"This is the gold of Zhou's group. Although their company is incomparable with ours, their daughter is very beautiful. Moreover, a yeast technology newly researched by their family has obtained international patents. If you can marry her, it will certainly help your career in the future." Lin Qingyun has already made it clear that Qian Jingang of Zhou's group has not long returned from studying abroad, and his son is quite compatible.

"What do you mean, dad?" Lin Minghao's thin face was full of doubts.

"Don't you like her?" Lin Qingyun saw his son's mind, and he still had a little favor for the girl.

"I think she looks good, which I like, but I hope my love is pure and not mixed with any impurities." Lin Minghao said seriously on his face that he is a man who is very responsible for his feelings. He has never loved before and will not love someone easily.

Lin Qingyun's unusual eyes suddenly fell on Lin Minghao. He smiled and exclaimed, "son, I can't imagine you're still a lover, but dad tells you that sometimes it's a smart choice to carve two birds with one stone. You should plan for your future."

"I see, Dad."

"The Starbucks in crystal street in Tianyi Square tomorrow evening, you can go straight to it after work and have a meal with others."

Liminhao nodded to understand, but his eyes fell on his father's mobile phone again. He was full of expectation for the girl on the screen.

The sunset in summer is particularly beautiful, which has dyed the whole sky light orange. Zhou Manchun walked out of the hospital, which brings a lot of good mood.

Driving back to Jin Beisen's villa, Zhou Manchun is still full of yearning for her future life.

520 Haibin road.

Jin Beisen enters the door with his front foot, and Zhou Manchun enters with his back foot.

Jin Beisen put Zhou Manchun in his long arm. He didn't see her for a day. He missed her a little.

"Back." Jin Beisen's chin is on Zhou Manchun's head. There is a good smell coming from her hair. He can't help shaking his heart. He just wants to hold her tighter and deeper

"Yes." Zhou Manchun leans on Jin Beisen's chest and allows him to hold himself tightly. This embrace, in such a moment, gives her a sense of security.

"Do you want to miss me?" Jin Beisen's face is deceiving. His thin lips gently cover Zhou man's pure and soft lips. He slowly sucks for her beauty.

"I "Well." Zhou Manchun was kissed by Jin Beisen before he came to answer. All the words he wanted to say were drowned in their love.

Mrs. Wang, wearing an apron, was about to walk back to the kitchen room. When she turned around, she suddenly saw this scene. She was shocked!

Zhou Manchun saw Wang Ma's stunned face and hurriedly pushed Jin Beisen away. "Wang Ma is here," he said

Jin Beisen looked unconcerned and said with a smile: "this is my home. You can be Wang ma. It doesn't exist, does it, Wang ma?"

Wang Ma nodded stupidly, "well, yes, I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything..." Wang Ma is very funny to say, as she lowers her head and rushes into the kitchen.

Zhou Manchun was about to die of shame. Her delicate face was dyed with two blushes. She tooted her lips and said, "can we not do this in the future? I just want to die when Wang Ma sees me."

"What does it matter? Mrs. Wang is here too. She can understand. "

Zhou Manchun still felt that she couldn't get over this ridge. She avoided Jin Beisen, walked towards the living room, registered her bag on the coat rack, and sat down uneasily.

There's something she's putting off. She has to say it tonight.

Jin Beisen also followed in a funny way. Seeing Zhou Manchun suddenly full of worries, he raised a strange arc on his cold face.

"What? Have something to say to me? " Jin Beisen narrowed his eyes and sat down opposite Zhou Manchun.

Zhou Manchun nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. His clear eyes looked from east to west. They turned up and down. Jin Beisen was very uncomfortable with the way he wanted to talk and stop.

"Say it." Jin Beisen said coldly, isn't this woman very free and easy? Why is it so weird tonight? What did she do outside to be sorry for herself?

Jin Beisen feels that his sixth sense is always accurate and terrible, so he hates suspicion the most.

"There is one thing, but you must promise me that you can't be angry with me after hearing it." Zhou Manchun's beautiful apricot eyes were faintly sad. She couldn't understand Jin Beisen's character, but she was sure that Jin Beisen would be very angry after hearing this.

Zhou Manchun also thought about not saying it and concealing it, but when he thought about what Jin Beisen knew, Zhou Manchun decided to confess.

"First of all." Jin Beisen smiled slowly and leaned back in his chair. He wanted to hear what tricks the woman wanted to play.

"Promise me first, or I won't dare say it." Zhou Manchun frowned slightly and said earnestly.

"Good." Jin Beisen is not the kind of person who can't hold his breath, but in front of Zhou Manchun, he is very urgent.

"I went home last week, and then my mother asked me to go for a blind date. I didn't want to go either, but I was forced by her to be helpless..." Zhou Manchun bit his lips, looked at Jin Beisen innocently, looked at his face more and more dark and gloomy step by step, and she dared not go on.

"Go, why not?" Jin Beisen said in a mixed voice, smiling at the same time. It looked very strange.

At this moment, Zhou Manchun either does not want to live, will say he wants to go!

"I won't go." Zhou Manchun clenched her teeth, thinking of betraying her mother and Jin Beisen. She'd better choose the former, because the latter is so terrible She can't stand it!

"Why not? Maybe you can marry a golden tortoise son-in-law after I abandon you. " Jin Beisen is very ironic. His thin lips make a crooked arc, and the smile on the corners of his mouth becomes deeper and deeper.

The surrounding atmosphere began to become depressed. It was such a dangerous smile that made Zhou Manchun's heart racing wildly. Now she was crying silently. She knew she would not say it, and would not make so many troubles if she didn't go directly.

"You don't have to satirize me like that. I won't go." Zhou Manchun said decidedly.

"No? So what do you say to me? Didn't I just want to go? Yes? Afraid to be found by me secretly and die worse? So choose to be frank and lenient? " Jin Beisen's sinister eyes glared fiercely. He had seen through Zhou Manchun's careful thoughts.

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