"Wan Yu..." Yu Hanmo listens to Lu Wanyu's self-talk about his various evils. His heart suddenly twitches. He can't help thinking about it. Is he really so bad?

"Ha ha You don't have to sympathize with me because I'm ill. At least I've opened my mind now, and I won't hold a grudge. In your heart, there's no place for me. You built a high-rise building for her, and I'm just a chess piece you used. If you marry me, you'll be promoted to a higher position and get rich. What a good deal. You deserve it. " Lu Wanyu didn't get angry, but said in a light breeze.

Everyone knows the big truth, but it's hard to do it.

Up to now, Lu Wanyu doesn't want to worry about Yu Hanmo for a long time, so she will try to hide her illness. Unexpectedly, Yu Yina is the girl who let her slip her tongue. But Lu Wanyu doesn't blame Yu Yina. After all, her condition is getting worse day by day, which can't be concealed for a long time.

"Don't you believe me till now? Since I promised you to be a good husband and wife with you, I have been devoted to you. Can't you see it? " Yu Hanmo's eyebrows are locked tightly, and his tone is full of light dissatisfaction.

Lu Wanyu looked at Yu Hanmo calmly and hesitated for a moment. Since her condition has been concealed, why does she care so much? There are not many days left for her. She hasn't been loved by Yu Hanmo in her life. I just hope that the rest of her life can be loved and cared by Yu Hanmo once.

"Amo, I believe you, but I have a request. Can you promise me first?" Lu Wanyu's eyes were fixed on Yu Hanmo without blinking, and her thin lips were quivering. The only thing she insisted on was that she didn't want to be hospitalized.

The hospital is like a cage. Once you live in it, you can't get out. Lu Wanyu is afraid of death, but only wants to die at home.

Yu Hanmo guessed what Lu Wanyu wanted to say. His eyebrows and heart lock deeper. He raised a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "let's talk about it first."

What Yu Hanmo thought was that if Lu Wanyu had any other requirements, he would certainly agree to her, except to give up treatment.

"I can take medicine on time with the doctor's treatment, but I refuse to be in hospital. Once in hospital, it's too cruel. I have to do chemotherapy every day. I have to be drawn blood every day. There are endless injections. Amo, I don't want to have that kind of day. Let me have a good indulgence in the last few days, OK?" Lu Wanyu's voice was soft, but it was full of an extremely firm request.

Yu Hanmo's eyes trembled and his hands were clenched into fists. He didn't want to agree, so he had to keep silent.

Lu Wanyu saw that Yu Hanmo didn't speak, and Xiumei frowned abruptly. He took Yu Hanmo's fist in his hand and said, "ah Mo, I asked for this. Would you not agree to me?"

"Your illness is not incurable. Why give up treatment? You haven't tried, you're going to give up treatment. Do you think life is a joke? " Yu Hanmo's deep voice was full of forbearance, and his tone was heavy, but he didn't look fierce.

Lu Wanyu looks at him in a trance, and suddenly grins. Her smile is rampant, and her hair is a little messy Is it? Can I be cured in hospital? Amo, will you wake up? I have cervical cancer, cancer, not a common cold. "

"Cancer is not as terrible as you think. As long as you don't give up treatment, there must be hope." Yu Hanmo's mood was obviously excited. The blue tendons in his forehead were about to jump up. There was a helpless voice in his magnetic voice. He really didn't want to give up.

Yu Hanmo never thought that he had something to fear when he lived to this age. In these years, he was never so afraid of losing anyone.

Since Liu Anya's death, Yu Hanmo's heart seems to be dead, but unexpectedly, the dead heart can be revived, which is like a miracle.

"You're not a doctor. Don't imagine. My illness can't be cured." Lu Wanyu smiled helplessly, but the smile was still beautiful.

Yu Hanmo's eyes looked at her deeply. At that moment, he felt that she was fixed by time.

They have lived together for more than 20 years. They have been like their relatives for a long time. Even though they never had love, Yu Hanmo still doesn't give up. After a long time together, there will inevitably be some feelings. Even if it's not love, it's precious enough.

"Wan Yu, please don't do that, OK? I'll accompany you through this difficult time. Didn't you say that you would travel around the world together after I retired? I promise you that I will retire next year. Shall we go together? " Yu Hanmo's eyes quivered, mixed with a complex emotion, which he had never been so upset.

Lu Wanyu just smiled and looked at him sideways and said, "I Is there any hope? "

"Of course, your condition has not been determined. Don't you think you are still well now?"

Lu Wanyu wryly smiles and frowns slightly. Cervical cancer is really a kind of disease that torments people. She doesn't feel no pain, but she is very tolerant of pain. She won't tell Yu Hanmo if she hurts. These years, Lu Wanyu has come here like this, so Yu Hanmo always thinks this woman is strong.

Being strong is like a mask. If you wear it for a long time, you will be really strong.

I'm not painless, but I bear it silently when it hurts, and I didn't tell you.

This sentence, Lu Wanyu buried in the bottom of her heart, her face with a smile, suddenly nodded: "then what if the doctor said I was not saved? Did you just die? "

As for how long she can live, Lu Wanyu really doesn't know, but she still knows the changes of her body day by day.

"Doctors don't say that. It's quack. Quack says that." Yu Hanmo's face was stiff, and he felt miserable for a moment.

Lu Wanyu hooks her mouth. She knows what Yu Hanmo is thinking, but she can't bear to break it down. Yu Hanmo is just hard to accept the fact for a while. She can understand his mood. In order to let Yu Hanmo die completely, Lu Wanyu says, "OK, I promise you, I'll go to the hospital for an examination tomorrow."

"Which hospital did you check last time? This time we're going to change. Maybe the doctor has made a mistake. " Yu Hanmo's tone was a little anxious.

Lu Wanyu nodded and looked at Yu Hanmo with clear eyes. He only felt that Yu Hanmo was like a child and a stern general.

Once upon a time, Lu Wanyu always said to Yu Hanmo, half jokingly, would you like to take me around the world when you retire? Yu Hanmo never positively promised her, just said, wait until I retire.

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