For “technical work types”, Mo Fei is more respectful…mainly disrespect is not good, otherwise he will have to coat the boat himself.

Most of the professional attitudes of the coating craftsmen are actually serious and responsible, because the lives of the entire boat are in their hands. Therefore, although the probability of sinking of ships heading to Fishman Island is very high, most of them have nothing to do with the quality of the coating.

Currents, sea conditions, large beasts, deep sea trek, and other external factors beyond human control are the main reasons for the shipwreck.

It’s not that there are coating artisans who specialize in pitting people…Even when they do this kind of work, they don’t have any psychological pressure. Anyway, most of the people who drowned are Pirate, or they can stare at the Pirate pit…but There is definitely no such person among the craftsmen who work exclusively for Marine.

So Mo Fei doesn’t actually have to show good to each other, let alone bribe them, just make sure not to offend them.

The coating operation will take two or three days to complete. After watching there for a while, Mo Fei chose to leave.

It’s been a long time since he landed, and next he is going to take a stroll around the islands.

Sabaody Archipelago strictly speaking of which is not an archipelago, but a part of an oversized plant protruding from the water surface, so it is not displayed on the recording magnetic needle. There are a total of 79 areas in the entire archipelago, of which areas 60 to 69 are the residences of World Government and Marine. This area is also the best place for public security.

Mo Fei and Afriel are walking on the street outside, looking at a greenery, lush and green full of vitality. Pedestrians are smiling, and the streets are row upon row. Bubbles are constantly rising from the ground. They float into the air, rising continuously, and then shattering.

In this occasional bubble breaking sound, a unique bubble culture was born on this island.

This local customs will even make first-time travelers linger. There are sightseeing areas and amusement parks outside. Placed in this World, this kind of prosperity and stability can be regarded as “pure land”. … But this is just appearance.

Illegal areas, human trafficking, slave boats, Pirate, and…

Celestial Dragon.

Beneath the glamorous appearance, the darkest part of the world is often hidden.

Apart from this, there are still a lot of dangerous people hiding or lurking here, the most famous of which should be the deputy captain of Roger Pirates and the right-hand man of Pirate King Gore D·Roger. SilversRayleigh.

“Dark King”, shoehorn Rayleigh.

But Rayleigh has “retired”, Roger Pirates is already in the past, so he doesn’t do much harm to the World Government… As one of the people who got the “big secret treasure”, since Roger Pirates After the disbandment, Rayleigh has been doing “Che Guevara” for almost 20 years. He has been living on “small theft” until now.

So the criminal activities that Rayleigh was engaged in were no longer under the control of Marine in theory, but by the police.

Before the war on the top, Rayleigh exposed his whereabouts in order to cover Straw Hat Luffy, and then re-entered Marine’s vision, but… Rayleigh should not be on this island now.

So Mo Fei gave up his intention to visit.

Mo Fei rented a “shared bubble car” in a rental shop, and then he stared at the pedals in front and motioned for Afriel to sit in the back.

“Afriel, are you interested in amusement parks, such a large Ferris wheel in this world seems to be a relatively rare thing.” Mo Fei then asked Afriel… …It’s also ridiculous, a person who can fly must ride a Bicycle.

But his statement is correct, not to mention the large Ferris wheel, this thing about the Ferris wheel is relatively rare…The world is so turbulent, Pirate has been raging, countless people have to consider the issue of food and clothing every day when their eyes are opened. Besides the nobles, who has the mind to play everywhere?

Afrail stared at the Ferris wheel over there for a while, then shook the head, “Not interested.”

Mo Fei looked back and looked at her The expression, and then it seemed to understand something, “Afriel, are you afraid of heights?”

“How is it possible?”


Well, there is a problem.

According to Afriel’s personality and way of speaking, if she is not afraid of heights, she should respond to Mo Fei’s questions like this… “not afraid of heights” or “no.”

The statement “how is it possible” seemed a bit overwhelming. Obviously, when facing this problem, Afriel’s emotions became a little nervous, and she was a person who didn’t know how to lie.

Mo Fei laughed, he didn’t say much…just record the key information in his heart.

Afriel opened her mouth, after all, she still didn’t know what to explain, or she didn’t know whether she should explain… She was entangled in whether her weakness had exposed this, so His face flushed slightly.

However, what’s tangled about this? Except for those who can fly, most people are more or less afraid of heights. This is a normal psychology.

It can be seen that Aphrel is at best the pseudo-three-nothing, not the true three-nothing.

Mo Fei has no interest in amusement parks either. He is going to see the more distinctive “spectacles” on this archipelago.

After leaving the Marine control area and sightseeing area, Mo Fei pedaled a Bicycle to the “chaotic area”.

I felt that the surroundings suddenly became more lively. Even before changing the map, Mo Fei faintly heard a gunshot.

Mo Fei just wanted to move forward, but at this moment, Aphrel behind him stretched out and pulled his sleeves.

“There is a large group of people ahead.

If nothing else, it should be Celestial Dragon.”


At this time, Mo Fei suddenly had an idea. It seems that Marine hates Celestial Dragon more than Pirate. Pirate and the kind of violent attack on Celestial Dragon, but Marine…World Government controls Marine, Celestial Dragon controls World Government, in other words, Marine is the horse of the “World Nobles” horse.

“Go around.”

I don’t want to look at Celestial Dragon’s face or hold Celestial Dragon’s stinky feet. Mo Fei can only choose to walk around Celestial Dragon…eyes Not to be upset.

Even if Garp is here, the “Hero of the Marines” has to walk around Celestial Dragon.

Celestial Dragon is known as “World Nobles” and “Creator”. It is a group that pays special attention to the continuation of bloodline, because they are “noble” and need to maintain this kind of “noble”, so they deliberately create The estrangement…It is conceivable that most of the time they are intermarried.

Celestial Dragon is not even willing to breathe the same air as ordinary people.

They naturally plunder and abuse ordinary women, but do those women have the right to give birth?

So imagine that Celestial Dragon originally only had 19 Royal Family, but now 800 years have passed, and intermarriage has gone through several laps…not to mention that many Celestial Dragons look crooked. Jujube, low intelligence, it’s not because they are arrogant, but because they are really low intelligence.

Wearing a face mask is probably because you are afraid that your mental retardation will spread to others.

Well, the above is all because of the malicious speculations generated by Celestial Dragon and Mo Fei.

But…Those things can ride on the heads of all mankind. If it weren’t for the Celestial Dragon’s weapons that destroy the world, Mo Fei couldn’t even think about it. How it happened.

“Celestial Dragon is going this way?”

Mo Fei asked Afriel again.


“Is there anyone in this house?”


“That Okay.”

Mo Fei patted a three-storey house with one hand, and after they left for a while, the house began to lean toward the road. , And then collapsed.

Anyway, say hello to Celestial Dragon first and make them sick.

Of course, it should be the homeowner who is more disgusting.

There are a lot of building ruins in front of Celestial Dragon, but the owner has suffered a great economic loss…Well, the masonry house does not match the painting style of this island, so I live in the bubble house Right.

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