Zhou Manchun and Yu Yina follow director Li into the office. Director Li's computer has data backup. Yu Yina looks nervous and rubs her arm.

Director Li sat down and went to a website. According to Zhou Manchun's instructions, he pulled out Lu Wanyu's materials.

Three pairs of eyes stared at the computer screen, and saw that later, the final test report confirmed that Lu Wanyu had cervical cancer, and it was late, and the cancer cells had spread.

Yu Yina's face is dull, and her mouth is incredibly open. She is more nervous than before, holding her hand, shaking her lips, and her voice is shaking and asking: "this Will the inspection report be inaccurate? "

Director Li also shook his head heavily and said: "basically it can be determined that it is cervical cancer. The probability of problems in the test report is very small. If you don't believe it, you can change to another hospital for examination."

"What's the probability of late treatment of cervical cancer?" Yu Yina licked her lips and asked in a panic. She was already trying to suppress the emotion that was about to flow up. She was shocked and doubted.

"It's different from person to person. If you want to cure cervical cancer completely, it's very difficult. You can only prolong your life through surgery, chemotherapy." Director Li shook his head and said.

Yu Yina is stunned and has no mind. Unexpectedly, what she is most worried about is that something happened. Lu Wanyu actually has cervical cancer. She is unwilling to accept this fact. Her relationship with Lu Wanyu's mother-in-law has been eased. How can Lu Wanyu be checked out to have cervical cancer?

It's too cruel!

Yu Yina's eyes were full of tears. Her eyes were red and she looked at Zhou Manchun. She shook her head and asked with trembling voice, "sister, is this a fake?"

Zhou Manchun's face was heavy. She hoped it was fake, but she had just read the inspection report. Lu Wanyu's cancer cells had spread, which represented her last day, only three to six months.

"Nana, I know it's hard to accept the truth, but that's the truth. You have to accept it." Zhou Manchun doesn't know how to comfort Yu Yina at the moment, which is too cruel for her.

Yu Yina closed her eyes. There were two lines of tears on her beautiful face. She was silent for a while, calming down her near collapse. After a while, she slowly opened her eyes. "How long can my mother-in-law live according to the routine treatment?"

"Conventional treatment..." Director Li was about to say, but was suddenly interrupted by Zhou Manchun.

"Nana, everyone's condition is different. It's hard to say with conventional treatment. Some people can still live for three or five years if they have cervical cancer, while some people can walk faster. In a word, it's still that sentence, which varies from person to person." Zhou Manchun's voice was eight degrees high, interrupting director Li's words. She knew that Yu Yina was in a bad mood. If yu Yina was not pregnant, Zhou Manchun would definitely tell her how long the routine treatment time was. But she is pregnant now, and Zhou Manchun doesn't want her to worry too much.

"What should I do now?" Yuina wiped the tears from her eyes and sighed softly.

"I think your mother-in-law is the only one in the Yu family who knows this. You can try to ask your mother-in-law first. If she doesn't want to say it, you can discuss it with a Shen again. People who have cancer must be hospitalized, or they will only go faster." Zhou Manchun said calmly, and he was struggling in his heart.

Yu Yina also knows that because her grandmother died of liver cancer when she was in primary school, but her grandmother was hospitalized for four months. After four months, the doctor said that she could let her grandmother leave the hospital. In other words, she went home and waited for her death. She really had cancer and was in the late stage. The chance of cure was very small and the hospitalization was just a delay.

"But the chance of cure is so small that hospitalization is just a delay." Yuina sighed.

Zhou Manchun looks at her in silence and thinks that Yu Yina knows everything, which is a good thing.

"Well, fool, don't be too sad. You have life and death. You are pregnant now. Don't think about so many miscellaneous things. It's not good for the development of the fetus." Zhou Manchun reached out and hugged Yu Yina into her arms. She also knew that Yu Yina was very sad at the moment, but Lu Wanyu now has advanced cervical cancer, which is just a fact.

No matter how sad you are, you have to accept the facts. No matter how sad you are, you have to eat and eat.

Yuina hung her head, lost for a long time.

Zhou Manchun hugged her tightly, stroked her long silken hair, and said softly, "darling, do you know?"

Yu Yina nodded, her voice was soft, and she said weakly, "OK."

"My silly sister, come on, let's go back, director Li, it's really troublesome." Zhou Manchun turned his head and said to Director Li with a smile.

Director Li also gently hooked up the corner of his mouth, squeezed out a stiff smile and said: "Xiao Chun, don't be so polite."

After returning to the ward, Jin Yumo was sleeping. Zhou Manchun still stared at Jin Yumo for a circle as usual. He thought, it's really hard for the child. Such a small guy has to bear these things inexplicably. She must find out the evidence and let Su Muni, a vicious woman, pay the price!

A ray of sunlight refracts into the ward, adding a color at the end of this lonely autumn. Zhou Manchun looks at Yu Yina. This morning, she is absent-minded. Zhou Manchun knows that Yu Yina is thinking more, so she doesn't talk to Yu Yina, and the two sisters sit so quietly.

Zhou Manchun thinks that Yu Yina is really kind-hearted. She forgives all the things Lu Wanyu did in the past. If she were Yu Yina, she would not forgive her so quickly. But Zhou Manchun will not fall into the trap. After all, Lu Wanyu is sick, which is pitiful enough.

However, Zhou Manchun suddenly thought of one thing. In the United States, Yu Chen was drunk once. He once told her the cause of Liu Anya's death. Although Yu Chen did not find evidence, he was sure that Liu Anya's death was related to Lu Wanyu. If Yu Chen knew that Lu Wanyu had cancer, he would be very happy.

Zhou Manchun still knows Yu Chen's mind. Although he and Lu Wanyu have made peace on the surface, he still wants to find out the truth of his mother's death. Zhou Manchun changes his position and thinks about it. If she is Yu Chen, she can't forgive an enemy who killed her mother!

"Nana..." Zhou Manchun suddenly stared at Yu Yina with complicated eyes, looking like he wanted to talk and stop.

Yu Yina returns to the spirit, pulls back the line of sight, the eyes are blurred stare at Zhou Manchun, her intonation micro Yi asks: "what's the matter, elder sister?"

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