Shooting Fish is like a lone boat in a storm. The island is full of “battle awareness” by two Admiral.

It is not the kind of deliberate suppression by Haoshoku Haki. In fact, the people on this boat are only affected by the aftermath of the “fighting intent” that seeps out from the island.

This kind of powerhouse direct life-and-death confrontation atmosphere is not something that ordinary soldiers can bear.

Although the Archerfish is not too close to Punk Hazard, from time to time there are still huge blocks of cold ice or smoky lava falling into the surrounding sea.

Glim curled up in the observation room, she was shiver coldly holding her head in her hands and pressing her ears.

Mo Fei, standing on the top of the observation room, said in his heart that the cat lady is the cat lady, what do you always like such a high nest? Reluctantly, he went down to the observation room, pinched the cat girl under his arm, and then jumped off the mast.

Glim hangs his limbs feebly, his head and tail drooping separately, like a dead cat.

Then Mo Fei went down to the cabin and threw Grim to the bottom of the bilge… The isolation in the ship played a limited role, but at least it was better than nothing.

At this time, in fact, all the Seaman had already hid in the cabin. The only ones who could move on the deck were Mo Fei and Afriel, but Afriel did not follow him. She was in the same room with the two fighting intents outside. She was staying in her room at this time.

Mo Fei stood on the top of the mast again and continued to observe the battle in the distance.

In fact, no matter how good his eyesight is, he cannot see the specific details of the center of the battlefield. All he can see is the spreading and then evaporating ice, falling from mid-air and then landing. The magma stream that had been frozen before and so on were large-scale shocks.

This is the conflict between the “highest battle strength”.

One day, two days, three days, four days, the two sides had offensive and defensive each other in the first few days, and each was determined and fighting intent like a knife.

Starting from the fifth day, the two sides seem to have entered a stalemate.

From the seventh day, magma began to beat the ice, Akainu seized the dominance of the battle, and under his pressing every step of the way, precognition fell into a passive position.

By the eighth day, precognition can only defend.

Ninth day, precognition has been unable to defend.

The tenth day…

The battle is over.

There is no doubt that the victory belongs to Akainu.

Although the two sides are both Admiral, after fighting this time, the gap between each other’s hard power still shows up.

Punk Hazard ten days later, half of it resembled a doomsday volcano, and the other side was transformed into a polar environment.

After another half day, someone walked out of the “volcano”.

The Archerfish has adjusted its direction again at this time, and the bow of the ship is facing Punk Hazard. Mo Fei is standing at the bow. As the captain of this ship and the major of Marine Headquarters, he is ready to welcome the arrival of the winner…The next Fleet Admiral candidate is indisputable.

For a moment, Mo Fei felt that if the precognition had won the battle, then things might become more interesting, but unfortunately this accidental phenomenon did not happen-back on the ship The person is Akainu, not precognition.

Akainu’s feet fell on the deck, and Mo Fei saluted him…It has nothing to do with philosophy, character, opinions, likes and dislikes, he is just a pure tribute to the powerhouse.

At this time, Akainu, with his upper body naked, with blood stains on his body, and a wound on his face…This can also be regarded as bruised.

He glanced at Mo Fei, and then said, “Do you want to participate in this game too?”

“…It’s too early for me, Sakazuki Admiral.”

“Then take away your boring sense of confrontation, as well as your double Haki that can’t be on the table… I just ended a battle, and I haven’t gotten from it yet. Come out of this state and be careful of accidentally being injured, then you will lose your life.”

“Sorry, Sakazuki Admiral, that is something that cannot be done…

Because I won’t.”


For Akainu, this matter is actually quite interesting. After some people watched his battle with precognition, Neither did they show the respect they deserved because of their strength, nor did they feel fear because of the power that can make Heaven and Earth discolored, but… eagerly wanted to participate in this kind of battle.

Akainu’s Haki, even if it’s not the sun, it can at least be described by the moon. At this time, Mo Fei’s Haki is like a candle. The difference between the two can be said to be the difference between Heaven and Earth, however…there is if there is, and there is no if there is no.

Double Haki is the inherent strength of everyone. However, if you want to use Haki as a weapon, you need special and long-term System training.

Now, someone has witnessed the extreme battle between the “highest battle strength”, and then gave birth to their own Haki.

So even if Akainu orders Mo Fei not to release Haki, Mo Fei can’t do it-because he really can’t.

How to control Haki? How could Mo Fei know.

“Forget it…

Go and bring that idiot back, near the center of the island… Pay attention to stop the bleeding.”

After the order, Akainu walked into the cabin… Even if it was him, he needed a rest at this time.

At this time, Afriel also walked out of the cabin. She saluted Akainu immediately after seeing Akainu, but Akainu ignored her at all.

After watching Akainu walk into the cabin, Mo Fei opened his mouth and said to Afril, “Go and change clothes, and then go over the ice… I’ll find a stretcher.”


Only Mo Fei and Afriel can move on the ship, but even if the ordinary Seaman is active at this time, their physique is estimated to be difficult to resist Punk Hazard’s environment at this time.

“Kuzan Admiral…”

“I can’t die.”

The idea is not consistent with the concept, and the mutual disgust is disgusted with each other, but even if the blood is like Akainu, Probably there is no way to kill precognition… How many years have these two people been comrades-in-arms?

Change into thick clothes and put on a stretcher, Mo Fei put down a lifeboat from the boat, and then quickly rowed towards Punk Hazard.

The two landed on the ice. As soon as they stepped up, Mo Fei felt a chill rushing from the soles of his feet to his forehead… The life of a “lifeguard” is still quite difficult.

After reaching the center of the island, Mo Fei finally found the precognition lying on the ground and unconscious.

Precognition looks much worse than Akainu at this time. In addition to the wounds and bloodstains on his body, the more important thing is that he lost a leg…should be beaten alive.

“Kuzan Admiral…

Everyone is cold.”

After a little inspection, Afril said.


Mo Fei asked if the girl could not be cute at this time?

“He was originally cold.”

No matter whether he is alive or dead, precognition is often very cold.

“So you can’t die, it’s just that you can’t die… The face of Sakazuki Admiral doesn’t look like a good person. It’s good if he can show mercy.”

Aphrel tilted her head, ready to redefine the four words “show mercy”.

“Hurry up, it’s too cold here.”

In a few years, this place can be as cold as the ice cellar, even more how the battle has just ended now.

Mo Fei unfolded the stretcher and threw the precognition directly onto the stretcher. Then the two of them carried the one-legged Admiral and ran all the way to the shore.

After the two returned to the Sheshuiyu, they put the precognition on the deck, and Mo Fei rushed directly into the cabin.

“Medical soldiers? Where are the medical soldiers? Hurry up, there is a big job to be handed over to you, to save people…”

Mo Fei gave several malaise medical treatments The soldiers kicked them to wake up, and then dragged them to the deck.

After the medical soldiers saw what the precognition looks like at this time, they instantly sucked in a breath of cold air, and a few people went up for a little check, and then they made my eyes with you at the same time. looked towards Mo Fei.

They are just medical soldiers, and their job is to rescue the emergency on the battlefield, and the task at hand is a bit “super-class” for them. Mo Fei’s orders are difficult for them.

…………Devil Fruit notes…………

Haki’s Awakening method:

1, find a good baby, born.

2, long-term, purposeful self-exercise.

3, the strong external stimulation requires one’s own strong consciousness and perception.

If these 3 types are to be sorted from highest to lowest difficulty, they should be even more like “1, 3, 2”.

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