This kind of love, don't talk about it, today didn't get married in the Civil Affairs Bureau, Yu Yina felt very sorry, but now in retrospect, it's a lucky feeling.

Zhou Manchun often tells Yu Yina that she wants to tell her sister when she is wronged. Yu Shen's behavior today is really unworthy of being his future husband. Between her mother and her, Yu Shen has obviously made a choice.

Family love is blood thicker than water, how to give up constantly!

Yu Yina felt that she was really stupid. She cried wildly, letting the tears flow across her face.

Yu Yina thought that Yu Shen was different from other men. At that time, Yu Shen firmly held her hand at the racetrack, which moved her very much. Yu Yina thought that Yu Shen would always be like this, and protect herself in front of Lu Wanyu. But she thought too much after all.

Since ancient times, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been a constant topic. Yu Yina deeply envies Zhou Manchun's marriage to Jin Beisen. At the same time, she has a good couple of parents-in-law. She and Yu Shen cannot get married or be together. Maybe that's life.

A familiar hug suddenly pulled her into it. Yu Yina raised her head in tears. She knew it was Yu Shen without guessing. There was always something she liked about him.

Yu Yina pushed him away with emotion, biting her teeth to death, her eyes twinkled with anger, and the eyes of Yu Shen changed instantly, just like seeing the enemy.

"What are you doing?" Yuina's face was cold, but her heart was full of pain.

"Nana You listen to my explanation. It's not what you think. What I said in the ward just now, don't worry about it. I believe in you. I believe in you all the time. But my mother has a heart attack. I don't want her to be emotional. Do you understand me? " Yu Shen's strong arms tightly entwined Yu ina, and her cold eyes were even more secretive.

Yu Yina struggles and dances in Yu Shen's arms. "You let me go. What's the point of saying that now? Your mother has heart disease, so you go to accompany her. What do you care about me? "

"Nana, will you calm down? I know it's me who's wronged you. I'm not good. " Yu Shen looks guilty. He hangs his head and struggles inside.

"Don't say anything. I've lost. In front of your mother, I lost completely without dignity. Have you ever thought about my feelings? If you had thought about my feelings from my standpoint, you would not have done that just now. I don't understand you. I really don't understand you, and I don't want to understand you. " Yu Yina is holding back her emotions. Her loss is all accumulated together. She takes a breath of anger and works hard. Finally Push Yu Shen away.

"I'm not good, Nana. Please don't be like this. I can't help it. Don't I come out and explain it to you now?" Yu Shen's eyes were light and slightly narrowed, his heart was shaking, for fear that Yu Yina would break up with her.

"Explain? Is explanation still useful now? Why do you men all like this? Why do you have to wait until women are discouraged to explain everything? You are obviously an unnecessary explanation. Why didn't you say that in the ward just now? Your mother splashed dirty water on me, and you dare not speak fair for me, and you still say that you love me. Is that the way you love me? " Yuina took two steps back and felt light.

The setting sun has already set in the west, and the clouds in the sky have been dyed orange. It's very evil, just like the air between the two people.

"Then what can I do? The doctor just called me to talk. She said that my mother's condition is not very good. Do you really want me to piss her off? " Yu Shen stood with his hands clenched, feeling helpless for the first time in his life.

"Did I tell you to piss her off? Your mother didn't like me from the beginning, because of my family background, because of my birth, because of my parents and all my efforts, she couldn't see. In her eyes, I just can't compare with Tang Xiarou. Since you listen to her so much, you should marry Tang Xiarou, you are your great filial son, and I Will have nothing to do with you. "

The war between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will break out, often because her husband is too useless. Even though Yu Yina hasn't experienced this, but watching TV shows, she will understand that Lu Wanyu's attitude is clearly a standard evil mother-in-law. If she is really married to Yu, how will she live in the future.

A bit of sinister things flashed through Yu Shen's eyes, and he said coldly, "don't you believe me then?"

Looking at him and laughing, yuina was in a trance. She sneered and said, "yes, ah Shen, let go. No matter what we do, we can't stay together forever. Your mother hates me very much."

Yu Yina has a sour nose and two lines of clear tears on her face. Suddenly, the picture of the first communication with Yu Shen in her senior year suddenly appears in her mind.

At that time, it happened to be a physical education class. Yu Yina was accidentally hit by a basketball. Yu Shen's hero rescued her and went to the clinic. Their love began in that physical education class. However, it no longer exists.

Yu Shen is biting his teeth unbelievably. He looks fierce. His eyes gather and stare at Yu Yina. Suddenly, he steps forward and holds Yu Yina's shoulder with his hands. "No, I will let my mother accept you."

"In this way, you don't have to say to me, ashen. I know how terrible a marriage without parents' blessing is. Let go of it. While we are not deeply in trouble, you can let me go and help yourself. Your parents have paved the way for you so well that I envy you. Your mother is realistic, but she is right. I will only give you the Yu family when I am with you Shame. " Yu Yina clenched her teeth and enunciated clearly.

"How can I be ashamed? You are so good, we love each other so much, no way. " Yu Shen shakes his head crazily, feeling frustrated for the first time.

He has been vaguely aware of the estrangement between himself and yuina. Yuina starts to want to stay away from him crazily, which makes Yushen very uneasy.

Love is a matter of two people, but breaking up is a matter of one person. As long as one person wants to give up, this relationship will naturally end, no matter how persistent the other party is, it is useless.

"Well, you don't deceive yourself any more. Go back, or your mother's heart attack will occur again." Yu Yina's delicate mouth made a smile. Today is definitely the most grey day in her life.

Yu took a deep breath and looked at Yu Yina, but he couldn't calm down for a long time. He suddenly said, "what if I let my mother change her attitude towards you?"

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