Since the “War on Top”, there have been some changes in Impel Down’s internal positions.

First, the warden Magellan was demoted to the deputy warden, but this demotion was to a large extent because of his own harshness and self-demotion.

In the case of Impel Down’s fall, he consciously assumed the corresponding responsibility.

On the one hand, it’s because of the escape of criminals headed by Pirate Monkey D. Luffy, formerly “Shichibukai” Jinbe, Sha Crocodile, Revolutionary Army Ambrio Ivankov and “Legendary Pirate” Buggy, and the other On the one hand, Blackbeard’s invasion of LV6 and the release of a large number of extremely vicious.

Magellan once “instantly killed” the Blackbeard Pirates regiment, but the latter was rescued by the Impel Down traitor and the former Chief Warden Shiliew. In the subsequent two conflicts, Magellan lost to the Blackbeard Pirates regiment, Seriously injured and dying.

Impel Down’s fall is of course a major event, but Magellan’s responsibility for strictly speaking is not that great in this matter—Impel Down was caused by two consecutive “Shichibukai” In fact, it was the responsibility of the World Government and Marine Headquarters, because they gave Shichibukai too much trust.

In this case, Magellan can’t be asked to really defeat the Blackbeard Pirates group alone. In that case, why does Marine Headquarters eat? So Magellan’s main responsibility is still oversight, he was confused by Pirate Empress, so that Luffy mixed into Impel Down.

So after the “War on the Top” was over, Magellan was demoted to Deputy Warden, and Hannyabal, the former Deputy Warden, was promoted to Warden. After the former Chief Warden Shiliew joined the Blackbeard Pirates regiment, the former Vice Warden Domino’s was promoted to Chief Warden.

At this time, Impel Down has walked out of the shadow of the previous incident. After a long period of maintenance, it is finally restored to order.

Then, then Mo Fei came here…well, even he wouldn’t do any moths in places like Impel Down.

Although working in Impel Down, Mo Fei does not really need to enter the prison because his working place is in the above ground part of Impel Down, which is the ground floor instead of LV1 underground. To LV6.

His job is also very easy to use. Of course, this has nothing to do with his work enthusiasm or professional skills, mainly because there is a Lieutenant Aliville who has been working here as his “assistant” ——Mo Fei Commodore is also a “leader”. What does the leader want with that many professional skills?

He was not proficient in navigation when he was a captain, but didn’t he have a Navigator on board?


After the accommodation was arranged, Mo Fei started to work formally on the 2nd day. There are only a dozen people in the Marine Headquarters “Responsible Office”, which should be regarded as a civilian organization in essence.

The “Resident Office” is next to the Chief Warden office in Impel Down, and the two sides are connected together.

“Do you have any work today, Lieutenant Eliville?”

After arriving at the office, Mo Fei turned to the back of a large desk that he had already cleaned up. After sitting down, he asked Lieutenant Eliville who was on the side.

A lot of the things here are left by the former “Director of the Promoting Office”. Mo Fei directly used it for “effective use”. He did not apply for office supplies again until he had no pretense.

“Yes, today there will be a Bounty 30 million Beli Pirate here. The name is’Vanyusha’, who is called the’Explosive Expert’… Our main job is the transfer of this Pirate, Commodore .” Lieutenant Eliville said.

The lieutenant did not despise Mo Fei because of his age. On the contrary, his attitude was very correct and even respectful. This is not only because Mo Fei received a high rank at a young age, but more importantly. It’s that Lieutenant Eliville knows the strength of Mo Fei…

Not long ago, Impel Down “wholesale purchase” a lot of Pirate with an “average unit price” of tens of millions, and those Pirates are all It was delivered through the “channel” of Mo Fei, who was still a major at the time.

He does not produce Pirate, he is just a porter of nature.

Elivier has handled those Pirates, so Mo Fei is considered to be a very capable person.

“The 30 million Pirate should be imprisoned in the underground 2-Layer’Beast Hell’, right?”

“Yes, Commodore.”

“Then I will visit this Pirate later.”

Until noon, a Battleship arrived at the Calm Belt, and after it stopped, the outer door of Impel Down was opened again.

It didn’t take long for a tall Pirate to be brought to Mo Fei.

“This is the’explosive expert’?” Mo Fei asked after looking up and down the opponent.

Lieutenant Aliville did not answer Mo Fei’s question. He kept a few pieces of information in front of Mo Fei, including the Marine’s arrest statement, Pirate’s identity confirmation document, and the trial by the judiciary. Books and so on.

Of course, there is Seaman of the “Responsible Office” to approve the identity of Pirate, in case the wrong person is caught or someone enters Impel Down by impersonation.

As for Mo Fei’s work, there are actually two main types. One is responsible for signing various approval documents, and the other is that if something goes wrong, he is the highest responsible person and is responsible. Back the pot.

The Pirate in front of him looked quite energetic. It seemed that he had not been tortured during the arrest and interrogation. Therefore, even when he came to Mo Fei, the other party still held his head up. The deputy didn’t look at Marine at all.

Since the other party was so dragged, Mo Fei paid special attention to the man’s verdict, and then he found…well, this guy was sentenced to 189 years.

Shinai “sitting in prison”, so why not directly sentenced to death?

As a result, when Mo Fei finished signing the document and handed it back to Lieutenant Eliville, Pirate glanced at him with slanted eyes, and seemed to confirm that Mo Fei was the highest here. Sir.

Then the throat squirmed a bit, and it seemed that a thick phlegm was brewing, and then he was going to spray mercilessly on the characters in front of him… It seems that this is what the other party uses to express the “spirit of resistance” and The practice of “unyielding unyielding consciousness”.

Pirate is pursuing “freedom”. Naturally, they have endless resentment for those who deprived them of their freedom.

But in the middle of in a flash, Mo Fei waved his hand like a whip, leaving a series of afterimages fast, followed by a crisp sound of “Pa”, which was crispy.

Then I saw the big man’s head turned back almost 100 degrees, and then his cheeks were rapidly congested and swollen, and his whole person fell on the hard rock floor.

This slap is a slap with all his strength, Mo Fei is not merciful at all to the incapable of resisting people whose hands and feet are restrained.

Well, what Mo Fei thought at this time was actually “I didn’t take the initiative to trouble you, what is your Pirate’s air?”

After hitting people, Mo Fei silently He withdrew his hand, and then asked Eliville, “Is there any violation of the rules when I hit someone?”

Aliville just cleaned up the documents in his hand, and he looked steadily forward. Said happily, “Commodore, criminals also have human rights, but…Pirate doesn’t.”

Aliwell has been working on Impel Down for a long time, and he is punishable by this kind of corporal punishment. , Torture, insults, and not treating criminals at all have long been commonplace.

I can only say that Elindel Commodore is very quick to get started with the new job. The criminals who came to Impel Down were faced with endless torture. What was the slap that Mr. Commodore slapped ahead of time?

Then the Marine lieutenant looked at Pirate who was on the street…


It seems to be a little bit, because Pirate seems to Was slapped and fainted.

It’s a bit outrageous, why did Mr. Commodore put such a heavy hand? Do you show his strength?

“Drag away, the work here is complete, confirm that there is nothing wrong.” The lieutenant said.

Well, it doesn’t matter whether you are dizzy or not, anyway, the next thing is the work that Impel Down is responsible for.

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