After hearing this, Kang song was furious and furious. He wanted to punch Ouyang in the face.

"Hypocrite! Human face and beast heart. " Kang song is biting his teeth angrily, but he has been trapped by Ouyang.

However, the physical examination of jinyumo kindergarten and Su Muni's taking jinyumo away happened to be on the same day. Therefore, except for Su Muni and Ouyang, who knew about the poison, no one else knew at all.

Moreover, on the day of physical examination in Jinyu desert, Dr. Ouyang really went.

"Young man, don't be so angry. Take me to your master." Ouyang is not angry but laughs. He says calmly.

Kang song wanted to raise his hand and slap it on the animal's face. His eyebrows were slightly picked. He held back his anger and said, "I don't think you are afraid of death."

Ouyang smiled and said quietly, "let's go."

Kang song thinks that Ouyang is really a cheap life. When he first came to him, Ouyang pretended not to admit it. He didn't expect to admit it so quickly this time. There must be fraud!

Uncle Zou heard the conversation between Kang song and Ouyang on his mobile phone. He had doubts for a long time. He didn't know what Ouyang said. It had nothing to do with sumuni, whether it was true or not. But now that Ouyang has admitted it, it means that it will be solved smoothly.

Ouyang, like a prisoner, sits in the back of a Mercedes Benz SUV. Uncle Zou sits beside him and handcuffs him. Ouyang feels funny. He hasn't been in a police car in his life. This time, he has experienced it. He feels very exciting. Although it's not a real police car, it's more dangerous than a police car.

In retrospect, the reason why Ouyang would willingly admit the poisoning incident was that sumuni had the last conversation with him yesterday.

Sumuni was afraid that Jin Beisen would involve himself in this matter. He still wanted to force Ouyang to leave, but Ouyang didn't want to. He wanted to wait for Li Yilai in city A. Li Yi was also from city A. Ouyang believed that she would come back.

"If Jin Beisen continues to investigate this matter, he will definitely find it on my head, Dr. Ouyang. Why do you refuse to leave? Do you have to die with me? " With a wig on her head and a very gentle attitude, sumuni put down her body and asked Ouyang.

Sumuni and Ouyang are sitting face to face. Ouyang is not an acute man. He is as calm as ever, makes a cup of tea and says with a smile, "of course not. I'm just waiting for someone. Would you agree to a condition? If you will, I will take all the blame for you. " Ouyang narrowed his eyes and thought that the deal was a good deal. Anyway, Jin Beisen caught him and would not kill him.

Sumuni looked at him incredulously and said, "tell me about it."

Ouyang was close to sumuni and spoke a few words in sumuni's ear. Sumuni looked at him with a very strange look. Unexpectedly, Ouyang was still a love.

At that time, sumuni had no choice but to agree to Ouyang's conditions. Her face was so secretive that she once again hooked her lips and said seriously, "OK, I promise you, but you have to promise me too. Don't go back."

Ouyang said with a faint smile, "don't worry, I've poisoned it, it's nothing to do with you."

In this way, the two reached a consensus once again that Ouyang helped sumuni to answer the crime, but he was the culprit of the case. Sumuni agreed to Ouyang's crazy request and waited for an opportunity.

Yu Yina is finally in a good mood. She has been accompanying Jin Yumo in the hospital these days. Today, Jin Yumo is suddenly shocked and almost scared to death. Fortunately, she is rescued in Xiaomo.

In the evening, Jin Yumo wants to eat beef fans. Jin Beisen orders people to go out and buy them. When he asks what Yu Yina wants, Yu Yina can't think of it, just like Jin Yumo.

Recently, I don't know what happened. Yu Yina has a bad appetite. Maybe she broke up with Yu Shen. Yu Yina hasn't had a good meal for several days.

In her heart, Yu Shen was inexplicably upset. Yu Shen didn't come to her, and she didn't even go to find Yu Shen. Yu Yina occasionally sent a circle of friends. Yu Shen didn't like before any more. She praised her at the first time.

What Yu Yina doesn't know is that Yu Shen often holds her mobile phone and looks at her trends, then becomes dazed and doesn't know what to do.

A circle of her friends will affect his mood all day.

After breaking up with Yu Yina, Yu Shen also quit his job at JS international and went back to Yu's house. He locked himself in the room all day and all night. He didn't even go out for dinner. He was sent by the servant.

Lu Wanyu looks at Yu Shen in a dispirited manner, but she's very angry. She doesn't know what kind of soup Yu Yina has instilled in Yu Shen. She turns her baby son into this.

She and Yu Shen have said it many times, but Yu Shen is like a person who likes to ignore. Lu Wanyu can't hear a word he says. Every time Lu Wanyu talks to him, he looks decadent, lowers his head and keeps silent. He is no longer like the old sunny boy.

Lu Wanyu came out of the bath and went to Yu Hanmo's face and sighed. Yu Hanmo looked at her but didn't speak. He looked down at the newspaper.

Lu Wanyu sat in front of the dressing table with a disgruntled face and looked at herself in the mirror. There were a lot of Lady level skin care products on the dressing table, but she didn't have any idea to dress herself at the moment. As usual, Lu Wanyu came out of the bath and always applied her face at the first time. She was afraid of aging, so she paid attention to maintenance.

Seeing Yu Hanmo ignoring himself, Lu Wanyu unscrewed a bottle of precious skin care products, poured some water and slapped them on her face. Over the years, she had been used to Yu Hanmo's coldness to her. When she was young, Yu Hanmo had some physiological impulse to Lu Wanyu, but now with the growth of age, he was like abstinence, although sleeping with Lu Wanyu every day He was in the same bed, but he was just like a gentleman. There was no hug between them.

Lu Wanyu didn't know how she had come over these years. She swallowed her breath. What was the reason? Before it was for Yu Shen, now even Yu Shen began to disobey her. In her heart, she still felt so wronged. She raised her eyes and looked at Yu Hanmo in a pitiful way.

Yu Hanmo shook his hand holding the newspaper for a while. He seemed to notice a strange look in the air. He raised his head slowly, and said to Lu Wanyu's eyes, which were deeply resentful, with a slow smile: "what's the matter?"

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