"I'm sorry, you can't go in." One of the men in black stretched out his hand and stood in front of Yao Huan Yu impatiently. He had never seen Yao Huan Yu before.

"I'm Yao Huanyu. You can go in and give a briefing to the people in the ward, or you can call your master and ask him. He will let me in." Yao Huan said with a high and angry attitude, how could a little bodyguard bully her?

"Please leave." The man in black still said coldly. Seeing Yao Huanyu's arrogance, he refused to let her in.

In order to prevent Jin Yumo from being hurt twice, Jin Beisen strengthened security, and the guards guarding the hospital corridor changed from the first ten to twenty, and each of them was from elite troops.

Yao Huanyu was so angry that she didn't know what day it was. Did she forget to see the Yellow calendar when she went out? How could she keep bumping around?

Even if he was bullied by Zhou Manchun, now he is still angry with a group of bodyguards. Yao Huan grins at the big brother of the bodyguard and says angrily, "OK, wait for me!"

The man in black didn't pay attention to her, but stood there with his lips tightly closed and his expression indifferent. He would not be afraid of her!

In recent days, I don't know where to let it out. On and off, someone pretends to be a doctor or a nurse and wants to come in to see Jinyu desert, but they are all stopped by the man in black. Zhou Manchun has told the whole hospital, except the president, vice president, surgical director, hematology director, Liu Bingjie, Jiang Jingqi, Weng Jingjing, Yang Yiming, the rest can't come here F1

The man in black thought that Yao Huanyu would walk away. After all, he was a woman. A big man couldn't be rude to her. But instead of walking away, Yao Huanyu stood by and made a phone call.

Besides, this call is directly to Jin Beisen.

Jin Beisen and Zhou Manchun happened to come out of the doctor's office. They had already reached the floor where Jin Yumo was. Jin Beisen's cell phone rang suddenly.

Jin Beisen is just about to answer the phone, and you Leng 's eyes are right on Yao Huanyu. She stands there in a rage. She doesn' t look like she used to. Seeing Jin Beisen, she looks aggrieved.

Zhou Manchun glances at Yao Huanyu lightly, and doesn't know what she's doing here. She's a cardiologist, and Xiaomo is not her son. Would she be so kind to Xiaomo? There must be an attempt.

Women's sixth sense is often accurate. What Zhou Manchun thinks is exactly what Yao Huanyu really thinks.

If Jin Yumo is not Jin Beisen '.

It's a pity that Yao Huanyu made a wrong calculation.

"Beisen, I'm here to see Xiaomo. He won't let me in." Yao Huan's lips were red, and he began to complain in a very aggrieved way.

Jin Beisen glanced at the man in black. He was silent and didn't explain anything. He was calm and calm.

"Xiaogao doesn't know you. Why did he let you in? Don't be surprised, doctor Yao. Xiaogao is also for the safety of Xiaomo. " Zhou Manchun held Jin Beisen's arm and never let it go. She smiled leisurely, her red lips raised, and her eyes melted.

"I'm just worried about Xiaomo. I want to see him." Yao Huanyu's beautiful face flashed a bit of embarrassment, but it soon eased.

"Thank you for Dr. Yao's kindness. I'll thank you for Xiaomo." Zhou Manchun smiled faintly, but it was not from his heart.

If Yao Huan Yu doesn't have a little thought for Jin Beisen, Zhou Manchun will welcome her, but Yao Huan Yu comes to Jin Beisen in the name of the child, which makes Zhou Manchun very upset.

Isn't it Xiaomo's doctor when he was in Switzerland? Is there such a cow?

Zhou Manchun thinks Yao Huanyu's level is just like this. She even denies her bacteria. It seems that her professional theory is not solid enough.

"Can I go in and see him now?" Yao Huan said with a smile and a very gentle look.

"Of course." Zhou Manchun curled his mouth and put his posture very high. He didn't put Yao Huanyu in his eyes at all.

Zhou Manchun was deeply disgusted with Yao Huanyu. Unexpectedly, Jin Beisen met such a woman when he was in Switzerland. Somehow, Zhou Manchun suddenly recalled what Yu Yina said to her that day. When Jin Beisen was in Switzerland, he was seriously ill.

Then, who was the one who took care of Jin Beisen?

Is it Yao Huanyu?

At the thought of this, Zhou Manchun's heart was full of unhappiness. She walked into the ward without saying a word, only to see the noisy joy in the ward.

Yu Shen and ye Junwen have both returned to work, but Yu Yina and Jin Shuwen are free, so they are still in the ward with Xiao Mo, and the three are playing card games.

"Hahaha My aunt lost again. " Jin Yumo's hearty laughter came from the ward. He took out a long post it note and pasted it on Jin Shuwen's face.

Everyone looked at the three people in the hospital bed with a surprised look. They saw that the faces of Jin Yumo, Jin Shuwen and Yu Yina were pasted with post it notes respectively. They were playing the game of "touch card is bigger than size". Whoever has the biggest card can paste the smallest one.

Jin Shuwen doesn't know if she's lucky or not. She's lost to a four-year-old child. She's very unbalanced. If it wasn't for Jin Yumo to be four years old, Jin Shuwen really doubts whether Jin Yumo is making a fortune. Every card he draws is bigger than her. It's unscientific!

"Ah Wait a minute, I'm going to wash this deck of cards well, Xiaomo. Are you cheating? How do you always win? " Jin Shuwen turned her mouth and asked unwillingly. Her face has been pasted with post it notes by Jin Yumo, but there are only two pieces of Jin Yumo's face, which doesn't affect his handsome face at all.

"Auntie, I don't want to frame me if you play. Is Xiaomo very sad, Auntie Nana, do you think so?" Jin Yumo looks like a crafty old man. The thief smiles.

Zhou Manchun looks at Jin Yumo's appearance and grins gently. She pulls Jin Beisen's sleeve and says softly, "Beisen, it reminds me of our time in Las Vegas Casino."

Zhou Manchun always thought that Jin Beisen was such an upright person who could not gamble. But who knows, he was very skillful in gambling, and basically could not lose, and did not know where Jin Beisen learned from.

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