She took a sip of her lips, swallowed her mouth and said, "you have no problem, I have a problem. Isn't this nightdress too penetrating?"

"Wife, do you know the name of this nightdress?" Jin Beisen suddenly half squinted his eyes and smiled at Zhou Manchun.

Zhou Manchun shook his head. "I don't know. What's the name of this skirt? It's quite novel. "

"It's called fun pajamas. It's natural to design sexy pajamas. I think my eyes are right when you wear them." Jin Beisen smiled at Zhou Manchun vaguely, his eyes were enchanting.

Zhou Manchun didn't subconsciously run away. Suddenly, she had a plan in her mind. She chuckled, and a bad idea came to her mind. She pinched the small underwear hidden behind her. When Jin Beisen slowly came in, she suddenly covered Jin Beisen's eyes with the underwear.

Jin Beisen was stunned for a moment. He slowly took off his underwear. His face suddenly deepened, but he was not angry.

Zhou Manchun takes advantage of Jin Beisen's trance and starts to run with his legs open, but before he runs a few steps, he is grabbed by Jin Beisen.

As soon as Jin Beisen bent down, he picked up Zhou Manchun and gently threw her on the bed.


After an incisive love, Zhou Manchun sticks to Jin Beisen's chest to breathe and listens to his slightly faster heartbeat.

"Xiaochun, you are beautiful." Jin Beisen holds Zhou Manchun in one hand and talks about sweet love words in her ear.

"It's said that men can't believe what they say in bed." Zhou Manchun mischievously reaches out his fingers and points Jin Beisen's chest and abdominal muscles.

"When did I deceive you?" Jin Beisen picked up Zhou Manchun's face and gave him a peck.

"I'm a little tired and want to sleep." Zhou Manchun said with a light smile and a languid tone.

"Sleep, baby."

"Do you sleep, too?" Zhou Manchun's voice is getting lower and lower. He looks like he is going to sleep.

Jin Beisen nodded and said, "well, I watched you sleep."

This sleep is like a long dream. Zhou Manchun dreams of a rainbow bridge. On a warm afternoon, she and Jin Beisen walk on the rainbow bridge hand in hand

The night of city a is always very busy. In the night, the lights are dim. On the flowing Road, people's shadows and lights are clamped together, which has cleared up the weather for several days. Finally, it's drizzling on this night. The whole city is like a picture enveloped in the misty rain. It's so beautiful that people forget everything.

Just late at night, a few happy and a few sad.

Lin Qiaoqiao was cheated out of his money by the driver's uncle. All the money he earned from walking, personal drugs and goods was cheated out by the driver's uncle.

Recently, she suffered from abdominal pain for several days before she made up her mind to go to the hospital. However, her money was not enough. She could only find a small clinic to see a doctor. She just came out of a small clinic. The doctor said that she was pregnant. After a detailed examination, she was still pregnant outside the palace!

It's like a bolt from the blue. The Misty drizzle is like Lin Qiaoqiao's mood tonight. She didn't know what kind of shit she stepped on tonight. When she went out, it didn't rain. But when she came out of the clinic, it rained. It was late autumn. The rain fell on her body, and it was still cold after all.

The driver's uncle didn't know where he had gone. Overnight, he took all the money from Lin Qiaoqiao and turned off the phone. Lin Qiaoqiao went to his house to find him, but his neighbor said that his family had moved.

He left with his wife and children, just as the world evaporated. Lin Qiaoqiao is undoubtedly the one who was abandoned.

The cold rain beat on her face, just like the unfeeling driver uncle, Lin Qiaoqiao's face was not bloody. She walked forward under the light rain, leaving her alone in the empty road.

At the moment, Lin Qiaoqiao feels as if she has been abandoned by the whole world. She dare not go home because her father is in hospital. Recently, the family is very short of money. If her mother knew that she was pregnant before marriage and was pregnant outside the palace, now the father of the child has run away, she would definitely break her leg severely.

"Ha ha God, is this retribution? " Lin Qiaoqiao smiled bitterly, looked up at the sky and let the ice rain beat her face.

Lin Qiaoqiao's hands couldn't help shaking, and suddenly he pinched his stomach severely. Why does God want to make such a joke with her? Pregnant even if, or ectopic pregnancy!

She felt helpless and didn't know who to look for. She opened her mobile phone address book. Her only friend was yuina.

Lin Qiaoqiao immediately burst into tears. At this moment, she instantly understood what is regret. She hated her ignorance at the beginning. How could she frame a girl who had so much heart and lungs for herself?

Life in the world, such as meeting love or friendship, is not easy, all you get is luck, all you lose is not yours.

Lin Qiaoqiao stood in the slanting wind and rain and walked forward fearlessly. Her hands trembled and she dialed the familiar numbers.

The phone has been ringing for about ten seconds. When Lin Qiaoqiao thought that Yu Yina would not answer the phone, Yu Yina connected the phone.

Hello, who are you Yuina's sweet and elegant greetings came from the phone.

Lin Qiaoqiao bit her lips, and her face became more and more white. She could not help but reply It's me. "

When Yu Yina heard Lin Qiaoqiao's voice, she didn't feel very surprised, because Lin Qiaoqiao's cell phone number hasn't been changed. Although she has deleted Lin Qiaoqiao's cell phone number, the serial cell phone numbers are still imprinted in her mind after so many years of friendship.

"Who are you? Do I know you? " Yu Yina asked deliberately and coldly, with a smile on her lips.

"Nana, can't you even hear my voice?" Lin Qiaoqiao asked in a humble voice, but his heart was full of self mockery with regret.

Yu Yina doesn't want to pay attention to Lin Qiaoqiao. She knows that Lin Qiaoqiao must be upset when she calls her. Recently, she is very upset and doesn't want to keep pestering this woman.

"I can hear that. It's just that we're no longer friends?" Yuina asked with a sneer, in a cold voice like talking to an enemy.

"Nana, I know you hate me, and I know I have done something wrong. If I had not been desperate, I would not have had the cheek to call you on this phone. I can't stand it any longer. Would you please lend me some money? As soon as I have money, I promise to give it back to you. " Lin Qiaoqiao begged in a humble voice. At this time, the rain was getting heavier and heavier. A car came to her not far away. The bright lights shone on her eyes.

"Borrow money? Ha ha, you are the kind of person who will think of me when something happens. I'm so kind to you, and you still frame me up. What do you think I can do for you? " Yu Yina raised her delicate eyebrows and eyes, nestled in Yu Shen's arms, and her stomach was angry.

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