Impel Down is essentially a prison, but as its name suggests, this is really a city…Impel Down holds hundreds of thousands Criminal.

So how to manage this city is a complicated and tedious project.

Of course, no matter how complicated this project is, it has nothing to do with Mo Fei. Anyway, he will not really get involved in the specific internal work of Impel Down. He is just a “passenger”. They are interns and temporary workers.

Mo Fei took the elevator all the way down, LV1 “Red Lotus Hell” and LV2 “Beast Hell” he did not intend to stay to visit. Mo Fei originally planned to walk down the elevator from the “Starvation Hell” of LV3, but I don’t know why the elevator suddenly became uncontrollable. No matter how he pressed the button, it still went all the way down.

If the elevator was out of control in his previous life and he was trapped in it, Mo Fei should have started to panic at this time, but it is different now, because he knows that this kind of boxy box can’t actually trap himself… …But Mo Fei did not immediately try to destroy the elevator.

He looked up at the four monitoring Den Den Mushi in the four corners of the elevator. He knew that the control room of Impel Down could see what happened to him now, so he didn’t plan to do anything… If you come, you will be at ease.

The probability of a sudden elevator failure is minimal, and since Mo Fei is locked, it is probably not an accident, but someone is doing a ghost… It should be someone who really doesn’t want to let “outsiders” like him go everywhere Run around.

Is there anything hidden in Impel Down that cannot be known to outsiders? Mo Fei suspected that he might have chosen an unsuitable time to visit.

But it doesn’t matter. In any case, Impel Down is also impossible to lock up or “dispose” Marine officers like Mo Fei directly. Therefore, he has a very peaceful mind and has no worries about his own situation, just I feel a little curious.

The elevator quickly passed the third underground floor and went straight down.

In fact, if you want Mo Fei to tell, the cruel punishment in Impel Down is neither the Freezing Hell of LV5 nor the Eternal Hell of LV6, but the Starvation Hell of LV3…Long-term lack of drinking water The feeling of food and food is unbearable just thinking about it.

LV4Blazing Hell requires the prisoners to work continuously. In order to keep them physically strong, Impel Down will provide at least limited food. As for LV5Freezing Hell… In fact, it doesn’t matter whether the prisoners at this level eat or not. Up.

Relatively speaking, the pain of LV3Starvation Hell lies in the air-drying of prisoners in cages. The principle is the same as drying raisins.

The elevator finally stopped at the entrance of LV4. When the elevator door opened and Mo Fei saw the outside, a hard to describe heat wave instantly assaults the senses.

The entire LV4 Blazing Hell is a “big iron pot” with a pool of blood in the pot and a fire sea outside the pot.

Mo Fei stepped out of the elevator, and immediately felt that his pores were relaxed, and sweat flowed out afterwards. Mo Fei took off his Marine uniform as he walked out, and soon there was only a short-sleeved sailor suit left on his upper body, so he kept waving his hands and fanning his face.

It’s hot and stuffy, and it’s very unnaturally hot.

“Ilindell Commodore, meeting for the first time, hello…”

Before Mo Fei took a few steps forward, he heard someone calling his name ……This is a natural thing, since the elevator sent him to the underground 4-Layer, then there will be no accidents waiting for him.

Mo Fei tilted his head to look, and first saw more than 20 “rare beasts” walking upright, stout, over three meters in length, and holding a double-edged giant axe… these “Rare beast” should be Impel Down’s special Jailer “Blue Orangutan” if nothing else.

Further forward, it is a “zebra”, which stops Mo Fei’s sight for a while… This is the famous specialty “Jailer Beast” of Impel Down.

Although it looks funny in appearance, the battle strength of this thing should not be underestimated, because all Jailer beasts are “Awakening people” of “Zoan” Devil Fruit, possessing extremely exaggerated power, Physical strength and recovery ability, unless they are completely destroyed in physical form, these Jailer beasts can fight forever.

Mo Fei suspects that he can’t win such a rare beast in a frontal battle. Of course, it is limited to a “frontal battle”. If you really want to fight against this perverted “Zoan” If so, then he will definitely drag them directly into the sea.

Then Mo Fei’s gaze shifted down, and then he saw the person who was greeting him, who was also the Sir of the Jailer team.

“Hello, Saru Dessian chief officer.”

Mo Fei said, since he came to work here, he naturally remembered the names of Impel Down’s main management.

Saru Deszil is a two-headed dwarf. He wears a very formal “suit and leather shoes”, and he doesn’t feel hot in this environment.

Because of the huge difference in body size between humans in this world, the body of the other person does not make people feel weird… In a sense, Mo, who is less than two meters tall Fei is the same as the prisoner, they are all dwarfs.

“Elindell Commodore…”

“You don’t need to be so distracted, just call me Mo Fei. Mr. Sarudais, after all, we are all colleagues, aren’t we? “Mo Fei does not “see the outside” very much.

“Then…Mo Fei Commodore, are you here at Impel Down this time for a visit?” Sarudais asked.

“Well, I don’t have much other work today, so I decided to come here for a visit… Mr. Sarudais, is there something accident in Impel Down? Why do I feel like I’m still inside? Blocked?” Mo Fei said.

“Mo Fei Commodore, please come with me, we will talk as we go.” Sarudais motioned to Mo Fei to go ahead, and then he followed him.

Followed by a whole team of “very ugly person”.

“To be precise, it is in a semi-blocked state.

After the end of the’major event’, because something like that happened on the Impel Down side, it has been a long time This large prison is in a strict lockdown state, and the different floors are absolutely isolated, and then it was changed to the current semi-closed state, and it has continued to this day.

So far, Impel Down is connected up and down. Only the central elevator is the only way to use it. As for the stairs or other means… it is still in a state of destruction, so the central elevator is strictly controlled.”

Mo Fei listened to the other party’s explanation, and then understood. Since it’s not that simple for him to use that elevator, then the problem is…

“Mr. Sarudais, I don’t quite understand why Impel Down is still in this kind of semi-blockade. It’s been a long time since the incident happened, and I heard that the order here has been restored a long time ago.”

“It is roughly restored. Impel Down has indeed resumed operations. It’s just that… the remaining problems are not so easy to solve.

The large-scale riots that occurred a year ago, completely eliminating the remaining waves are not so simple.

The criminals who successfully escaped tentatively, the problem lies in the criminals who escaped from the prison room but did not successfully escape. In fact, they are hidden in every corner of Impel Down, and in the previous riots, every Impel Down The surveillance system in this corner has been severely damaged…Mo Fei Commodore, can you understand me when I say that?”

Mo Fei nodded, “Generally understand, which means that even now, there are still ‘a fish that escaped the net’.”

Impel Down is like a medium-sized city, although this city is in the isolation of the Calm Belt, but even so, in some parts of the city It’s still with no difficulty to hide a few people in the corner… It may be a bit too much to find a needle in a haystack, but it must be extremely difficult to catch those people. If you are lucky, they can even hide for several decades.

Impel Down naturally can’t let this kind of thing go, because every criminal who is not locked by handcuffs is a potential safety hazard. They are like mice obediently and honestly if they keep hiding tentatively. , But what if someone suddenly can’t think about it and wants to find something?

Mo Fei just thought about it for a while, and then he felt nodded. Impel Down is really a mess. The criminals who have escaped from prison are happy, but what about the follow-up? Jailers have to check the prison rooms one by one according to the list to see which criminals have disappeared, and also to determine whether they are on the list of successful escapes…

The ones who died directly, the ones who escaped , The one who was captured, the one who was not captured… It can only be said that Mo Fei is not the Chief-In-Charge of Impel Down.

Even after three to five years, Impel Down’s criminal list is estimated to be impossible to check.

If you think about it this way, did Magellan, the former warden, choose to “resign and let the virtuous” be a scam?

“Well, for example, there is a Pirate named Bensam, who was clearly dealt with by the Warden Magellan and thrown into the jail, but afterwards he disappeared, and so far we have not found that again. People, whether it’s a living person or a corpse… There are more than one thing like this.” Sarudais said with an example.

Mo Fei said in his heart who Bensam is, and I have never heard of it.

The two exchanged like this while walking around the stove, and soon Mo Fei’s top was completely soaked.

After a while, Sarudais stopped, or the road ahead was blocked by a large pile of collapsed iron shelves.


A dead end? Mo Fei is a bit unclear, so he doesn’t know why the other party brought himself to this place.

“Mo Fei Commodore, I heard that you are a very special Devil Fruit Ability User, so I don’t know if I can ask you a little favor…”

“Eh… “

Well, Mo Fei suddenly understood, and his expression became depressed…Co-author, is this for me to be a porter and garbage collector?

…………Devil Fruit notes…………

Sure enough, the word “justice” should not be written on the back of the Marine uniform, in fact, it should be written “positive” , Add a sum every time you destroy a Great Pirate, and then you can fill up your back first.

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