"But You won't be happy to see that annoying guy. " Sean took a deep breath and said, not very well.

"I just didn't think He will be like this. " Li Yi smiled coldly, thinking that Ouyang's heart had been twisted. He had not been married for so many years. Was it really because of himself?

If it is because of her that Ouyang is not married, Li Yi feels terrible.

Sean knew what Li Yi was thinking. His eyes were deep. He immediately said warily, "you don't have to blame yourself. His heart is twisted. It has nothing to do with you. In fact If you don't come this time, it's a matter of reason. "

Li Yi smiled, amber eyes with star like light, "but I want to come, after all, is a life, how can I refuse so cruelly?"

Sean drove the car helplessly, with a sinister expression. He thought to himself, there is no way to take this woman.

After a moment of silence, Sean made a concession. He knew what Li Yi was thinking. If this matter could not be handled perfectly, she would be very sad. This woman is so kind-hearted. But, think carefully, he fell in love with her at the beginning, because she was not worldly at all?

However, after Shawn and Li Yi are together, they hope that Li Yi can love herself wholeheartedly and manage other people's affairs less, so that they can live happily. From the perspective of Shawn as a husband, his idea is in fact reasonable and not selfish at all.

Li Yi also knows what Sean is worried about. She raises her red lips and sits beside him in an elegant manner, smiling: "Honey I'm yours. No one can take it away. You can really put 120 hearts in it. "

As Li Yi said, Sean's tense heart immediately melted like ice cream in the hot sun It's even sweet.

He doesn't know how long he hasn't heard her call him a husband. He has been a husband and wife for more than 20 years. Every time he hears her call her husband in a soft voice, he is still very moved.

When they first fell in love, Li Yi was a young and ignorant girl. She didn't know about the relationship at all. Sean was a man with high Eq. he soon took Li Yi down and often asked her to call her husband, but Li Yi just couldn't speak out.

Until their marriage, Li Yi seldom called each other. When they were young, they nicknamed each other. Shaun called Li Yi little baby and Li Yi called Shaun big en. After their classmates knew the nickname, they laughed at it for a long time.

But isn't that love?

A blink of an eye, more than 20 years later, it is lucky that their love has not been swallowed up by the so-called kinship, or so in love.

Sean felt a bit numb. The bones all over his body were light and soft. Hearing Li Yi call him husband, he couldn't help it. Because this woman usually doesn't call her husband outside. When she is outside, she calls him by his name. In front of others, she will say elegantly, this is my husband.

Only in bed, Li Yi would shout her husband in Sean's ear.

"That's my wife who stole it, I don't believe you can fall in love with others after you fall in love with me." Sean raised his eyebrows and said confidently.

This is a familiar sentence.

It's also a romantic story. Li Yi and Sean have been ambiguous for more than two months. After they were together, their feelings have developed rapidly. Sean's flirting skills were first-class in those years. When he chased Li Yi, he did use some means, but they all came from his heart.

Once they went out to play together. At about 9:30 p.m., Sean drove Li Yi to the dormitory downstairs, but Sean didn't want Li Yi to go up. Li Yi also wanted to sit for a while and have a chat with Sean.

Sean drove out of the school. On a quiet path, it was a beautiful night. He sat in the back of the car with Li Yi in his arms. They hugged each other from time to time, making each other itchy.

Actually, it was their first date.

Sean gave Li Yi a big kiss, then held her face and asked her seriously, do you still forget me?

Li Yi was stunned. She clutched her hand and her heart beat fast. She didn't understand why Sean asked such a question.

Can you still forget me? Does he want to catch up with himself and then dump himself? Li Yi's first thought at that time was like this, but she still replied sincerely. I can't forget it. Can you?

Sean shook his head and said with a spoiled smile, "I can't forget that either."

Before we were together, Shawn was a famous Playboy in their school, so Li Yi always worried that Shawn was playing with his feelings, and that there was a big gap between them. Shawn's father was the chairman of a multinational company, and Li Yi's parents were just ordinary wage families. They asked their relatives to borrow money to send her abroad to study. They Almost no one is optimistic about their love, but they just make sparks.

Li Yi was with Sean at that time, but she was under a lot of pressure. For this matter, she had quarreled with Sean several times. She always doubted whether Sean would have a woman outside, or just wanted to play with her feelings. She was half angry with Sean every time, but Sean was just introspecting himself. Where he did not do well would make Li Yi so upset 。

"Don't put gold on your face, you know?" Li Yi turned to Shawn with a smile and said with a grimace.

Sean pretended that he didn't hear or see it. He drove the car attentively, but his heart was full of joy. After a while of reserve, he suddenly smiled, "what did you say?"

"I said you were an idiot."

"You are a woman who really lacks education. It seems that I didn't love you very much last night You forgot the rules. " There was something in Sean's words, a very informal look.

Li Yi lowered her head and her eyes were slightly drooping. She felt that she was a bit of a bitch. She just liked Sean, a ruffian, a man dressed like a beast. To be exact, she liked him no matter what he looked like.

Jin Beisen is holding the steering wheel with one hand, and Zhou Manchun's gentle voice is no longer heard. Since Jin Yumo was hospitalized, Zhou Manchun's sleep has become very poor, and his work and rest have started to be irregular, so his spare time is very easy to doze off. Jin Beisen has shut down the music in the car. Anyway, Zhou Manchun is far away from the laboratory, so he lets Zhou Manchun sleep quietly for a while.

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