"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Zhou Manchun's eyes drooped. He felt embarrassed for a moment. Unexpectedly, Jin Beisen would develop a complete set of cosmetics brands for her.

"I told you, is that still a surprise?" Jin Beisen's eyes fell on Zhou Manchun, and he said wantonly with a smile.

Zhou Manchun thought about it. If she had said it earlier, she would not have a surprise now. Recently, Jin Yumo's condition is not very optimistic, so she can't breathe because of many things. Except for Li Yilai, this is the only thing that can make Zhou Manchun happy.

"But When are you going to Paris? " Zhou Manchun's Apricot eyes were wide open. He always thought Jin Beisen would go to Paris for a few days, but he didn't expect to leave today.

"The press conference is tomorrow. I'm leaving today." Jin Beisen pulled back to his eyes and said with a very reluctant face.

Zhou Manchun was a little stupefied. Her expression was stiff and dull. Her heart sank a little. She had no preparation for Jin Beisen's leaving today. She pulled Jin Beisen's sleeve and said with a little farfetched smile, "are you in a hurry?"

"Xiaochun, I'm sorry. I really don't want to go, but I can't get rid of it. Are you all right here alone? I'm not by your side. Don't run around. Let the bodyguards follow you when you go out, you know? " Jin Beisen's eyes were trembling, and he could not control his emotions in an instant. Now it's an extraordinary time, and they have to work together to get through this.

Zhou Manchun nodded and smiled at the corner of her mouth. She took the initiative to throw Jin Beisen's arms and her eyes flickered with tolerance.

Under the light, the woman's slender arms tightly encircled the man's waist. She put her head on his chest and said with a smile, "OK, don't worry. Work is important. I can do it here."

"If you can, I hope you don't waste your time here. Let Miss Li do the bacteria experiment. I believe she can do it. You'd better go to the hospital, and I can rest assured." Jin Beisen can't help but feel the palpitation in his heart. He would like to go to Paris with Zhou Manchun at the moment.

Zhou Manchun thought for a moment. Although she had her reasons, Jin Beisen said so. She didn't want him to worry too much, so she accepted it happily. She said in a light tone: "OK, I know. I'll go to the hospital."

"I'll take you." Jin Beisen released Zhou Manchun's hands, but soon took her hand and walked towards the outside of the laboratory.

At noon, there was a bit of traffic jam on the road. Jin Beisen's car was playing music. Zhou Manchun recently liked to listen to the song "one of my Taoist friends". There was a song at the beginning: wishful thinking, no end.

When Jin Beisen saw Zhou Manchun in a daze, he didn't speak for a moment. This woman often lost her mind recently. Jin Beisen was not surprised.

Taking advantage of the red light, Jin Beisen stretched out his knuckled fingers, pinched Zhou Manchun's face gently, and said with a smile, "what do you want?"

Zhou Manchun just slowly returned to her mind. She half jokingly said, "I miss you."

Jin Beisen's eyes were deep. Unexpectedly, her understatement "miss you" played a trick on Jin Beisen's heart. He turned the steering wheel and parked the car in a safe place on the side of the road.

See him suddenly pull over to stop, Zhou Manchun some doubt squint Mou son, ask: "how?"

"I'm not going."

"Not where?"


In the closed carriage, the atmosphere was awkward. Zhou Manchun cleared his throat and said seriously, "Beisen, you can't do this. Don't be so willful."

Jin Beisen was silent for a while, and the sharp handsome face looked at the past from the perspective of Zhou Manchun, but it was tense. He slowly opened his mouth and said: "do you remember the two of us agreed before? You said you would accompany me on business in the future. "

Zhou Manchun nodded. Of course, she remembered that Jin Beisen used to be very busy. She had to go abroad on business every month. They also had some small conflicts because of the business trip, so Jin Beisen had a long memory and would take his wife when they went on business.

Women's nature is sensitive and suspicious. Jin Beisen can understand Zhou Manchun's idea. Zhou Manchun is actually a very clingy little woman. But over the years, she has learned to be independent. She can solve many things by herself. Today's Zhou Manchun is different from the one three years ago. The only constant thing is that she is as stubborn and talkative as ever It is heart not.

"But Now Xiaomo is ill. Otherwise, I really want to accompany you on business. " Zhou manchunnu nuzui, her heart has not wanted and Jin Beisen every moment stick together?

Jin Beisen turned his head to stare at her, and his eyes became more and more profound. He looked at her with a smile and said, "wife, when this desert disease is cured, let's have another one."

Zhou Manchun's face suddenly turned red, like a cooked shrimp. Although she and Jin Beisen have done the most intimate things between the husband and wife, Zhou Manchun still can't resist Jin Beisen's teasing.

Talking about the topic of giving birth to children, Zhou Manchun is not very resistant, because she also wants to have another one. How many people's ultimate dream is to have one child and one daughter. Of course, she is no exception.

"Beisen, do you like sons or daughters?" Zhou Manchun blinked his eyes. There are thousands of tender feelings hidden in his apricot eyes.

"As long as it's you, I like it." Jin Beisen said straightforwardly.

Zhou Manchun was said by him that his heart was quivering, and he could not close his mouth with a smile. "I know you still like your daughter."

Jin Beisen raised his eyebrows and said in a languid voice, "no, No You'd better give me another lovely daughter like you. "

Zhou Manchun's eyes turned around and joked, "then I don't want to have a little princess. I can't compete with you."

"Little villain, you are afraid of this." Jin Beisen reached out and grasped Zhou Manchun's palm.

Two people's ten fingers are linked, even the distance between two hearts is a step closer.

"I'm kidding. In fact, I'd like to have another one. My daughter is a kind-hearted little padded jacket." Zhou Manchun smiled sweetly, thinking of Yu Xin in her heart. She hadn't seen the little girl for a long time, and didn't know how she had recently.

Qian Molly planned to take Yu Xin to see Zhou Manchun before, but Yu Chen had just left. She had a big case on hand. She couldn't spare time. Fortunately, Yu Xin didn't quarrel with her, or Qian Molly would have a headache.

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