“Elindel Commodore, this guy is Roronoa Zoro from the’Straw Hat Crew’, bounty 120 million Beli…”

Major Shi demonstrated his professionalism, and after a few glances at Zoro, he quickly recognized the identity of the opponent.

“Well, I know.” Mo Fei said.

Zoro is quite recognizable, on the one hand because his captain is too good at troubles, on the other hand, he is very characteristic…belly rolls, three knives, earrings, and the most obvious He is full of green, with all the characteristics, it is difficult for him to be unrecognizable.

“More than a year ago, before the outbreak of the war on the top, the’Straw Hat gang’ collapsed at Sabaody Archipelago. It is said that Roronoa 路 Zoro also disappeared… This person has been hiding in Is it such a deserted place?”

“Now I can’t say that this is a desert island.”

Seeing baboons and Zoro, Mo Fei has already understood what he is. Where are you now-this is the nest of “Shichibukai” Hawk Eyes Mihawk.

Mo Fei pulled out the long sword with one hand, and then pierced it straight down without the slightest hesitation.

From the heart, he neither admires nor dislikes the Straw Hat group. The two sides just differ in position. It should even be said that Mo Fei hopes that the Marine side will be indifferent to the Straw Hat group, because this group of people really has the secret of arriving at Raftel, uncovering ONEPIECE, and overthrowing the current Celestial Dragon rule system. The probability.

Mo Fei himself is not interested in ONEPIECE, the nature of which is the same as he is not interested in “a hundred years of blankness” in this world, but if there is a behavior of who, it will directly refer to the rule of Celestial Dragon In terms of the core, then he must be happy to see it happen.

The so-called watching lively is not too big a problem, it is probably like this.

But this idea of 鈥嬧€婱o Fei is definitely the opposite of Marine Headquarters鈥?current Fleet Admiral Sakazuki. Don鈥檛 look at Akainu鈥檚 appearance in Marine鈥檚 internal reforms since he came to power, but in essence, Mr. Fleet Admiral is actually a “stability maintainer”-the various measures he has taken are aimed at maintaining the status quo, and he personally likes to maintain the status quo.

Sakazuki Fleet Admiral will never rebel against Celestial Dragon. It really is the name of “dog” without negative red.

It’s just that…Mo Fei’s inner thoughts are like that, but since he saw Straw Hat and his gang, of course he has to try to catch each other-this is his duty as Marine.

Well, he can only try it.

This island is the site of Hawk Eyes. Not to mention the battle strength between Mo Fei and Zoro. Mo Fei wants to be in the “Greatest Swordsman in the World” in front of one’s eyes takes away his discipline…probability is almost zero.

Under the persecution of the chill, Zoro, who was knocked to the ground by the Baboon King, rolled directly on the spot, avoiding the sharp blades that hit… Don’t talk about “demeanor” at this time. , Not to mention rolling, you have to climb away.

Zoro rolled violently, and then supported on the ground with one hand, so he barely straightened his body, half-kneeled on the ground and panted violently.


After a glance at Mo Fei who suddenly attacked him, Zoro asked.

Obviously he was very puzzled by Marine who suddenly appeared in front of him…the degree of wonder was no less than that of Mo Fei when he suddenly saw him. It can only be said that Mo Fei’s appearance was a bit out of time. Zoro, who had already fought against the Baboon King, was in a state of half exhaustion at this time.

“Why did Marine appear on this island?”

First I wondered the identity of Mo Fei, and then Zoro asked this question again.

At the same time he slowly stood up.

Mo Fei took a close look at the opponent, and then found two problems. One is that this guy is shorter than his Mo Fei, so he can only be overlooked; the second is the look of the guy鈥檚 eyes. It’s very fierce and doesn’t look like a good person… As expected, someone who can be called a “demonic beast” while still in the East Blue bathtub.

“Roronoa 路Zoro, I am very happy to meet you…” Mo Fei pulled the long sword out of the ground, and then slowly retracted it from the sheath. “The popularity of this sea can surpass Your swordsman is running out.”

Mo Fei seems to express a kind of “admiration”, but in fact it’s not the same at all. Zoro found that Seaman, headed by the opposite side, looked towards his own The look in his eyes was neither alert nor hostile, but a kind of curiosity, like seeing a rare creature.

Zoro wanted to say something again, but at this moment, angry roar came not far away, and the ground began to vibrate…

It was the baboon king .

It is holding a sword in one hand and running with three legs left. The huge body rushes towards Mo Fei at an indescribable high speed, like a war chariot.

Giant sword slashed down at Mo Fei with the power of opening the mountain, and the air swept across the sharp blade at high speed, making a special trembling sound.

Mo Fei sighed secretly, saying that I am fine looking for you, a monkey.

He quickly drew his sword, then shook it like a whip, and instantly hit the giant sword that was cut down suddenly. Comparing the two, Mo Fei’s long sword is the same as a toothpick, but with the contact between the two sides, the baboon king only felt that the long sword in his hand had an impulse to let go.

Well, this is Mo Fei’s fame stunt, “Except You Weapon”.

The Baboon King took a step forward and held the giant sword firmly, but at this moment, the ground…no, it should be said that the whole landscape began to change.

The ground, rocks, trees, and collapsed buildings come together to form an unknown object with two horns growing on the head, and then this object faces the baboon king with great mass and high speed. Bumped over.

The huge load made the baboon king’s body fit tightly on it. After being pushed out for a long distance, it was smashed farther.

“Spot Elephant”, Mo Fei directly uses the power of the fruit.

The baboons on this island are famous for imitating human skills and using human weapons. The baboon king imitates Hawk Eyes Mihawk’s swordsmanship, so even if it is a “fake”, its swordsmanship strength It can be said to be deep and unmeasurable… However, it is a pity that Mo Fei does not have the idea of 鈥嬧€媍ompeting with this kind of creature in swordsmanship.

Wild beast must be surrendered with brute force, this is the most appropriate way.

Looking at the Baboon King being knocked into the air in an instant, Zoro鈥檚 eyes were covered with a sense of confusion… Of course he was not pitying the Baboon King, but because of Mo Fei鈥檚 attack. He suddenly had a doubt.

“Where have I seen such an attack…No, I haven’t seen it…No, I’ve seen it? There is always a feeling of deja vu.”

Well, Santoryu swordsman’s brain seems not so good, he can’t remember where he has seen such a style for a while. Well, this is not surprising, after all, it was a long time ago, but…in this world, there are really few people who have experienced Shiki’s “Lion Power路Dijuan” but can’t remember.

After a while, Zoro showed a sudden Satori expression, “Hey, Seaman, are you… an Ability User?”


Uh, Mo Fei was a little confused for a while whether the other party was really cerebral palsy or pretending to be cerebral palsy. Isn’t this nonsense, fools can see that he is an Ability User.

People who have been violently beaten by Shiki and Shiki again, don鈥檛 even know Fuwa Fuwa no Mi? It can only be said that this person’s heart is really big.

“Mr. Roronoa, introduce myself, my name is Erindel Mo Fei, and I am a swordsman. I usually…take Pirate as my career.”

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