"What will you do one day when you are old?" Jin Beisen asked. At that time, he was also very upset.

After all, uncle Zou has been with Jin family all his life. From Jin Jiahe to Jin Beisen, two generations, uncle Zou watched Jin Beisen grow up.

"I'll be old when I'm old. Don't I have president Jin? Don't you want me when I'm old? " Uncle Zou pretended to be very aggrieved, took a sniff, but also learned to sell cute.

"Of course not, uncle Zou. I'm serious. In my heart, you have to kiss more than my uncle. My uncle is not so nice to me."

"Mr. Shi's business is over, and Mr. Jin doesn't have to blame himself." Uncle Zou's indifferent smile, he has experienced too much, so anything can be opened.

If you are alive, you should live well. Except that birth, old age and death are big things, other things are small things.

It's just that many young people don't understand these principles. The love they didn't cherish when they were young, when they get old, they will find it more difficult to meet.

"Mrs. Wang is very good. She is also a poor woman. If you want, you can live with her." Jin Beisen never likes to be nosy, but he is very concerned about Uncle Zou's lifelong happiness.

Uncle Zou was silent for three seconds. There were several black lines on his face. He lowered his head and said with a twitch at the corner of his mouth, "president Jin, don't make fun of me."

"Isn't it for your consideration? A person so many years, you are not lonely? Even if it's not lonely, there's still a physiological need. " Jin Beisen glanced up at Uncle Zou with a bad smile on the corner of his mouth. He didn't know how to solve the physiological needs of Uncle Zou these years.

"Don't you still have hands? Don't say anything about me. Tell me about yourself. Take this child and don't disclose his identity. Are you still waiting for Miss Zhou? " Zou Shumi's eyes narrowed, and Jin Beisen's eyes narrowed.

I didn't expect that Jin Beisen inherited his father's long and special love. Lin Xingyan in the past was really nothing, because the two people didn't spend a long time together, and they didn't touch each other for a long time. They basically relied on chatting, but Jin Beisen and Zhou Manchun actually exchanged their true feelings.

"Yes, I'm waiting for her, uncle Zou. Do you think she will come back?" Looking at the last sunset, Jin Beisen suddenly recalled the scene of making a snowman with Zhou Manchun in this place for the last time.

At that time, they also imagined that today, a year later, they would come with their children to make a snowman and see the snow together.

"President Jin I'm sorry, but I still don't have a clue about Miss Zhou. " Zou Shu lowered his head and had a deep magnetic voice.

"It's OK. No news is the best news. I believe she must be alive. If she doesn't come back, I'll be your partner and become a bachelor together." Jin Beisen's mood seemed to smile steadily, but the corner of his eyes was inexplicably moist.

"Love is a terrible thing. I didn't expect Jin would fall in love one day." Uncle Zou smiled, shook his head and said with emotion.

"You said Is it that I used to be too bad for her? I always hurt her. She was angry at her, so she didn't come back. " Jin Beisen frowned, his heart ached, and he even felt the urge to cry.

He has lived for so many years, and no one has ever made his heart so fragile. Jin Beisen is a diamond heart, but because of Zhou Manchun, it has become a glass heart, which will be broken when others touch it.

"Miss Zhou will come back if she knows you love her so much." Said uncle Zou with a moving face.

In the corridor.

"How are you? Did you find out? " Jin Beisen stood opposite to Uncle Zou with a sinister face, and also followed Zhou Manchun.

"Kang song broke in, but Ouyang didn't admit it. Kang song didn't find any equipment to do bacteria experiments in Ouyang's place." Zou Shuyi looks like he's worried. It's like there are tens of thousands of hearts in front of him.

At present, Dr. Ouyang has become their biggest obstacle. Xiaomo's illness will take a week. Zhou Manchun is most worried about whether he can find out the bacteria in Xiaomo's body at that time.

What if this bacteria is still hidden and hasn't yet happened?

Or is there no bacteria in the desert?

However, the chance is very small. Zhou Manchun has basically determined that the body of Xiaomo has been injected with germs by sumuni.

Although Xiaomo had heart surgery when he was very young, it didn't hinder his blood clotting function. Because of the fall, he was bleeding all the time, which made Zhou Manchun a little flustered.

"It's impossible. Is there any secret room in Ouyang family?" Jin Beisen said coldly, with a kind of indifference and a thin lips.

"Mr. Jin, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot, because when Kang song broke in, Ouyang was cooking tea. His action was in a hurry, but he still pretended to be very calm."

"How much do you find out about Ouyang's personal data?" Jin Beisen's face is tight, and his face doesn't show any emotion.

"Ouyang went through a lot of places, and we found a very important problem, that is, when Ouyang University secretly fell in love with a girl named Li Yi, who was also the university tutor of his wife." Zou Shuyang looked at Zhou Manchun and said with a deep face.

The air is a little condensed in a moment, and Zhou Manchun's brain is a little disordered. For a while, he hasn't figured it out. How can Ouyang and her university tutor Li Yi get involved?

Uncle Zou smiled suddenly. He knew that Zhou Manchun had been dizzy. He calmly explained, "does Miss Zhou know who Li Yi's husband is?"

"Well, I know. I've heard from my teacher that it's a man named Sean. He's my teacher's senior. I used to go to their house for dinner. Mr. Li is very kind to me." Zhou Manchun frowned and recalled how he felt that this matter was becoming more and more complicated?

"How is Li Yi and Sean feeling?" Zou Shu asked another question. Zhou Manchun was more puzzled by his unfathomable appearance.

"It's very good. Sean opened a company in England. After Mr. Li took me out, he and her husband went around the world together. I haven't contacted them for a long time, and I don't know where they are now." Zhou manchunnuo mouth, eyes and eyelashes.

Last time I contacted Li Yi, it was before Zhou Manchun returned home, when Li Yi was in India.

"That's right, but I'm also guessing. Li Yi and Sean are a couple, and Ouyang secretly loves Li Yi. He must have received emotional intelligence because of this, so he's upset. And you are Li Yi's student. Ouyang must have promised Su Muni that he was in trouble with her, or Su Muni gave Ouyang a very rich reward." Uncle Zou concluded that over the years, he has investigated too many things, many people's gratitude and resentment, but from a "feeling" word.

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