“Reef, reef, and fasten the rope!”

“Raise the anchor and stay away from this reef area!”

Mo Fei Station Shouting on the deck, directing the Seaman’s actions, but even if he had used the loudest voice, this command was still greatly weakened by the roaring wind… Fortunately, he encountered this kind of disastrous weather. At that time, the well-trained Seaman knew what they should do, so Mo Fei’s command was actually superfluous.

The storm is near, but the Battleship has not yet collected the sails, but Mo Fei has no choice but to do it himself. He stretches out his hand to point the sail, so the lower edge of the three mainsails on the three masts is horizontal. The rod moves up at the same time, one step to the top.

The Seaman hurriedly tied the sails, and then slipped off the mast at the fastest speed… Staying on the mast in this kind of weather is equal to courting death.

Battleship began to turn its direction slowly, most of the Seaman was hidden in the cabin, and the few Seaman who remained on the deck for work all tied a safety rope on their body to prevent themselves from falling Into the sea.

At this time, Mo Fei was hesitating whether to use his ability to take the ship to speed up the escape, but he couldn’t make a decision for a time…The storm in front of him should have been encountered since he went to sea Finally, letting the ship float may be counterproductive, causing the Seaman to fall into a more dangerous situation.

And in this hesitation, after only two minutes, the storm has already arrived.

In an instant, the ship looked like Brat who was slapped by a giant man, and began to circle in place.

Battleship As the waves rise and fall, the Navigator and Seaman are working hard to control the direction of the bow, trying their best to keep the side of the Battleship from directly facing the waves, otherwise it will be even more resistant to wind and waves. No matter how good it is, it will be overturned by a wave.

next moment, a huge wave hit the side and rear of the Battleship. The huge impact caused the hull to jump forward suddenly. At the same time, the deck tilted sharply. Mo Fei saw a Seaman in front of him. He was unstable and fell out of the boat.

So he rushed forward a few steps without the slightest hesitation, stretched out his hand to pull the safety rope tied to the opponent, and then pulled it back…The safety rope is actually not safe, tied People with ropes can easily be thrown to death or dragged to death.

Just when Mo Fei yelled to remind the Seaman who avoided a catastrophe to be more careful, suddenly, he felt an extremely palpitating feeling.

Then his feeling began to slow down. He rolled his eyes upwards and found that his hair was rising up abnormally. At the same time, he brought a kind of numbness to his whole body. feel.

hong long!

A thick thunderbolt slashed straight down, it hit the front deck of the Battleship with great precision, and then the lightning was like spilled mercury, or countless jumps. Like the marbles, it covers the entire deck.

After violent winds and huge waves, followed by heavy rain and thunderbolt, the lethal weather finally arrived, and then…

It was out of control.

The torrential rain is like a mountain torrent, pouring one head on this sea.

Thunderbolt is like a torrential rain, woven into a shiny silver net in the gloomy sky in the distance.

The Battleship in wind and rain was shaken by thunderbolt immediately.

Mo Fei only felt his legs soft, his head dizzy, his body crooked, and then he was a little confused. When he threw himself on the deck in an unsuspecting posture, and his head suddenly knocked on a sharp protrusion, the sudden pain regained his spirit.

Then he understood what happened to him…

Fuck, he was struck by lightning.

Then he came up with a second thought…

Huh, he didn’t get hacked to death?

Not only was he not hacked to death, even after being hit head-on by a thunderstorm of that scale, Mo Fei did not lose his mobility…Although his physical condition was not very good at this time.

Mo Fei barely supported his figure. At this time, he only felt that his chest was like a furnace and his breath was like a bellows. The whole person was hot and hot, as if he was steamed… Put it in ice water and make a “body cold compress”.

Blood gurgling from the torn forehead, blurred half of his face under the torrential rain.

Mo Fei closed his left eye and scanned the surroundings of the deck with the other eye…the lightning strikes left traces of scorching and burning. These are very obvious. Fortunately, the burning flame is already immediately. Was wiped out by heavy rain.

The other Seamans around were also affected by the lightning strike, all of them were scorched, rolled their eyes, and smoked all over.

“Aylindel Commodore!”

Tepes over there yelled, and then he was about to bring another group of people out of the deck to come and help.

“Stay in the boat, I’ll take care of things here.”

Mo Fei stopped the other party, because the people who came out again were just a disservice. He walked a few steps forward, pulled a Seaman, and then threw the wet man into the cabin without saying anything… the action was rough as if he were throwing a sack.

At this time, he couldn’t allow him to show his tenderness.

Tepes and the others caught this person, and then he quickly unfastened the safety rope on the other person, and then said to the people around him, “Send to the infirmary, hurry!”

Mo Fei threw the Seaman into the cabin one by one, and then he prohibited others from returning to the deck, but left himself alone to observe the situation, control the direction, and control the damage-an Ability User dare Staying outside in this kind of weather can only be said that Mo Fei is very bold and showed his calmness, sense of responsibility and responsibility as Sir.


Severe storm weather swept the “second half” of the first half of the Grand Line, and the time lasted for a full week…Even in the Grand Line, Extreme weather is also known for “coming fast and going fast”, so this situation is relatively rare.

But… well, it’s normal. It is precisely because of the ability to constantly break through the navigator’s imagination that this sea can be called the Grand Line.

After the storm, the sky will clear ten thousand li and the sea will be fixed.

A smoky Battleship is heading crookedly on the sea, and the flooding makes it seriously tilted to the starboard side. It seems that it may sink at any time.

Although the ship has already strayed severely at this time and moved to the grandmother’s house, we still have to say that they really survived the storm…More than half of the ship’s personnel were injured in varying degrees, but it was unexpectedly Miraculously, no one was dead.

Thanks to Mo Fei for putting everyone else in the “can”, he was dealing with the danger outside by himself.

At this time, I have to praise him for his foresight, or inadvertently… The first decision to send money to the Seaman is an extremely correct decision, and the effect is much better than making up for it afterwards, otherwise this is because The Seaman on the ship that Sir decides the route privately and plunged into the storm, the mood at this time must be far more than the level of “resentment.”

At this moment, Mo Fei is lying leaning against the mast, and a medical soldier is helping him treat the wound on his forehead… Now Mo Fei can only spare time for treatment.

Clean up the wound, disinfect and apply medicine, and wrap a bandage around the forehead. This is the limit that medical soldiers can do.

As for the problem of Mo Fei being struck by lightning, he can only cultivate slowly, but he explained from his own personal experience that there is no major problem with being struck by lightning.

Don’t talk about Mo Fei, even if it is the other Seaman that was struck by lightning, no one really killed it. It stands to reason that the physical fitness and anti-risk ability of ordinary Seaman are far inferior to Mo Fei. …If you want to rest on Earth, no one can survive under that kind of thunderbolt.

“Alidel Commodore, I have reported our situation to G23 base…”

After a while, Tepesh came to Mo Fei to report to him Tao. Fortunately, the connection between Battleship and the base has not been severed, otherwise the G23 will definitely think that they have been wiped out.

It is conceivable that this huge storm has caused serious losses to the various boats and all influences of this Sea Territory… Whether it is Marine or Pirate, they must have been affected by extreme weather. “equality”.

“That’s good, but for now we need to find an island to shore…Battleship needs to be repaired.”

“Yes, Commodore. Just because of the impact of the storm, we are now The location is unknown.”

“It’s okay, look for the island slowly, the ship will not sink if it sinks anyway.”

Mo Fei stood up while leaning on the mast, and then said so. While walking towards the cabin-he doesn’t care if the ship is repaired or not. Now he just wants to change his wrinkled, extremely wet and salty fish-like military uniform, then take a bath and sleep.

And just as he stepped into the cabin, the watchman started yelling again:

“Ilindel Commodore, the island is found on the right front!”


There is indescribable joy in the voice. As someone who has survived a big storm and survived, it is really exciting to meet again with land again.

Mo Fei’s footsteps just paused, and then instructed, “Let’s come.”

I don’t know why, he thinks this watcher seems a little unlucky… That guy always There will be some news that makes him unhappy.

…………Devil Fruit notes…………

The electric current needs a medium to be transmitted.

Lightning can spread in the atmosphere because of the ionization phenomenon of the air.

Vacuum does not conduct electricity.

This encounter once again proved the importance of middle school physics. If I prepare in advance, I will definitely not be struck by lightning.

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