JS international is like unloading a heavy burden. Su's Bank has done a lot of business in recent years. The cooperation companies are not without small cooperation, and there is no big list. Basically, they can't earn much money by these cooperation.

"Yes, what's the matter with me?" Su Muni continued to play dumb and her voice sounded soft. She didn't even dare to say to Su Qingyan that Jin Beisen had come to find her own business at noon.

In silence, Su Qingyan's tone was thin and cool, but he was pressing the people's heart, "Muni, what have you done to the Jin family?"

Su Qingyan is still patient at the moment. After all, the cooperation has been lifted. He has no way to reverse the situation. He just hopes his daughter can be more conscious.

After all, Su Qingyan can't see the expression on her face through her mobile phone. It's a late autumn, but she's sweating because of tension. Even her expression is very stiff.

"What can I do to the Jin family?" Su murney said with a sneer and a sense of helplessness in her words. She really hoped that she could pose some threat to the Jin family so that Jin Beisen could marry her.

But it turns out that she thought too much.

Now sumuni only hopes that Jin Yumo's condition will become more and more serious, so that she will have a chance. Ouyang is detained by Jin Beisen in the laboratory to do bacterial experiments. Sumuni knows more or less that this medicine has no antidote, and it is impossible to develop it in a short time.

Sumuni also knows that Li Yi will arrive at city a tonight, but this doesn't mean that Jin Yumo can be saved, because ouyanggen has never developed an antidote.

"What did you do? Don't you know? And ask me. " Su Qingyan said solemnly.

After a period of silence, sumuni still didn't give an answer. She looked very tired and lay on the bed feebly. She said: "Dad If I'm tired, don't force me any more. I don't want to say anything. I'm staying out tonight and I won't go home. "

After that, sumuni hung up. In order to prevent Su Qingyan from calling again, sumuni turned on the mobile phone in flight mode.

Jiaru hospital.

At about 3 p.m., Jin Yu Mo woke up for a while, and Zhou Manchun fed him something. Although he didn't eat a lot, he ate some anyway.

Zhou Manchun sat on the sofa with a sad face and a sullen look.

Her thin body is embedded in the leather sofa opposite the hospital bed. In her hand, she holds a book called "Jieyou grocery store". This book was sent to her by Qianmu Shi. Just at noon today, Qianmu Shi sent Zhou Manchun four novels by Kono Guiwu, namely, "malice", "Jieyou grocery store", "white night trip" and "the sacrifice of suspect X".

When she received qianmushi's package, there was also a letter in it. The content of the letter was very short. She wrote it like this.

Dear Xiaochun, how are you? I was at the airport when I wrote this letter to you. I didn't know who to talk to. Suddenly I felt so lonely. I divorced Wen Si Yu. Maybe divorce is a relief for both of us, but I'm so sad. I think I may be in love with him, and you have loved a person, so I know you know my pain. I am going abroad. I haven't decided where to go for the time being. It may be America, Italy or France. I always want to go to France. I want to go to this romantic city to see lavender in Provence and elephant trunk mountain on the coast of the town of eteletta. Originally, he said This year, I took me to France for Chinese New Year. I was excited to be a child and made various strategies on the Internet.

But in fact, all I have done is in vain, just as I love him in vain. I don't know how he put up with me for two years. Since there are other women in his heart, why did he provoke me at the beginning?

No, maybe I deserve it. At the beginning, I was the first one to provoke him. That's karma. He didn't love me and left me, which is also the right thing. I still want to blame him at the moment.

These four books are the only one I don't want to take away, because they are all the books recommended to me by Wen Siyu. I think you are very upset recently. It's better to take time to read them quietly. I've given these four books to you. I hope we will see each other again.

The signer is Qianmu time.

Zhou Manchun read Qian Mu's letter with a heavy heart. Although her thoughts were a little fragmentary, this was the most real expression of her thoughts and emotions at the moment. When one was sad, he thought of what to say, but Zhou Manchun didn't expect that Qian Mu would send a book to himself, and he was still four books exploring human nature.

She said that she hoped they would see each other again. Zhou Manchun was also looking forward to seeing each other again. What would happen to them.

Through the white screen window, the sun light spilled in from the floor to ceiling window. Zhou Manchun had a book named "relieving worry grocery store" on her leg. In the afternoon, she had finished reading the book. She closed the book gently. She felt that the novel written by Kono Guiwu was very good. The ending of every accident can make people feel very surprised.

Is life the same? Is there any hope for Xiaomo's illness?

Zhao Lizi poured out a glass of water and handed it to Zhou Manchun. She said with a warm smile, "take a rest. You have been reading a book all afternoon. This is to prepare for the doctor's exam?"

Zhou Manchun put the book gently on the tea table of the sofa, and chuckled slightly: "no, just reading can calm people's mood."

"You bought it?" Asked Zhao Lizi.

Zhou Manchun shook his head. "I didn't buy it. It was from a friend."

"Do you have such a learning friend?" Zhao Lizi said jokingly to ease the atmosphere.

"Of course..." Zhou Manchun said that she wanted to talk with Zhao Lizi about her relationship with qianmushi, but when she thought of qianmushi's divorce, Zhou Manchun decided not to talk about it. After all, it's not a glorious thing, and don't let Zhao Lizi know.

Just then, Zhou Manchun's cell phone rang.

Zhou Manchun's eyes brightened and picked up his cell phone to connect.

It's Xu Ningsheng's call. His warm and magnetic voice is as familiar as ever. Zhou Manchun smiles lightly. Her long legs are put down from the sofa. She stands up and walks towards the floor window.

At the moment, the sun is setting, and the sun is shining outside the window, which makes the whole sky red.

Looking at the beautiful scenery, Zhou Manchun's mood calmed down a lot. She smiled and said, "ah Sheng?"

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