Sumuni's long fingers were shaking the goblet. The scarlet liquid was swirling around in the goblet, like a whirlpool. She showed a strange smile, which meant that she didn't know: "it's OK. Who else can provoke me?"

Zhongxinrui has known sumuni for so many years. She knows her mind like a finger. The more sumuni says that she is OK, it means something. But she is stubborn and strong. If she doesn't ask carefully, she really can't ask anything.

"How is your cooperation with Yu Chen? When are you going to start this time? " Asked Zhong Xinrui, squinting her beautiful eyes and looking at her.

"Come on, something has happened in the factory over there in London. JS international has decided on this pot." Sumuni said confidently, with his lips slightly raised.

"Are you sure you won't regret it? What if Jin Beisen finds out? " Zhongxinrui is not as brave as sumuni. She is relatively conservative in her work. Unlike sumuni, she is really open-minded. She can take her own life for love.

"What he can't find out, even if he finds out, is what Yu Chen did. It has nothing to do with me." Sumuni smiled with great interest. On the surface, she gave a very simple appearance. In fact, it was the illusion she created.

At first sight, many people will think that sumuni is very delicate, because she has beautiful features. Without heavy makeup, most people will think that sumuni is a gentle woman.

In fact, sumuni's mind is more vicious than snake and scorpion's.

"In the afternoon, Weibo seems to be blowing. What's the matter?" Zhong Xinrui frowned and asked in a fog.

Zhong Xinrui likes to brush micro blog. Every day on the micro blog, she pushes big headlines. What star gossip is exposed on the micro blog for the first time. In the afternoon, Zhong Xinrui brushes the micro blog and sees JS International's hot search. But within a minute, her micro blog is out of order. The page is blank. Zhong Xinrui thinks that her mobile phone is broken and takes out the tablet computer to log on Lu client, I didn't expect it to be the same.

"I don't know. Maybe JS International did it. They hacked the microblog." Su murney smiled coldly and thought, what can Jin Beisen do even if he lets people hack Weibo? Many people have known about JS International's fake drilling. In recent days, JS International's stock is bound to plummet.

"Mooney, how can you use this move so ruthlessly? On the surface, you cooperated with Yu Chen, but behind his back, he took Yu Chen as a human flesh mat. Yu Chen was short of money, so he would not dare to do anything extraordinary, but Are you not afraid of Yu Chen going to find Jin Beisen? " Zhong Xinrui asked with a frown and careful mind.

"What are you afraid of? Even if he went, Jin Beisen would not believe him. Beisen didn't hate him. After all, Yu Chen is a man. They have been rivals since high school. Who can put down his dignity and actively seek peace with his rival? I don't think there will be such a shameless person in the world. " Sumuni stopped the action in her hand, and the liquid in the goblet calmed down slowly. She raised the glass and drank it all at once.

Sumuni always thought that she could guess Jin Beisen's and Yu Chen's thoughts. She never thought that she was wrong this time.

"That's true, and Yu Chen is also shameful. If I were Yu Chen, I would not go to Jin Beisen." Zhong Xinrui nodded in agreement.

They thought the plan was perfect and perfect, but sometimes their cleverness was mistaken by their cleverness. Sumuni was wrong this time.

In the morning of the next day, Yu Chen flew directly to London, England. He got on the plane at more than five o'clock, and it was Jin Beisen's special plane. No one knew about Yu Chen's flight to London. This plan was very well arranged.

In YC group, there is a fake Yu Chen at work every day. Before Yu Chen left, he talked to Yu Shen and roughly explained the cause of the incident. Yu Shen knew that there was an accident in the diamond processing factory in London, and it was a matter of JS international. He was very willing to help, so he went to YC group for Yu Chen every day.

Yu Shen and Yu Chen look very similar. The only difference between them is that Yu Chen looks more mature. Their hair style and hair color are different. In other places, there is no problem. Yu Chen's hair is very dry black, while Yu Shen's hair is flaxen. In order to cooperate with Yu Chen in the play, Yu Shen specially dyed his hair black.

At work, Yu Shen has drivers to pick him up and take him to work. As soon as he enters the company, he wears a pair of sunglasses. In recent days, all the meetings in the company have been cancelled, so he just needs to stay in the office every day. When he gets off work, he will get off work. Even Yu Chen's close secretary doesn't find that Yu Chen is fake.

Sometimes, it's good to have a brother. Although they are half brothers, it doesn't affect their feelings.

Jin Beisen woke up very early today. He plans to go to work. JS international has been caught in the storm of fake drilling. Although the situation was basically controlled yesterday, the stock market is falling. It is related to the work of many people and the interests of many families. The pressure on Jin Beisen is huge.

Just after dawn, there was still a light haze outside the window. Jin Beisen turned over, moved a little, and woke the woman beside him.

Zhou Manchun has been in a light sleep state these days. She has not slept well at all. Her mental pressure is very high. In addition to her fever yesterday, she has not fully recovered today.

Rubbing his bleary eyes, Zhou Manchun's eyes opened, only to see the man beside him smiling and looking at him. His angular side face was particularly handsome in the weak light.

Jin Beisen reached out and pressed her thumb gently on Zhou Manchun's frown, gently smoothing her brow.

Zhou Manchun shrinks to Jin Beisen's arms. These days, Jin Beisen and she have not slept well. She can feel that the dark circles on Jin Beisen's face are obviously deeper than in the past. He is obviously tired, but still smiles at her.

"When did you wake up?" Zhou Manchun's long eyelashes flashed twice, sipped his lips and asked with a smile.

"Just now." Jin Beisen's deep eyes are on her beautiful eyes, but her fingers stay on her delicate cheek and gently pinch her smooth face.

"Are you going to work today?" Zhou Manchun asked uncertainly. Now she doesn't know whether Jin Beisen wants to go to work or not. She knows that Jin Beisen has a strong sense of career. Now Xiaomo is ill, which completely disrupts the work pace of Jin Beisen. Many important jobs can be delayed. Jin Beisen has been delayed.

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