This game is really more and more fun.

However, Xu Ningsheng didn't intend to look on this time with an indifferent attitude. He also decided to participate in the game. After all, he and Jin Beisen have always been dead rivals. In those years, Jin Beisen abused him, which was not the ordinary tragedy.

Lin Zhiyuan silently closed his mouth and listened to the voice in the next box

"You can really put gold on your face. Where are you worthy of me? Compared with beauty, you are less than 1% of my wife, more than talent, she is superior to you, money, neither of us lack, the most important thing is character, you just lost in a mess, I have endured you all these years, is to see you and I have known each other for many years, I think you still have medicine to save, want to put you back on the right path, but I think you look like this, really It's not saved. " Jin Beisen's sharp eyes looked at Su Muni, and his expression suddenly became sinister.

The more she heard it, the more angry she became. Her mood was on the verge of collapse. She felt that her world was about to collapse. She screamed at the top of her voice. The scream lasted for a long time, and the decibel was very high

Jin Beisen looked at her quietly, but saw a sadness and desolation in her eyes.

"It's useless to shut up. I asked you out today to say that if you are willing to cooperate and hand over the antidote obediently, I can spare your life. If you are not willing to cooperate, I promise that your Su family will be ruined." Jin Beisen's eyes narrowed and his whole body exuded a dangerous smell. His magnetic voice had a taste of forbearance. It can be seen that he was exerting himself to restrain his emotions.

Now, it's not the time to ask for sumuni's life, but Jin Beisen secretly thinks that sumuni will not live long. In any case, he will not let this scourge continue to live

Words fall, the air is quiet

Sumuni's head is buzzing, vaguely, only hearing Jin Beisen's indifferent voice just now. His words and deeds, every action and expression are like movie scenes, playing back in her mind.

This man who has made her love for more than ten years, now hates her more than anyone else. Sumuni feels that he is really sad.

Jin Beisen had a smile on his mouth. Before he left, his sharp eyes gave a cool look to sumuni, hoping that sumuni could understand that this was his last endurance limit.

JS international.

Jin Beisen returned to the company quietly, and immediately held a shareholders' meeting, which lasted for three hours. He didn't even have lunch.

In fact, the main content of this meeting is to exert all efforts to suppress sushi bank. JS international offered to terminate all cooperation with sushi bank, which means that a large amount of expensive termination fee will be paid. Jin Beisen estimated that JS international would lose at least one billion, which is not a small amount, but compared with his family, Jin Beisen thought it was nothing 。

In the conference room, the atmosphere was very low. All the shareholders were dressed in uniform black suits and sat in their seats seriously.

JS international recently seems to be guilty of being too old, and those shareholders are not in a good mood. Today, Jin Beisen held a temporary shareholders' meeting, and everyone is guessing, what's the matter?

But Uncle Zou can clearly guess Jin Beisen's mind. Actually, Jin Beisen and uncle Zou discussed to terminate the contract with Su's Bank. At that time, uncle Zou advised him to focus on the overall situation, so the plan was delayed.

To this day, Jin Beisen really can't stand it.

"It's not a rush to call you for a meeting today, but it's just that we want to terminate the cooperative relationship with SJS bank. In the future, JS international will never have any cooperation with SJS bank." Jin Beisen sat on the throne, his knuckled fingers loosened his tie, his movements were wild and uninhibited, and he looked forward with disdainful expression.

You are the shareholders. Look at me. I look at you. Everyone is confused. What happened? Good point, why does Jin Beisen want to terminate the cooperative relationship with sushi bank?

The cooperation between JS international and sushi bank has lasted for 25 years. From Jin Jiahe to Jin Beisen, the cooperation between JS international and sushi bank has been very good. Sushi bank also offers the lowest price in the industry, which brings great profits to JS international.

Insiders know that Su Qingyan did this because of Su Muni. Who makes Su Muni like Jin Beisen?

Before Zhou Manchun's appearance, the relationship between sumuni and Jin Beisen was very ambiguous. Although Jin Beisen always made it clear that she had no interest in sumuni, sumuni didn't think so. She felt that she had a high price and that marrying Jin Beisen was the right thing. There was no such a saying that she was high-tech, so sumuni always had confidence in herself.

Everyone praised sumuni's beauty, just like a noble princess. Sumuni had been used to such praise since she was a child, so she thought she was elegant and generous, which matched Jin Beisen very well.

"President Jin, can I ask why? When JS international and sushi bank terminate their cooperation, the loss of profits is not simply millions of yuan. " Shareholder Wang frowned. He is a very old man. This year, he will be able to retire and provide for the aged. I didn't expect Jin Beisen to come here again. It's very tiring.

"You can rest assured that I will pay you no less than the dividend the company should give you." Jin Beisen's eyes narrowed slightly and glanced in the direction of shareholder Wang. He was very clear about the ideas of shareholder Wang, and even every shareholder present. They didn't agree with each other. It was nothing more than money.

"Well, there must be a reason, or what will the outside world say?" Shareholder Li frowned, took a deep breath and said with a little stability.

"How can the outside world say that it is an external matter? I came to you today to announce the cancellation of cooperation. From today, at this moment, JS international has cut off contact with sushi bank. I hope that you will order the senior management of your staff to do a good job relative to it." Jin Beisen's face was a little cold and his eyes were strangely staring at the people present.

Shareholder Li swallowed his saliva. He was almost the same age as shareholder Wang. He followed Jin Jiahe to fight with the people in Jiangshan. It has to be said that the economy soared rapidly in recent years, and the money was much better than before, but the business was more and more difficult to do. Every year, there are companies that fail. It is absolutely impossible for a company as big as JS international to fail, but the contract date hasn't been set yet At that time, we will terminate the cooperation without permission and cooperate with other banks in the future, for fear that there will be some problems.

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