This time, Zhong Xinrui really wants to rely on it.

"My God, it's really Zhong Xinrui."

"I can't tell she's such a person. It's really interesting this time."

"Miss Jin is so powerful that she can take such a picture."

"Zhong's second eldest brother is so devoted to life. This time, he did something wrong to give birth to such a daughter. Even if a man likes to go out and play, you can see that an unmarried girl is indulged in such a way that no one dares to ask for this pair of broken shoes in the future."

"Well, you can't look like a person, and the sea water can't be measured."

"The scale of these pictures is really big. Look at this posture."

"Tut tut It's very powerful. "

For a while, the scene was noisy, and everyone was talking about it, all of them were swearing.

Everyone is saying that Zhong Xinrui is dissolute and despicable, saying that her family's face has been lost.

The rest of them were all funny faces, except for sumuni, whose face turned white with fright, because she took Zhong Xinrui to that place several times, but every time they did that, the room was different.

Sumuni was afraid that her scandal would be exposed. Her uncle had just taken office. If she was exposed with such pictures, would she live?

Zhou Manchun and Jin Beisen also took out their mobile phones to search the microblog number. There were 21 microblogs in them, recording the photos of Zhong Xinrui going to the nightclub last month and this month.

In the picture, Zhong Xinrui, dressed in uniform, lies on the bed in a very wavy posture. She is completely a dissolute woman. Beside her, there is a handsome and handsome man, commonly known as "duck", sometimes there are two. In short, she is very unrestrained.

"Ah Funny, the light is so dark. How can you tell it's me? " Zhongxinrui looked at the photos, because they were taken secretly, so they were all sideways, without a straight face. She thought to herself, she could still deny them. In a word, she could never admit them.

"The light is dark, but I still have a video. The video is a complete record of everything you have." Jin Shuwen sneers and stares at Zhong Xinrui without blinking. She holds a sharp knife in her hand and can stab Zhong Xinrui's heart every minute.

Jin Shuwen's private detective is very reliable. They bought the duck and installed a camera in the room Zhong Xinrui would go to in advance, so the shooting became a video.

"Frame up, this must be frame up! Jin Shuwen, do you think I will believe you with these PS photos? " Zhongxinrui crazily grabbed her hair and said angrily.

Jin Shuwen's haughty face, the corner of her mouth suddenly hooked, raised Yang Xiumei and said, "is that right? I framed you. Not only did I frame you, but I also found someone to take pictures of you. You have the ability to go to the court and sue me. Let the lawyers enjoy it. Are these videos and photos true or not? "

Zhongxinrui is biting her teeth tightly. She looks like a dead face. Her fists are tight and tight. She is so angry that she can't say a word.

Jin Shuwen sneered scornfully, with a cold expression on her face, "Zhong Xinrui, you have the ability to continue acting like a madman, why don't you continue to act like a fool? You are so mean. I don't care about you for your ex girlfriend's sake. But you've provoked me again and again, even killed my child. Although I don't have conclusive evidence yet, I will bring you to justice by hand when I find the evidence. "

The lobby of the hotel is gorgeous and quiet.

Nobody expected Jin Shuwen to be so fierce and dare to tear his face with Zhong Xinrui on this occasion. However, Zhong Xinrui asked for it. If Zhong Xinrui didn't get drunk tonight and pretended to be crazy, Jin Shuwen would not choose to announce the scandal today.

Zhongxinrui's expression is stiff, and she can't say a word because of anger. She holds her hands tightly and shivers.

"You deserve all this, Zhong Xinrui. I'm going to start revenge. I hope you can sleep well every night for my innocent child." Jin Shuwen is just a light smile, but the air is filled with a smoke of gunpowder.

This war, obviously, has sounded the clarion call.

But no one thought Jin Shuwen would suddenly come up with such a move. She either didn't do it, and if she did, it would be a big move. She would directly put Zhong Xinrui to death, and she couldn't turn over.

The people present today are all the best of the upper class.

Zhong family was exposed such a scandal, later in this circle can not afford to face.

Father Zhong was so angry that he suddenly felt that he was not breathing well. He was breathing hard and pressing the position of his heart with one hand.

Only a "Dong" was heard, followed by a woman's scream, "ah Honey, honey, what's wrong with you? You wake up. "

Zhongxinrui's father was just about to stand up, but he couldn't stand still. Suddenly, he fell to the ground. Zhongxinrui's mother was scared to death. She fell to her knees white and white. She shook zhongxinrui's father's body with emotion and tears.

Zhong Xinrui wring her brow, ran quickly past, kneeling on the ground and shouting: "Dad, Dad..."

There was a "pa" in the air. Zhong Xinrui's mother glared at her eyes fiercely. She slapped Zhong Xinrui with a sharp expression, and her anger was already hanging on her face. "You don't want to face, get out of here. How can we have such a shameless daughter?"

Zhongxinrui just kneels on the ground in a pitiful way, looking a little aggrieved. She shivers her lips and tears "brush" down, "Mom I... I didn't mean to. "

"Don't say it. It's a real misfortune. You've lost all the faces of our Zhong family. Are you satisfied now? I said that you don't want to talk about a boyfriend well. You have to run to the nightclub to find ducks. Which tendon did you mix up wrong? " Zhongxinrui's mother, holding back her anger, began to teach zhongxinrui a lesson in public.

"Stop fighting. Call an ambulance first." Zhou Manchun suddenly shouted.

Everyone just looked on coldly, but Zhou Manchun responded the fastest. She was a doctor, and knew that the situation was critical at this moment. Even though Zhong Xinrui was wrong, Zhong Xinrui's father was not wrong. After all, it was a human life, and it could not be saved.

Jin Beisen immediately took out his mobile phone and called for an ambulance. Ten minutes later, the ambulance arrived at the scene, and the dinner ended in the unhappy ending.

Just, everyone's mood is different.

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