Next, while walking, yuina bought a lot of delicious food.

Nantang snack street, also known as Nantang old street, is surrounded by some buildings that are more ancient. In order to save time, Yu Yina walked through the familiar small alley and went inside alone.

Suddenly behind her there was a grim look staring at her. Yu Yina faintly noticed something. She subconsciously accelerated her pace and walked forward with her head covered.

Yu Yina felt that she was very sensitive after she was pregnant. She regretted that she had walked into this remote alley. She was carrying a lot of things. She felt a little tired and began to trot gradually.

But there was also a running voice behind her. Yu Yina was scared to death. She dared not look back. She just kept on moving forward.

Just as she was about to walk out of the alley, she obviously felt someone behind her pushing her hard. Yuina fell to the ground in pain and the things she was carrying were scattered.

Since she hasn't run out of the alley yet, it's still desolate here. After she fell to the ground, Yu Yina suddenly turned around to see that it was a man in black with a shiny knife in his hand. He was wearing a mask and sunglasses, so Yu Yina couldn't see the man's appearance clearly, only thought that he was not very tall.

"You Who are you? What do you want to do? " Yu Yina asked in horror, her eyes widened in an instant.

"If you don't mind, give me the money, or I will kill you." The eyes under the sunglasses of the man in black flashed anxiety and said sternly.

Yu Yina hurriedly takes out her wallet. There are more than 1000 cash in it. She hands a pink wallet to the man in black tremblingly, and stammers, "I That's all I have. "

When the words fell, Yu Yina felt a pain coming from her lower abdomen, which made her unable to speak at all. Her face began to turn white and her lips trembled slightly.

Although Yu Yina is pregnant, she is young and beautiful. She likes to dress up. She feels that she is not afraid of cold since she is pregnant. It is late autumn, but she only wears a thin flesh colored silk stockings.

There was a sudden colic in her lower abdomen, as if she was going to cut her flesh to pieces. Yu Yina was sweating with pain and had no strength to stand up from the ground.

The man in black still stood in front of her aggressively, and saw that Yu Yina was very weak. His tone was also a little nervous and said: "you You put your cell phone Give me your cell phone. "

The man in black is a first-time murderer. Because of his gambling debt, he escaped from city B to city A. he has no money, so he has to rob.

He turned over Yu Yina's wallet. There was only 1200 yuan in it. There was not enough fare on the way back and forth. He thought that the mobile phone was more valuable, so he had better get a mobile phone.

Yu Yina frowned and thought that she would never give up her mobile phone. If she gave up her mobile phone and how to call Yu Shen later, just as she was thinking about these problems, the man in black crouched down, grabbed her bag and ran towards the outside of the alley at full speed.

Yu Yina felt that there was a warm current coming out of her lower body. She tightly held her abdomen. Her long white fingers felt it subconsciously. When she felt the inner side of her thigh, there was a hot and sticky feeling. Yu Yina shrunk her eyes, and there was a flash of panic and scarlet blood in her beautiful eyes.

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