"Xiaochun, it seems you still don't know me well." Jin Beisen smiled jokingly, his thin lips raised the arc of a sycophant, and his Bohemian appearance had a kind of supremacy.

"Why should I know you." Zhou Manchun refuses to accept the answer. At this moment, her whole body is imprisoned in Jin Beisen's arms. She plays like a doll at will. Zhou Manchun doesn't even have a chance to fight.

"To be my woman, you must understand me. Since you are so unqualified, I will help you with your lessons." Jin Beisen smiled badly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became deeper and deeper.

The alarm in Zhou Manchun's mind was immediately sounded. She knew what Jin Beisen wanted to do, but this is the living room. Wang Ma will come in anytime and anywhere. Is Jin Beisen crazy?

Before she could react, Jin Beisen had been bullying him. Every move he made was very hard, as if he wanted to crush Zhou Manchun's bones. Zhou Manchun was tossed by him for a long time, and felt his back ache.

"It's so weak. I haven't started yet." Jin Beisen joked lightly.

Zhou Manchun gave him a cold look, quickly packed Zouba's clothes, lay on the sofa and gasped for breath. Jin Beisen almost kissed her to suffocate.

"Since we hate each other, why can't we end it earlier? It's good for each other. " Zhou man's pure eyes flickered with a trace of different emotions. She may not know love very well, but she could see that Jin Beisen did not like himself.

"Zhou Manchun, you have made it clear that you have no right to say the end. The more you resist, the more I want to tame you." Jin Beisen said with a cold smile, the crystal lamp in the living room sprinkled on his head, which should have been a warm scene at this moment, it was extremely gloomy.

Zhou Manchun has been silent for a long time. Yes, he has no right at all. It was Jin Beisen who helped her. At the beginning, he agreed to let her go as long as she was his lover for a month. But now, he is in a state of fantasy and wants to leave early, which is definitely not feasible.

"Your cousin will treat me to dinner this Sunday." Zhou Manchun shifts the topic. She looks at Jin Beisen meticulously. There is a faint light in her beautiful eyes. It seems that she is looking for help like Jin Beisen.

Jin Beisen sat gracefully aside and flipped through a financial magazine. It seemed that he didn't care what Zhou Manchun said, or even regarded her as the air!

Zhou Manchun suppressed her inner restlessness, and she whispered, "your cousin is going to invite me to dinner, can I go?"

Jin Beisen didn't answer directly, but a light smile, a soft, straight nose and thin lips in his deep eyes, seemed to mix a cold and elegant domineering.

"Whatever." The two perfunctory words are not heavy or light, but like a wave, deeply beating in Zhou Manchun's heart.

A good word for you!

Zhou Manchun stands up and wants to eat alone, but her cell phone rings.

It was Yu Yina who called. Zhou Manchun walked to the flower house outside the villa and avoided Jin Beisen.

Jin Beisen's slightly drooping eyes immediately lifted up and looked at Zhou Manchun's direction. Who did the woman run out to answer her phone?

"Nana, what's the matter?" Zhou Manchun walked into the flower house, which was big enough to have a university classroom. Zhou Manchun asked as he looked east and West.

"Sister, are you ok? Where is it now? " Yu Yina holds the mobile phone and asks with lingering fear.

"I'm at a colleague's house. What's the matter?" Zhou Manchun is enjoying the flowers in the flower house. At the center of the flower house, he sees a white tripod piano.

Zhou Manchun's expression is stupefied for a while, but his steps are involuntarily moving towards the piano.

"My cell phone broke last night, so I didn't call you. Sister, what happened to you and my aunt?" Yu Yina sat up uneasily from the bed. She always felt that Zhou Manchun was strange recently. Since the accident of Zhou's group, she has become mysterious.

Zhou Manchun came to the piano and sat on the chair. She smiled knowingly and said softly, "silly girl, elder sister is OK. I'll move back home in a period of time. In this period of time, you help me to persuade my mother. She thinks a lot, and I'm definitely not messing around outside."

Yu Yina was not sure. She nuzzled and asked, "sister, really?"

"Really, I'm doing well now. Don't worry, who's your sister?" Zhou Manchun clapped his chest and promised.

"That's good. By the way, sister, has Mr. Xu contacted you recently?"

"We didn't get in touch with each other very much, but occasionally we chat on wechat."

"Last week in the school corridor, I heard an English teacher from our grade section and Xu's confession. That English teacher is our school's beautiful teacher. Many male teachers are chasing her. How could I not expect that she would have confessed with Xu?" Yu Yina's gossip.

"So? What do you want to say? " Zhou Manchun smiles helplessly. The little girl loves gossip.

"That English teacher and Xu teacher balabalabala said a lot, I remember what I like you and so on, but you guess what Xu teacher said!" Yu Yina's tone was a little excited, as if she had seen a good play.

"I like you, too?"

"Ha ha Sister, you are so stupid. Mr. Xu didn't say that I like you. He just said thank you. Then he said that he had someone in his heart. At that time, the English teacher was embarrassed. I saw that she almost cried. " Yu Yina recalled the scene of that day and laughed happily.

But Zhou Manchun completely ignored where Yu Yina's smile was. She calmly said, "Nana, you are good at reading. Don't gossip like that, do you know?"

"I know, elder sister, but I still want to remind you that Mr. Xu may like you." "Yuina is back to normal," she said solemnly.

"Don't talk nonsense."

"Really, I didn't talk nonsense. I went to the office a few days ago to ask Mr. Xu a question. I saw that his screen saver was you."

"How could he have my picture?" Zhou asked

"Maybe it's a picture from your Weibo or friends circle." Yu Yina's thief Xi's smile, anyway, she is very optimistic about Xu Ningsheng and Zhou Manchun.

"Silly girl, hurry to eat, and chat with wechat later." Zhou Manchun seems to be disturbed by Yu Yina's words. If Xu Ningsheng really likes himself, it will be troublesome. It seems that she should not be too close to Xu Ningsheng. Suddenly, she suddenly recalls Jin Beisen's words to her, who is ah Sheng!

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