"Little brother, have you heard a word?" Su Muni took advantage of the intoxication on the heart, coupled with the inner loneliness and emptiness, and Jiang Chenxi said a few more words.

"What's the point?" Jiang Chenxi asked with a bright smile.

"Be nosy and fart a lot, and ah, Curiosity Kills cats." Sumuni just sneered, his red lips raised, and his teeth were in good order.

"What you said just now, sister, is two sentences." Jiang Chenxi did not change his face, laughing and joking.

In addition to his first love, Jiang Chenxi doesn't have any love experience, but when other people see his face, they will think that he is like a bad guy. Jiang Chenxi is also used to other people's misunderstanding, because people only want to believe what they believe, and your explanation is useless, just like the crazy spread in school, he is a g.ay, Jiang Chenxi doesn't have any problem, and his mouth grows on other people, just Let them talk.

Su Muni's expression was cold, and she stared at Jiang Chenxi with a look of exasperation and anger. Her red lips were slightly open, and her breath was a little wine like, "I said Are you bored? What do you want? "

Jiang Chenxi said with a bad smile, "those who come here are all lonely inside. Why not make a friend?"

"Why should I make friends with you? Which onion are you? What's more, you are empty and lonely. " Sumuni is not angry. Her shoulders are slightly shrugged. I didn't expect that she could easily be seen through by a stranger. She is still a younger brother than herself. It's really annoying.

"If that's the case, you'd like to make friends with me. I don't mind what you said before." Jiang Chenxi was not angry at all. Instead, he squinted his eyes and looked at sumuni carefully. Under the influence of light and alcohol, sumuni's face was flushed, but it was lovely.

She has such a lovely face, why should she dress up so mature? Jiang Chenxi thinks this is not the style of this woman.

Su Muni was speechless. She couldn't help turning her white eyes. She didn't give Jiang Chenxi a good look. "Who are you, please? Why should I make friends with you? What's the advantage of making friends with you? "

Su Muni throws out a series of questions with stabs in his words. He thought Jiang Chenxi would be frightened and recoiled by her. Who knows, instead of recoiled, Jiang Chenxi replied seriously: "my name is Jiang Chenxi, because I think you are very similar to my first girlfriend, so I want to make a friend with you. If you make friends with me, I can help you and never hurt you."

"Why should I believe you?" Sumuni's red lips moved, more enchanting against the light.

"Just because I never cheat."

"Nonsense, you guys It's not a good thing. It's a liar. "

"I said you were dumped by a man." Jiang Chenxi, near Suoni, stopped her waist with one hand, and acted quickly and vaguely. His thin lips were near the snow white neck of Suoni, and she smelled the peculiar perfume smell on her body. The river Chenxi ears were hot, but they still bravely played up Su Mu Ni. "I am a good man..." Do you want to try it? "

"Get away from me." Sumuni felt jiangchenxi's warm breath spraying on her neck, which made her itch. She immediately pushed him away.

"I like your temper." Instead of going far, jiangchenxi looks at sumuni with a spoiled face.

Sumuni really has no interest in jiangchenxi. First of all, she doesn't like men smaller than herself. Second, this kind of man who comes forward to chat up with him is not a good thing.

She knows the routine of hanging out in bars.

Sumuni is too lazy to talk with jiangchenxi. She simply stands up and wants to leave. Tonight, she has almost drunk. She thinks that drinking can make her forget her troubles. In fact, she can't. when people are in a bad mood, they will only get more and more upset.

This kind of half drunk half awake state makes sumuni very annoying.

"What? Where are you going? " Jiangchenxi saw that sumuni stood up and took the initiative to stretch out his hand to pull rasumuni's arm. Sumuni was wearing high-heeled shoes, but he did not stand steadily. He stumbled and fell directly in the direction of jiangchenxi.

Jiang Chenxi quickly grabbed Su Muni and pulled her into his arms. He said with a bright smile, "I know you like me, but don't take the initiative. Women should be more reserved."

"Neuropathy." After su Muni stood on his feet, he glared at him and cursed him.

Jiang Chenxi doesn't care about smiling. She sticks her lips on her left cheek, which makes sumuni's whole face red. "You are the first woman who says I'm crazy."

Sumuni pushed him away, raised his red lips and said with a smile of sarcasm, "you are not qualified to flirt with me, little brother. I advise you to be honest."

Sumuni is five years older than jiangchenxi. She is also an experienced lover. Although she has never been in love, she is very good at understanding men's minds. For people like jiangchenxi, sumuni thinks that he must have bad intentions, so sumuni will not take it seriously. She is too lazy to talk to him.

Jiangchenxi has a delicate face and a refined ruffian temperament, but it's very comfortable.

"It's not good to be in a bar at night. It's easy to have an accident." Jiang Chenxi sips her lips, saying something.

"Ah Is that right? " Sumuni looked at jiangchenxi with a cold smile and disdainful expression. She didn't believe in this evil. In the past three years, she has come to the bar many times, and nothing happened.

Jiang Chenxi smiled gently, with a smile between his deep eyebrows and eyes, "don't you know? The bar is a place of mixed eyes. "

Su Mu Ni lightly glanced at him, the corner of the mouth raised, sneered and asked: "do you think you are a fish or a pearl?"

"Of course I am a pearl." Jiang Chenxi chin slightly Yang, tone with confidence.

The effect of alcohol was diffused, and sumuni felt dizzy. She rubbed her temples hard and knocked her head with the back of her hand from time to time, trying to sober herself up.

However, when she and Jin Beisen were in the western restaurant at noon, Su Muni's face was burning hot. She was drunk and hazy, with a bit of bleary sleep, pretending to be confused and looking at Jiang Chenxi.

"In this world There is no lack of amorous people, little brother. I think the girl you like doesn't like you either. " Sumuni narrowed his eyes, raised his chin slightly, and looked at him in a haughty manner.

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