Every time she gets angry, the end is their two cold wars. After several days of cold war, it will be more difficult to coax her!

Thinking of this, ye Junwen's head is big, but Liu enxun exists in city A. it really has nothing to do with the two of them. Even if it has something to do with Jin Beisen and Zhou Manchun. Ye Junwen doesn't know why, Jin Shuwen is such a girl who likes to fight against injustice.

Zhou Manchun smiled helplessly. She didn't really care about it. Unexpectedly, she offended Jin Shuwen. Poor ye Junwen.

"Wife, I really didn't conceal you, but I don't think this matter will affect our life, so I didn't tell you." Ye Junwen looks aggrieved and says with trembling lips.

Jin Shuwen's eyes are sharp. She looks at Ye Junwen as if she were an enemy. Unexpectedly, ye Junwen is quite capable of acting. Men are not simple creatures!

"Well, don't touch me. I don't want to talk to you now." Jin Shuwen shakes off Ye Junwen's arm. Now, the problem of the two of them has risen to the fact that he conceals her. Jin Shuwen hates cheating the most in her life. This is her death.

"Sister in law, I'm sorry to make you laugh. Can I take Wen Wen away first?" Ye Junwen sees Jin Shuwen's mood is unstable and doesn't want her to stay here "disgraceful". The doctors, nurses and nurses in and out of the ward are all in and out, so it's better to pay attention to her image.

"Why? You let me go. You have to go. I won't go home tonight. I'll stay here. " Jin Shuwen stopped smiling, and her face suddenly sank, not like a joke.

Zhou Manchun knew that things were going badly. He chuckled and coaxed Jin Shuwen to say, "Wenwen, what are you doing? Don't be so naughty. I'm not angry. I know Beisen is hiding something from me for a reason. So I don't blame him. As long as he comes back and explains it to me clearly, don't worry too much. Arvin is your brother. It's normal for men to have secrets, just like we have secrets between women. How did you persuade me just now? Be nice, you know? "

Jin Shuwen's lips were blabbering, and she was still depressed, "but But he kept it from me. Am I an outsider? He's going to keep it from me. "

"Fool, how can you be an outsider? There are some things that men don't want our women to know. We can. In the future, we also have small secrets. Don't let them know. Isn't that ok? " Zhou Manchun's face was gentle and kind, hoping Jin Shuwen could listen.

Zhou Manchun has learned the temper of Jin Shuwen's eldest daughter for a long time, but Jin Shuwen's heart is not bad, but her temper is rather willful.

"Sister in law, you are very tolerant. No wonder my brother dares to hide it from you. If I were you, I would have to divorce him." Jin Shuwen's face was sinister, and he glared at Ye Junwen.

Ye Junwen is helpless, but he has to smile. He and Jin Shuwen just had a conflict some time ago. The relationship between them has been eased a little bit. He doesn't want to have more trouble.

"Silly girl, it's so easy to say divorce. What did you get married for? When two people are together, they should run in with each other. If there's something to do, just say it. Don't talk about divorce. It's very hurtful. " Zhou Manchun said in a slow and orderly way that she was in a very calm mood at the moment, which was not at all like Jin Shuwen's violent behavior.

Jin Shuwen twisted her body, but still couldn't pull down her face. She just felt that Zhou Manchun was very reasonable. She pulled the corners of her mouth and said, "go to work first. The company is still busy. Come to pick me up in the evening."

Ye Junwen's eyes brightened and he was overjoyed to look at Jin Shuwen. At the same time, he looked at Zhou Manchun with admiration. Unexpectedly, Zhou Manchun just said a few words and comforted the eldest daughter of his family. Before, he never understood how Jin Beisen looked at Zhou Manchun. But now, he seems to understand that Zhou Manchun, a woman who speaks and does things, is justified Character is very appreciated.

Ye Junwen really wants to praise Zhou Manchun. Zhou Manchun is only one year older than Jin Shuwen, but her psychological maturity is much higher than Jin Shuwen.

There were several times when Jin Beisen and ye Junwen were chatting. Both of them talked about Jin Shuwen. When they talked about the girl's temper, they all had a headache. Jin Shuwen was kind-hearted, but he liked to mess around. Especially when you were caught by her, it was your death.

Ye Junwen smiled and said softly, "wife, you are in the hospital. I will pick you up after work."

"Yes." Jin Shuwen answered with a deadpan voice, a little coldness in her tone.

After ye Junwen left, Zhou Manchun, like Tang monk, continued to give Jin Shuwen ideological education.

"Wen Wen, you were so headstrong just now. In fact, ah Wen is right. It really has nothing to do with the two of you. He is hiding from you. It should be your brother's meaning. I know you are angry, but even husband and wife should give each other some secrets on a proper basis, isn't it?" Zhou Manchun smiled and patted Jin Shuwen on the back of her smooth white hand.

Jin Shuwen thought carefully and said, "well, what you said is reasonable, in fact I'm not very angry, but I just can't help it. "

"I don't know your temper yet. Well, be good."

Jin Shuwen nodded and smiled at Zhou Manchun meekly. She didn't know why. She liked Zhou Manchun very much. She used one word to describe her, which is beauty and kindness.

In a flash, Jiang Jingqi has been pregnant for three months, but her stomach, which was not obvious at first, is becoming more and more prominent day by day. After her pregnancy, Jiang Jingqi is especially able to eat. At 9:30 in the morning, she is already starving.

After rummaging through her bag, Jiang failed to find the bread she had prepared. She patted her head. Then she remembered that the bread seemed to be in Yang Yiming's briefcase.

Jiang Jingqi went to the doctor's office to find Yang Yiming with a smile. The door of the doctor's office was closed all year round. Before Jiang Jingqi walked in, she didn't knock at the door first, so she went in.

However, the scene inside was like a basin of cold water pouring on Jiang Jingqi's head. She shivered and looked at Yang Yiming and Yao Huan.

Yang Yiming's movements stopped abruptly, just touching Yao Huanyu's earlobe, and the two were vaguely together.

Yao Huanyu didn't wear a white coat outside, but wore a sexy sweater and lace stitched skirt. It was late autumn, but her two beautiful legs still showed outside. Jiang Jingqi was about to explode in a wind and Sao look.

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