Yu thought about it, and thought that he would wait until Lu Wanyu succeeded in the operation before telling her.

After Yu Chen sent someone to inquire about it, he immediately found Lu Wanyu's Hospital and ward. He took Qian Molly and Yu Xin to the hospital after dinner and asked Qian Molly to send Yu Xin home. He went to the hospital alone.

Walking in the bright corridor, Yu Chen felt a little lonely. When he learned that Lu Wanyu had cervical cancer, he felt a sense of revenge. Yu Chen was not a very bad person. He just paid back.

A pair of shined leather shoes stopped in front of a ward. Yu Chen knocked on the door and walked in gracefully and calmly.

Yu Chen looks at the ward, with a sneering smile on his lips. It seems that Yu Hanmo is very interested in Lu Wanyu. The ward arranged for Lu Wanyu is the top VIP ward of Jiaru hospital. Yu Chen heard from Zhou Manchun that the ward costs 8000 yuan for one night.

The furnishings in the VIP ward are very luxurious, even more exquisite than those in ordinary families. The furniture inside is mahogany. The ward in Jinyu desert is also the top VIP ward in Jiaru hospital.

Yu Chen thinks it's funny that no one has told Lu Wanyu this news since he was ill in hospital. His younger brother Yu Shen didn't say it. It's a matter of reason, but his father Yu Hanmo didn't tell him either. Yu Chen's heart is a little upset.

Even Lu Wanyu's illness was concealed. Was it because Yu Hanmo didn't treat him as his own?

When Yu Chen walked into the ward, there was no one in the ward except Lu Wanyu, who was lying quietly on the bed. Yu Chen's expression was kind of cold, and his face gradually showed a kind of cold breath. He started his long legs and walked step by step to Lu Wanyu's bedside.

"Ah Mo, you are back." Lu Wanyu didn't even open his eyes. He thought that Yu Hanmo had bought dinner and came back. He said enthusiastically, and his voice was still a bit lazy.

"Auntie, it's me." Yu Chen was silent for a few seconds and looked at Lu Wanyu's eyes. He said with a smile on his face.

Lu Wanyu's heart was startled, and suddenly opened her eyes and said, "ah Aachen, how can it be you? "

"I heard that aunt had cervical cancer and was in hospital, so I came to see you," he said with a smile

Lu Wanyu's face is stiff, and her heart has jumped to her throat. She specially told Yu Hanmo not to tell Yu Chen about the news of her hospitalization. Lu Wanyu understood what he had done wrong before and knew that Yu Chen had always been unhappy with himself. If Yu Chen knew that she had cervical cancer, he would not die laughing?

No, is retribution coming?

"I don't think you're here to see me, but to laugh at me?" Lu Wanyu looked as like as two peas in Yu as like as two peas. He had a little bit of a face that was exactly the same as Yu Shen. He had a little bit of a bit of jar left on his chin. It looked more mature than Yu Shen. It was really a bad thing.

Lu Wanyu does not want Yu Shen and Yu Chen to look the same in his heart! But the fact is that if Lu Wanyu was not familiar with Yu Shen, just then, when she opened her eyes, the light was trance, and he almost recognized the wrong person.

Yu Chen's eyes exuded a kind of cold taste, like a cold breath from hell. When he looked at Lu Wanyu, there was something deep hatred in his eyes.

Lu Wanyu also hates Yu Chen very much, but because of Yu Hanmo's face, he still likes to talk to Yu Chen. As long as Yu Chen doesn't do anything too much, Lu Wanyu will all bear it. After all, she has lived a long time and shouldn't compete with her younger generation.

"Aunt joked. I really just came to see you. Why should I laugh at you? Did you do something that I'm sorry for, feel conscience uneasy, see I will be afraid of it? " Yu Chen gracefully hooked the corner of his mouth and continued to reason along Lu's words.

For a moment, Lu Wanyu was stunned. She was completely silent for two seconds. There was a strange breath in the ward. Lu Wanyu thought to himself, why hasn't Yu Hanmo come back?

Faced with Yu Chen's query, Lu Wanyu was very flustered. Yu Chen was indeed born by the prosecutor, and his logical reasoning ability was better than that of ordinary people.

Lu Wanyu also watched the headlines in the afternoon. JS international held a press conference to exclusively disclose the details of the last diamond case being defaced. The one who solved the case was really Yu Chen.

Just one thing Lu Wanyu didn't understand. Didn't Yu Chen like Zhou Manchun? As a matter of fact, he should be Jin Beisen's love enemy. How can Jin Beisen send his love enemy to do things for himself?

"What are you talking about? I don't understand. " Lu Wanyu was stunned for two seconds and asked deliberately.

Yu Chen quietly looks at Lu Wanyu's acting and says with a slightly ironic smile: "there are only two of us here. Don't pretend. You are not tired after acting in front of my father for so many years?"

"I don't quite understand what you mean, Aachen. I know you've always been biased against me, but what did I do? Your father and I will be together. It's just a matchmaker's advice. "

"What a matchmaker's advice, it's the funniest joke I've ever heard this year. Did you force my mother to death?" Yu Chen's eyes were half narrowed, and there was a look of hatred in his eyes.

Lu Wanyu lowered his eyebrows and eyes. The expression on his face was a little ferocious. Her heart hurt severely, as if it had been pinched and exploded. She said with a strong smile, "where do you hear that?"

"Don't tell me, my mother's death has nothing to do with you. I've never been a hearsay person. To tell you the truth, I'll be a prosecutor. It's because I want to find out the cause of my mother's death. Before her death, the last person to talk to is you, Lu Wanyu. I'm not a three-year-old kid to fool you. You will get cervical cancer now. That's all It's all retribution. My mother, the spirit of heaven can finally rest in peace. " Yu Chen stared at Lu Wanyu viciously, as if he had suddenly become a different person. When he spoke, he was serious and full of violence.

Lu Wanyu's heart was shaking with fear. She was worried about what hammer Yu Chen really had in his hand. But when she thought carefully, it was impossible. Because when Liu Anya died, Yu Chen was not around Liu Anya at all. Yu Chen was just a kid in college. Besides, Lu Wanyu did it very cleanly It is absolutely impossible to make mistakes.

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