Since Mo Fei became Marine, he seems to have experienced a lot of battles, whether it’s naval or land battles. However, this is the first time that this close battle is evenly matched. Encounter… No, not just evenly matched, except for the blessing of fruit ability, it should be said that the strength of the fugitive is higher than that of Mo Fei.

Bounty’s 220 million Beli’s fugitive, Di Bella, is not an Ability User. He relies on pure physical ability to get such a bounty, and this kind of person seems more difficult for Mo Fei.

Di Bella held Mo Fei’s arm with the fingers constantly exerting force, so that Mo Fei had to clenched his fists and tightened his muscles to resist. It stands to reason that this “strength” was for the fugitive. It shouldn’t be done, but Mo Fei immediately came over with a clear comprehension-the other party wanted to capture himself.

It’s a bit too big, right? After understanding what the other party wanted to do, Mo Fei thought in surprise. Shouldn’t you consider hitting him half to death as quickly as possible, and then consider the follow-up, do you want to get it right in one step? Is the opponent confident that he can raise his hand to surrender?

Mo Fei glanced at the other person’s face again and found that this person looked at thirty-forty years old, with an unknown degree of poisoning on his body, and has been hungry for a long time. It can be described as life and death in places like LV5. Hanging by a thread, that is to say… the opponent is extremely weak and extremely fatal.

Now this is a battle that Mo Fei has never experienced before, so his eyes seem to become brighter.

Keep your mind focused, calm down, have thunder in your chest, face like a calm lake, and be cautious and bold.

Mo Fei took a deep breath, his arm was accumulating strength, and then while shaking his arm vigorously, he clasped the opponent’s wrist with his backhand, and then he suddenly pulled the opponent’s side by his side, his left elbow momentarily Protruding, without the slightest hesitation, it pierces the opponent’s throat.

It can be said that this product is very powerful. As a student of Vice Admiral Garp, he has really learned fighting from Vice Admiral. However, compared to Vice Admiral Garp’s kind of openness, demons and monsters The battle method that Kudos smashed with one punch, his battle method is really very different.

The enemy was hungry for a long time, so his body was thin and his feet were vacant. Mo Fei was really pulled over by Mo Fei. However, at this time, the enemy neither avoided nor defended, but was angry. Counterattack… His other hand swiftly moved around the side like a snake out of a hole, and hit his forehead with a punch.

The opponent’s moves are flexible, cunning, and cruel. This is exactly the battle method of fighting for life.

Mo Fei’s Kenbunshoku Haki… It can only be said that it can only be applied to actual combat, not so good, so when he perceives the opponent’s actions, he only has time to give his own head The first layer of Busoshoku is defended.

So with a muffled sound of “peng” that occurred at the same time, Mo Fei’s head touched the opponent’s throat at the same time.

The opponent’s throat was naturally not penetrated or broken, but Mo Fei’s face was bloody.

Mo Fei shook his body, and couldn’t help taking a step forward. At this moment, he only felt his head buzzing… After shaking his head violently, he barely stabilized. Live the figure.

The other party was even more unbearable. Although there was no bleeding, he almost fell after being hit in the throat. When Mo Fei felt the buzzing in his head disappear, what he saw in his eyes was In the wind and snow that spread down, what I heard in my ears was a violent cough.

However, before his eyes re-locked the opponent’s position, a handful of filthy Shen Xue had already rushed in front of his eyes—your sister, how could there be such a trick?

Mo Fei compelled by circumstances closed his eyes, and at the same time, his Kenbunshoku Haki covered his body in the most light and sensitive way.

With a high level of concentration, the opponent’s body contours and body movements instantly surfaced in Mo Fei’s consciousness.

in an instant, Mo Fei draws his sword out of its sheath, and at the same time both of his hands hold down the sword hilt, and the sword edge steadily points to the right side of the body, as if pressing down all the weight of his body, he Stabbed the long sword in that direction.

At the same time as the sword was out, Mo Fei had a clear comprehension in his mind—he understood why the old prisoner asked him to practice swordsmanship. It turned out that it was not useless.

For example, to practice calligraphy, no matter how successful a person is in Calligraphy in the future, at first, what kind of talent he has, but when he first practices calligraphy, he always starts with copying copybooks—— Practicing sword is like practicing calligraphy.

After grasping such a truth in a trance, then Mo Fei is facing another problem…Is the “copybook” prepared by the old prisoner for him brilliant? How brilliant is the word brilliant? ?

The long sword was slightly blocked, and then suddenly stopped.

The palm covered with Busoshoku Haki clamped Mo Fei’s sword edge like iron tongs, and as Dibera’s palm became tighter and tighter, the blood ticked along the tip of the sword Down-Busoshoku Haki is not omnipotent. The strength and defensive power of Busoshoku for ordinary people are particularly inadequate compared to sharp iron blades.

Sword edge was blocked by the enemy, Mo Fei was not surprised, but at this time his mood was very calm, and the things he cared about were no longer the winning or losing side of the battle-at this time, he started Recall the swordsmanship the old prisoner taught him.

Immediately afterwards, he flipped his wrist, sword edge stopped the forward thrust, and then the blade flipped and the sharp blade moved upwards, scraping into the opponent’s abdominal cavity from bottom to top.

Compared with the boxing technique just now, Dibera feels that Mo Fei’s swordsmanship is stronger at this time, as if the trick is deadly. However, the connection between the attack and the attack is extremely jerky, missing so much. It’s mellow.

Well, this is very normal. A person who can only make a post, can he expect any calligraphy from him?

But gradually, as the battle progressed, Mo Fei’s attack became more fluid from the initial jerky. Correspondingly, as physical strength continued to pass, Di Bella gradually became stretched.

At this time, he only feels that Mo Fei’s blade is inseparable from his head, neck, heart and abdominal cavity. It seems that he is only swaying against his skin. If he is careless, he will fall into a torn skin and gaping flesh, The blood was bleeding all over the floor.

If such a fight continues, Dibera will only be undefeated, because he has no physical strength and can’t take the risk of exposure to drag it down, so the fierce light in his eyes grows stronger and stronger. Get up… this person also has a clear comprehension, it seems that the opposite person is using himself to “train”.

Mo Fei also noticed the opponent’s determination to fight to the death. He blinked his left eye hard, and squeezed the blood from his cheek out of the corner of his eye, then he took a deep breath again.

So, just as Dibera was preparing to “either the fish dies or the net splits”, the next moment, the ice under his feet suddenly rose up without any prediction. stand up.

The huge icicle pierced the sky directly, and the silhouette was knocked into the air in an instant…


Flying high It’s far.

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