Li Yi's face was embarrassed. She thought she could play a fool. As long as Ouyang didn't mention something about her, she wouldn't be so embarrassed. But Ouyang couldn't help but say it, which made Li Yi depressed.

Seeing Li Yi's silence, Ouyang continued to talk. Anyway, he had the cheek to do so many bad things. This time, he was not afraid to lose face. He was afraid that if he didn't talk again, he would never have a chance to talk again.

"Xiaoyi, I like you. Despite all these years, I still love you very much. I really like you, so I have a merciless request. If I succeed in developing the antidote this time, can you help me to say a good word in front of Jin Beisen? " Ouyang's face was tense, and his knuckled fingers were tightly clenched into fists. He said incoherently that he had a strong desire to survive.

Li Yi's heart has resisted Ouyang. Ouyang in front of her is totally different from Ouyang she knew when she was in college. At that time, Ouyang, as he just described, was honest, stubborn, conscientious, persistent and self-esteem. But now Ouyang has changed its taste. He is full of greed, even Li Yi, can clearly feel his desire for himself.

"Well, if Xiaomo can be safe, I will help you to say something good and keep you safe." Li Yi pretended to be calm and said calmly.

Ouyang still thinks that Li Yi is really calm. He doesn't notice that Li Yi is disgusted with him. Ouyang is very happy. There is a seeping look at the bottom of his eyes. Suddenly, he smiles and asks, "I can May I give you a hug? "

When Li Yi heard this, her nervous heart suddenly missed half a beat. It seems that she was too brave. But when she thought that the closed laboratory was full of monitoring, Li Yi was not afraid. After all, Ouyang didn't dare to mess with her here.

"This I'm a man with a husband. What's your attitude towards this hug? If it's an old classmate who hasn't had a hug for many years, I can meet your requirements, but After Xiaomo's recovery. " Li Yi thought a little and thought that it was not good for her to refuse Ouyang so decisively, but it was not good to refuse, so she used a trick to set him up.

Ouyang has a good impression on Li Yi, so he doesn't think about the authenticity of Li Yi's words at the moment, but simply believes in her.

"I I just want to hug you. After all, I used to like you so much. " Ouyang's voice line is full of trills. Somehow, he is always cold-blooded and merciless. Now he is excited to bump into the deer.

Li Yi rolled her eyes in her heart, but she said kindly, "OK, as long as you can develop an antidote, I promise I will give you a hug."

Ouyang smiled, and the smile was evil.

Li Yi saw a touch of greed in his eyes, and thought to herself, this man is actually very sad. When he was in college, he got excellent grades, but because of his ugly appearance, he was ostracized by his classmates, and even the teachers who took professional courses didn't like him very much. Ouyang felt the deep malice from the world, so his psychology would slowly grow Of becomes deformed.

But later, after plastic surgery, his appearance changed a lot, and he gradually had pursuers around him. Ouyang found that those students who usually ignored him began to pay attention to him slowly. Like other boys, he also had pursuers around him, and his primary school sister gave him breakfast every morning. This was a happy thing, but Ouyang was extremely indifferent and refused He knows that what those people love is not his soul at all, but a pair of stinky skin bags.

"Just for your words, I will work hard to develop antidotes." Ouyang said with a smile.

Li Yi knows that there are many things she doesn't understand. She's really not good at bacteria experiments. But for this experiment, only success is allowed, and no failure is allowed. No matter what method she uses, she will develop an antidote to save the poor child.

Before Li Yi entered the laboratory, he had already agreed with Jin Beisen, Zhou Manchun and Shawn that they would not come in from outside if Shawn didn't do anything unusual to her.

Sean looked at the monitoring screen with a cold face, and he was very upset. After all, his wife was here. No man could stand his wife and a man with an abnormal mind talking and laughing in a closed space. Although they were just doing experiments, Sean still felt uncomfortable.

Zhou Manchun purses her lips. She naturally knows Sean's mood. Sean's unnatural expression betrays his idea. In order not to let him think more, Zhou Manchun asks gently, "Uncle Xiao, or I went in with the teacher? "

Sean's face flashed a hesitant expression, his eyebrows were raised, his mouth was filled with a smile that was not so sincere and said: "no, she said, before Ouyang did something special to her, she told us not to go in."

Zhou Manchun puckered her lips. She would not have asked Sean that if she had not looked at Sean's unyielding appearance. But now, waiting is not the way.

Jin Beisen turned his head. His cold eyes had been staring at Zhou Manchun's face for a long time. He knew that the woman was out of breath. When did he do the same? On the afternoon of the first day when they caught Ouyang, Jin Beisen also stood in the room and watched Ouyang in the process of experiment. He watched for a whole afternoon and even had an illusion, as if The people who do experiments in it are the same as themselves.

Reaching out, Jin Beisen's warm big palm gently covers Zhou Manchun's shoulder. With a little effort of his arm, he puts Zhou Manchun in his arms.

They have no other way to go at the moment, so they have to wait!

Jin Beisen's dark eyes are like starlight in the night sky. They give people hope. His Adam's apple has rolled up and down twice. With a tender feeling in his magnetic voice, he clapped Zhou Manchun's shoulder and comforted him: "Xiaochun, don't worry. Now we can only wait."

Zhou Manchun looked up at him, and read some helplessness from his deep eyes. It turns out that when no one can do anything, the taste of waiting is too painful, especially the hopeless waiting.

"Beisen, is there any other lab here?" Zhou manchundun asked with a little throb in his words.

Jin Beisen nodded and replied seriously, "yes."

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