"Director Zhou shouldn't be in love, I think you are so melancholy?" Yang Yiming pretends to be relaxed and joking, trying to solve some of the embarrassment in the air.

"No, I just don't want to fall in love again." Zhou Manchun smiled and waved. Zhao Tianyu's story really cast a shadow in her heart.

Three years ago, you and I had a dream of Nanke. Recently, Zhou Manchun thought a lot about Zhao Tianyu. Zhao Tianyu was blinded by hatred and ruined his great future. If he really wanted to stay in prison for eight years, after he came out, he would still have a criminal record. The rest of his life would be ruined.

Since her family affairs have subsided, why can't she let Zhao Tianyu go? As long as she begged his father to withdraw, everything could pass.

It has to be said that Zhou Manchun is a very soft hearted person. After all, Zhao Tianyu's parents will die. He became an orphan at a young age because of his father. All this is like a death cycle.

Yang Yiming is a man with delicate mind. Since Zhou Manchun was admitted to Jiaru hospital, he had a good feeling for her. At that time, he knew that Zhou Manchun had a boyfriend. Even if he liked and loved her again, he had to have principles. Now that Zhou Manchun broke up, Yang Yiming felt that his chance had come.

"Doctor Zhou, in fact, the best way out of the lovelorn is to have another love. This is called the transfer method." Yang Yiming stretched out his long fingers, pushed his black frame glasses, and said earnestly.

Weng took a quiet look at the two people, and felt that there was a play, so he walked away quietly.

"I don't think it's a good idea to transfer love. If one's heart doesn't completely empty the other, it's irresponsible for the other." Zhou Manchun's hand gave a little meal, and he said with his lips closed.

Weng quietly just walked to the door, heard Zhou Manchun say such a remark, sighed and shook his head, thinking in his heart, it's really difficult to want this pair of golden girls together! Zhou Manchun doesn't mean anything to Yang Yiming. Yang Yiming has always been acting affectionately. As a bystander, Weng Jingjing has some feelings for Yang Yiming.

Yang Yiming is speechless by Zhou Manchun. He knows that Zhou Manchun has no feelings for himself, but he just likes Zhou Manchun. Even if Zhou Manchun doesn't like himself, he doesn't want to miss every chance.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to let you find a substitute or something, but to let you try to open your heart and let others go in. I believe Miss Zhou will meet a person who loves you very much." In order to break the awkward atmosphere, Yang Yiming explained with a smile.

"Thank you for Dr. Yang's kind reminder. Dr. Yang, you're old, aren't you? Why don't you find a girlfriend?" Zhou Manchun asked indirectly that Yang Yiming should not be allowed to waste time on himself.

"Fate has not arrived." Yang Yiming's smile is a gentleman's smile. There is a trace of loss hidden in the smile that is not easy to be found.

Zhou Manchun also smiled at him, and then they had no afterword and went to do their own things.

After turning on the computer, Zhou Manchun saw a news pop-up on the web page. At three o'clock, city a issued an orange typhoon warning signal. The wind force reached 12 levels. It is expected to arrive in city a after 10 o'clock tonight. All schools will be closed tonight.

Zhou Manchun has a headache. Almost every summer in city a, there is a typhoon. She doesn't feel that it has a big impact. She just thinks of yuina for a moment. Yuina can have a few days off.

Take out the mobile phone, Zhou Manchun sends a wechat to Xu Ningsheng, asking him to tell Nana that he will wait for her at school after school.

Xu Ningsheng soon replied that Nana was waiting for her at the bus station in the higher education park.

As soon as he got off work, Zhou Manchun went straight to No.1 Middle School in a city.

Dark clouds oppress the city. Along the way, Zhou Manchun feels uneasy. The sultry air gives people a feeling of suffocation. After work, city a is very blocked. Zhou Manchun looks out and looks at the gray sky. His heart is very complicated.

All of a sudden, her cell phone rang, it was a strange call.

"Hello, is this Ms. Zhou?" A soft female voice came from the phone, which calmed Zhou Manchun's heart.

"Well, I am." Zhou Manchun nodded, thinking that nothing would happen.

"I just drove and accidentally hit your cousin. Now I'm in the first hospital. Can you come here? Don't worry, your cousin is not in any way, it's just a slight scratch. The doctor said it's OK to have a rest for a few days. " The woman's attitude was very sincere and she explained things clearly.

"OK, I'll be right here." Zhou Manchun fidgety honks the horn, which pot really does not open which pot!

Fortunately, Yu Yina is OK. When Zhou Manchun heard the word "traffic accident", she was tense. She sighed for a long time. Nana would be OK.

Hurry to the first hospital, yuina is sitting on the bed, the doctor is bandaging her.

"Nana." Cried Zhou Manchun.

When Yu Yina's eyes brightened, there was no trace of sadness on her face. She smiled and said, "sister."

"Silly girl, why are you so careless?" Zhou asked reproachfully, Yu Yina is now a sophomore in senior high school. Learning is a very tense moment. Now, her foot is injured. I'm afraid she can't walk for a long time, and her knee is still scratched. Although the doctor has bandaged her, Zhou Manchun still feels distressed.

She would rather have all the injuries on her. Nana is pitiful enough.

"It's all my fault. Your sister is walking well. I bumped into her accidentally. Fortunately, nothing happened. Don't worry. I'm fully responsible for the medical expenses." Jin Shuwen, standing silently beside, suddenly said, her face ashamed.

Zhou Manchun noticed her just now. Jin Shuwen was wearing a light pink windbreaker with a light make-up on her face, but her inherent noble temperament was hard to hide. Zhou Manchun thought that she must be a child of a rich family.

It's very polite to listen to her.

"It's OK. It's inevitable and nothing serious happened. Thank you for sending my sister to the hospital." Zhou Manchun smiles. She should be greeted with a smile when others treat her so politely.

"That's right. By the way, my name is Jin Shuwen. What's your name?"

"I'm Zhou Manchun."

"Make a friend. This is my phone number. Oh, by the way, you can add my wechat." Jin Shuwen said enthusiastically that she had a hard rest today. She hurried home from the cast and was a little worried. In addition, she didn't let the agents and the company follow her. On the way, she accidentally had a car accident and fortunately didn't hurt others.

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