The Dean also knows that Yao Huanyu is a talent, so she will not be expelled naturally. What's more, the president dare not disobey what Wen Siyu said, but this matter is not as simple as the Dean thought.

During the lunch break, Yang Yiming and Jiang Jingqi went to Jin Yumo's ward. Yang Yiming went to the pathology room to study Jin Yumo's condition. Jiang Jingqi stayed to chat with Zhou Manchun.

Zhou Manchun watched Jiang Jingqi, who had been depressed since she came in. She smiled and asked, "Xiaoqi, what's the matter with you?"

"It's OK. I'm mad at some mad dog." Jiang said angrily, biting her teeth.

"Which mad dog?" Zhou Manchun frowned and asked back. She paused and went on, "little Qi, the mood of pregnant women will directly affect the children in the belly. It's not good for you to be angry. What's the matter with me? Who's angry? I'll help you out. "

Jiang Jingqi turns to look at Zhou Manchun, and she knows that Zhou Manchun will help her. However, she hesitates and refuses to say it. She always feels a little ashamed of Zhou Manchun, as if the purpose of her coming here today is to let Zhou Manchun help her out.

"It's Yao Huanyu." Jiang Jingqi told her story and took out her cell phone to listen to Zhou Manchun.

Zhou Manchun and Jin Shuwen are sitting by and listening to the conversation clearly. Yao Huan's words are really arrogant.

"Xiaoqi, you've done a good job this time. If something happens, you need to record it in time of danger, because some people will be responsible for what they said." Zhou Manchun's voice is full of joy.

Like Jiang Jingqi, Zhou Manchun has been unhappy with Yao Huanyu for a long time. This time, he must take good care of Yao Huanyu.

Jin Shuwen is the best at mischief. She squints her eyes and says with a smart face: "Jiaru hospital has a post bar, Xiaoqi. You can upload this recording to the post bar, listen to the doctors in the hospital, or directly upload it to the wechat group in your hospital to see Yao Huanyu and how to behave in the future."

"Isn't it nice to be so aboveboard?" Jiang Jingqi is not as bold as Jin Shuwen, she said with her mouth turned.

"What's wrong? You haven't seen the fight in the entertainment circle. Once, two female stars fought for a role. One of them slept with the director. The other sent someone to take a picture of the room opened by the actress and the director, and sent it to the director's wife. Later, the heroine, naturally, is the smart one. " Jin Shuwen's lips hook a smile of sarcasm, said slowly.

In fact, it's not just the entertainment circle, many circles are very disordered. Shopping malls are like battlefields, and it's normal for people to die and die. Not everyone can hold the attitude that people don't commit crimes against me and I don't commit crimes.

When we meet bad people, we should fight back bravely.

"Upload directly to wechat group in my name?" Jiang Jingqi bit her lower lip and asked.

"Yes, the three of you know about this passage. Xiaoqi, you don't need to be afraid. Let's support you." Jin Shuwen patted her chest and said with justice on her face that she was also a standard spectator.

"That line, this Yao Huanyu, I see when she can be arrogant." Jiang Jingqi's delicate mouth made a sneer, and then directly uploaded the phone recording to the wechat group of the hospital.

There is a group of doctors and nurses in Jiaru hospital. There are more than 1000 people in the group. Once Jiang Jingqi's recording was released, everyone heard it.

For a while, people were so sad. It turned out that Yao Huanyu was a fake face villain. If it wasn't for this recording, she couldn't be seen as such.

All the doctors in the Department are talking about it. The little nurses are even more furious.

It's also a profession. There is no distinction between high and low. How can a nurse be lower than a doctor in Yao Huan's eyes?

It can be said that for a while, Yao Huan's words caused a group of indignation.

The women doctors in the Department of gynecology and obstetrics gathered together to discuss the matter over coffee.

"Ah, I said that Jiang Jingqi was also very fierce. She dared to send this recording directly to the group. Did she not want to do it?"

"Hey, if I were her, I would do the same. What? Is the nurse a little lower than our doctor? Yao Huanyu looks like a person with culture and quality. In fact, that's all. What she said is disgusting. "

"That is to say, I thought Yao Huanyu was a good man. He turned out to be a fox spirit who couldn't hide his tail."

"If you look at her, it's just how long she's been in the hospital, but she's so ugly. It's really unprecedented. Women can't be wrong to see women. When I first saw Yao Huanyu, I didn't think she was a good product."

"I think so too. Anyway, I think Jiang Jingqi did it right this time. Yao Huanyu, a woman, is really not very pleasant."


The time of the recording was just the noon break, so the doctors all saw it. Soon, Jiang Jingqi was called to the office by the Dean, but Zhou Manchun accompanied Jiang Jingqi.

The Dean sat in the office to drink tea. He didn't expect Zhou Manchun to come together. What kind of wind brought this big guy here.

However, the Dean also knows that Zhou Manchun will definitely participate in this matter. After all, Zhou Manchun and Jiang Jingqi are close friends. Zhou Manchun is also a man of love and justice. How can she ignore Jiang Jingqi's affairs?

When the Dean called Jiang Jingqi to the office, he didn't mean to embarrass her. He just wanted Jiang Jingqi to apologize to Yao Huan in public. Don't let her get too low. How can Yao Huan Yu say that he is the director of the cardiology department? In the hospital, he still has a certain prestige and status. After Jiang Jingqi did this, who will respect her?

Yao Huan Yu just came to the dean's office to cry a dozen minutes ago. He said that he was just careless. The dean's ears are soft. What's more, seeing the tears of the beautiful woman naturally forgives Yao Huan Yu.

However, the nature of this matter is very bad. The dean is a smart man. He had long guessed that Zhou Manchun would take part in this matter, but he didn't expect that Zhou Manchun's speed was so fast.

On one side was Jin Beisen and on the other was Wen Siyu. The Dean felt a pain in his skull.

He has been the president for many years and has been optimistic about many difficult and miscellaneous diseases. This dispute alone has made the president one and two big.

Wen Siyu put pressure on him not to criticize Yao Huanyu or demote him. Zhou Manchun knew that his friend had been humiliated and would not compromise easily. It was really difficult to deal with this matter!

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