a bet, but Jin Yumo was born with congenital heart disease. Zhou Manchun did not expect that the consequence of her willful persistence was to make her children suffer.

She knew it would be like this. She would not have given birth to this child at the beginning. Zhou Manchun had never seen Jin Yumo's whole body full of pipes. But she could think of that. Such a small child could not speak or convey his pain like an adult. He could only cry. What a cruel thing!

Xiaomo, it's all bad for your mother. It's making you suffer. Zhou Manchun's eyes trembled, and reached out to touch Jin Yumo's right hand. There was a warm temperature on the back of his hand. Zhou Manchun's nose was suddenly sour, and his tears fell silent.

Jin Beisen is sitting beside Zhou Manchun, with a serious look on his handsome face. He sits there in silence and suddenly understands Zhou Manchun's feelings. At this moment, Zhou Manchun's heart is full of guilt. Isn't he?

Jin Beisen blames himself for being too stubborn. He fell in love with Zhou Manchun at first sight. However, Zhou Manchun suffered a lot from his wavering heart. At the same time, he also harmed their two children. If he had settled his relationship with Zhou Manchun earlier and put Lin Xingyan down earlier, things would not have developed like this.

Jin Yu Mo is lying on the bed quietly. His lovely little face looks dead today. His face is pale and the whole person is vulnerable.

Jin Beisen looks at Zhou Manchun. He stretches out one hand and covers it gently on the hand that Zhou Manchun put on Jin Yu desert. The other hand, unconsciously, stretches out to hug Zhou Manchun in his arms.

Neither of them spoke, because at this moment, it's meaningless to say more. Zhou Manchun doesn't want Jin Beisen to know his guilt, and Jin Beisen is also selfish, and doesn't want Zhou Manchun to see his vulnerability. They keep quiet tacitly, but the two hearts are tightly integrated.

"Dad Mom, woo Where is this? " It wasn't until more than one o'clock in the morning that a tender voice began to ring in the ward.

Zhou Manchun's face was happy and relieved. God knows how sleepy she is now. She and Jin Beisen dare not even close their eyes. They wait for him to wake up so quietly. Now they finally wait!

"Xiaomo, this is the hospital. How do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable? This afternoon, you were injured in kindergarten and then sent to the hospital. " Zhou Manchun just said lightly, without mentioning anything bad.

Jin Yu Mo frowned slightly, and his little face wrinkled, "woo It turns out that's it. "

"Little desert, you close your eyes and go to sleep. Mom and dad are here with you all the time." Jin Beisen said in a calm voice with a rare tenderness.

Jin Yu Mo put a smile on his pale face and said wisely, "Mom and dad are sleeping, too."

"Well, you go to bed first." Zhou Manchun 's delicate face had a smile on it. She reached out and touched the small smooth face of Jinyu desert. The big stone in her heart was finally put down.

Jin Yumo soon fell asleep. In the ICU ward, there was a large bed beside him. It was specially prepared for Jin Beisen and Zhou Manchun, but neither of them lay down.

Jin Beisen looked at Zhou Manchun's face with two light dark circles around his eyes, and said softly, "Xiaochun, go to sleep first, and give it to me here."

"No..." Zhou Manchun shook his head and his eyes were firm. "I don't sleep. You should go to rest. You have to go to work tomorrow."

Zhou Manchun has been with Jin Beisen for so long. She knows that Jin Beisen has a strong sense of career. This man can't let go of his work, just like he can't let go of Zhou Manchun.

"Work can be put aside for a while. Go to bed, you are good." Jin Beisen pulled Zhou Manchun's body up. Even though the little woman looked reluctant, he was cruel and took her to bed.

Zhou Manchun just lay down, immediately frown to sit up, soft tone said: "Beisen."

"Well, I'm here. Close your eyes and go to sleep. What can I do tomorrow?" Jin Beisen said with a gentle smile, holding out his knuckled fingers and pressing Zhou Manchun's body down.

Zhou Manchun just touched the pillow, he was sleepy. After yawning, he fell asleep.

This night, Jin Beisen sat up till dawn, which was not the first time for him. During his treatment in Switzerland, Jin Yumo was the most tired day in his life.

Meanwhile, JS international investigation department.

All the staff of the investigation department are working overtime. This department is not actually called the investigation department. On the surface, it's called the marketing department. JS international has two marketing departments. The investigation department is called the marketing department. It's just to cover people's eyes and say something nice. After all, there are so many things that the investigation department can do. It's not good to be too aboveboard.

The stars are shining out of the window. Tonight's night is very romantic. All the stars seem to pour down.

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