"Nana, son We will have children in the future. Don't be sad, OK? This child has no predestination with us. He takes a step first, but he will definitely come back again. " Yu looked at Yu Yina with a haggard face. Suddenly, he was sad and didn't know what to say. He knew that no matter how much he said at the moment, it just didn't help.

Yu Yina is not the kind of unreasonable woman, but this incident happened so unexpectedly that Yu Shen and Yu Yina did not expect it.

They have been looking forward to this child for a long time, especially after Lu Wanyu was ill and hospitalized, the whole Yu family is looking forward to the arrival of the child, and the one who is most looking forward to the birth of this child is Lu Wanyu.

Now, it will take Yu Yina at least three months not to share the room with Yu Shen and not to have another child in a year.

No one can guarantee Lu Wanyu's success until then. At the thought of it, Yu Yina's heart is like a needle in a thorn.

On the way to Nantang old street, she was still thinking about whether the child was a man or a woman and what her name would be after she was born. Although a doctor said earlier that the child in her stomach was a boy, before the child was born, everything was just empty talk and there was no guarantee.

Some pregnant women, even according to B-ultrasound to identify the sex of the fetus, there will be errors.

In fact, whether it's a boy or a girl, Yu Yina likes it all the same. She has always been thinking about giving Yu Shen two children, one son and one daughter, which is a complete life.

But things suddenly become like this, like a dream, suddenly broken, when the dream is broken, no sound can be heard, so quietly left.

All the things, do not hoarse, Yu Yina just eyes dull lying on the hospital bed, sad words can not say.

Yu Shen kept saying words of comfort to her, but Yu Yina couldn't hear anything until Zhou Manchun came to the ward. After seeing Zhou Manchun, Yu Yina couldn't restrain her tears at last, which was like the sea constantly rising out.

"Sister My... My children are gone, my children are gone, my children The children are gone... " Like a repeater, yuina is full of unbelievable feelings. She repeats this sentence mechanically, and the child is gone.

But even so, it was still difficult to get rid of her sadness. She held her lips tightly. The whole person was disordered and haggard. A white tooth mark appeared on her lower lip.

Zhou Manchun holds Yu Yina tightly. She knows the bitter taste best. When Yu Yina was pushed down the lake by Liu enxun, Jin Beisen cheated Zhou Manchun, which led Zhou Manchun to think that her child was gone and that she had miscarried.

This kind of sad mood, Zhou Manchun also once had an unforgettable experience.

so Zhou Manchun, as like as two peas, is the most famous one who is the same as Liu Xing Yan.

This woman, she really wants to cut her to pieces.

Yu Yina's experience this time is different from that of Zhou Manchun. She was robbed by a thief on the road and pushed to the ground by the thief, so the child miscarried unexpectedly.

Within half an hour of the thief's escape, Yu Shen used all his connections. Although the alley near the old Nantang street is remote, there are monitors everywhere, so the thief is not far away. Within half an hour, the police caught the thief.

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