The corners of Jin Beisen's mouth are a little crooked, and his heart is a little dark. Zhou Manchun, you envied the love from school uniform to wedding dress, which Jin Beisen never knew.

"Sister..." Yu Yina's face moved and sobbed. She opened her arms and gave Zhou Manchun a big bear hug.

"Silly sister, you still love him, don't you?" Zhou manpure light smile, beautiful eyes circulation, looking at Yu Yina.

Can you not love? How many years of love do you mean you can let go?

Yu Yina curled her mouth, didn't speak, but nodded to Zhou Manchun. She felt that it was hard to speak. She broke up with Yu Shen in the last two days. She said it very definitely. If she bowed her head at the moment, wouldn't she hit her face?

Zhou Manchun looks at her with a Qiao smile and a little red lip. "As long as you two love each other, there's nothing you can't go through."

"But Yu Shen's mother really hates me." Yuina sighed. She was so depressed when she said that.

"It's OK. It's not a big deal. Although marriage without parents' blessing will be very hard, I think Yu Hanmo is pretty good. Nana, if you really marry Yu Shen, there will be a good father-in-law who loves his daughter-in-law the most." Zhou Manchun comforts Yu Yina. Although she is not sure, she has read a lot of people these years. She thinks that Yu Hanmo is quite upright and doesn't seem to be such a powerful person.

Yu Yina nodded her head as if she understood. She was not sure whether what Zhou Manchun said was right or not. There was an ignorant look in her eyes. She hoped more. She and Yu Shen did not break up or quarrel.

In the world of love, Yu Yina is also a person who is uncomfortable. She doesn't want to admit her vulnerability. When she feels uneasy, she will choose to avoid. Just like this time she broke up with Yu Shen. Yu Shen didn't come to her these days. She is probably tired.

The night was gradually thick and the ward was quiet.

Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen lie in the same bed, while Yu Yina lies in the bed next to them. Jin Yumo sleeps in the middle of them. There is a machine monitoring vital signs all the time. When there is a danger alarm, it will ring immediately. Jin Beisen and Zhou Manchun can finally sleep in peace.

Ouyang has been caught by Uncle Zou, but Jin Beisen didn't go to interrogate Ouyang at the first time. Instead, he asked Uncle Zou to imprison him. Today, something happened in the factory over there in London. Jin Beisen was bothered by this matter all afternoon. He was afraid that he had to go to London in person these days. Jin Beisen didn't tell Zhou Manchun in advance. How could he leave this moment Where are Zhou Manchun and Jin Yumo?

After lying in bed for more than 20 minutes, Zhou Manchun still hasn't slept when he saw Jin Beisen. Zhou Manchun is a very sensitive person. When Jin Beisen sleeps, he is quite honest. Generally, he hugs her and doesn't move. But today, he has some small movements. So Zhou Manchun knows that Jin Beisen hasn't slept. Since Jin Yumo was hospitalized, Zhou Manchun hasn't slept all day After a good night's sleep, I would be scared of a cold sweat in the middle of the night. I was afraid that something might happen to Jinyu desert. My sleep state was not very good. I had been in a light sleep state.

"Beisen..." Zhou Manchun gently called Jin Beisen, in a gentle voice, and she knew he was still awake.

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