Battleship returned home in a “straight-line flight”. This highly efficient way of action made Mo Fei return to Wilwarin Kingdom while Fried Vice Admiral was still at sea. Wandering, it wasn’t until another day later that the other party drew on the shore slowly.

After the base Chief-In-Charge Tarros Vice Admiral gave a few words, he rushed to G1.

However, the reason why Tarros Vice Admiral recalled Mo Fei and Fried Vice Admiral to the base was not because of the turmoil in the kingdom. He was just to ensure that the base could still maintain a high degree of military equipment after he left. Preventing possible crises, such as the Pirate landing, brought Mo Fei back from the sea.

So after Mo Fei came back, there was no major event. Whether it was in the base or in the kingdom, everything was just daily.

Three days later, in the evening, Mr. Commodore, who had finished working all day, was walking on a street.

Today it rained all day, and the sky was still choppy. The temperature dropped slightly, but the air was particularly fresh.

At this time, Mo Fei left the base. The main purpose was to find a place to have dinner… If possible, he would choose to refuse the working meal provided in the Marine base, and the money is not bad, so why let My tongue suffers.

Secondly, to relax, and see if he can meet the little girl again, and nothing else, he just wants to return the unfathomable mystery compass to the other party, or let the other party describe it well What is this compass?

Because of the purpose of finding people, Mo Fei didn’t want to be too eye-catching when he was out, so this time he changed into the military uniform and put on a very ordinary casual clothes… but a knife It must be taken with you.

In the evening, there were a lot of pedestrians and vehicles on the street. Just as Mo Fei was carefully admiring the customs of the kingdom, a carriage came from behind him and slowed down. After passing his side, he slowly stopped not far in front.

Then the car door opened and a small head poked out from the door.

“Mr. Commodore, hello.”

The other party’s face was filled with joy, timidity and some tension.

Mo Fei was stunned for a moment, and then after thinking about it, he remembered the child’s name, “Hello, Mr. Tristan.”

This He didn’t have a deep impression of the child’s name, but he remembered the child’s fucking name clearly… Simariel. Well, Mo Fei came out to eat and look for a little girl. Now the little girl does not appear. As a result, he first met a little boy-the little fan met his idol again.

After the car door opened, Tristan seemed to want to get out of the car, but he was quickly stopped. The next one who got out of the car was a 30-year-old maid.

She got out of the car, stood on the side of the road and bowed to Mo Fei, and when Mo Fei got to the carriage, she said, “Elindel Commodore, Tristan Young Master thought I’d like to talk to you for a few words, I don’t know if you have time…”

Mo Fei stopped, thought about it, and said, “Yes, I’m quite free now, just taking a walk.”

Afterwards, at the invitation of the maid, he walked into the carriage of the carriage, and since his guest got in the car, the maid would naturally not follow up again, she was closing After the car door, he went to the other side and got on the car and sat next to the coachman.

“Mr. Tristan, have to travel so late? Or are you coming home?” Mo Fei said this first after sitting opposite the child.

He really doesn’t understand why this child travels alone in the evening.

“Mr. Commodore, I came out from home, and now I am going to school…a full boarding school.” After receiving Mo Fei’s question, Tristan first became more nervous. But after he realized the ease and softness in Mo Fei’s words, he then relaxed.

“Full boarding school?”

This is beyond Mo Fei’s expectation. Since Tristan will go to that school, there is no doubt that this school must be aristocratic Schools, and as far as Mo Fei knows, the nobles of this World often let their children take a family school-style education… Compared to that kind of education, Mo Fei’s common sense is more willing to believe in school education.

So the education system in this kingdom is actually quite advanced? Although it is only aimed at the education of the noble class.

“Yes, Mr. Commodore.”

“Well, I’m just a little curious…Mr. Tristan, you will stay in school a few days a week.”

“Four and a half days, I will stay at school four and a half days a week.” Tristan said.

Well, there are only four days a week, this “full boarding system” is actually not very complete, but in any case, collective education is more worthy of recognition, if such an education method can be implemented to the middle and lower classes of civilians If that is the case, it couldn’t be better.

“Mr. Tristan, I have one more question I want to ask you…” Then, Mo Fei took out the compass, “Have you seen such a compass?”


Mo Fei just thinks that the little girl he met last time looked like a noble, and Tristan is also a noble, and they are all small children, so Mo Fei has the attitude of giving it a try. Asked.

After Tristan took a closer look at the compass, he said, “Mr. Commodore, I have not seen it.”

The result was not unexpected. The blind cat ran into The probability of dead mice is too low.

Nothing. After Mo Fei asked the key question, he turned off for a while. But a child like Tristan would naturally not experience such emotions. He felt that the chat between the two parties had just begun.

“Mr. Commodore, were you not afraid when you faced the Great Pirate Shanks? I heard that it was a terrifying child with a height of 8 meters, a waist circumference of 8 meters, and a cannibalism.”

Well, the more well-known Pirate is, the less personal it is in the mouth of ordinary people, and it is easy for a child to hear it and believe it.

“Although Shanks doesn’t look like that, he is really terrifying. At that time, I felt scared when facing him, but the word justice drove me to act.’Fear’ is It can be defeated…”

Now, it’s Mo Fei’s time to coax the child. Facing the innocent eyes, he has to analyze his “mental journey”.

Just chatting like this, time passed unconsciously, and then the carriage stopped.

School is here.

“Mr. Commodore, do you want to visit my school next?”

At this time, Tristan asked again. He had a great time with Mo Fei , So he didn’t want it to end like this, so the child’s eyes were full of hope.

Mo Fei said in his heart that this child has no head yet? But… Forget it, I can’t bear the child to attract the mother.

“It’s an honor, Mr. Tristan.”

The carriage put Mo Fei down and saw them walk through the school gate. This carriage carried the groom and The maid Shi Shiran left… Originally they wanted to wait for Mo Fei here and were about to send him back to the Marine base, but Mo Fei politely refused.

There is no need, Mo Fei can fly back directly, and the speed carriage has no comparability.

After arriving at the school, Tristan became more cheerful. He kept pointing to buildings and introducing them to Mo Fei.

Today is back to school day, and the “group boarding school” is a little messy.

Mo Fei stayed here for half an hour. He felt that he was really hungry. Seeing that the sky was completely dark, he decided to send this brat back to the classroom and give it to Sensei in the school. Just leave here.

After Tristan came to the classroom, Mo Fei stood at the door for a while, and then prepared to wave goodbye to the other party. However, in this song, someone slammed him behind him and pushed him into the classroom. in.

After that, several people walked into the classroom.

Mo Fei is certain that these people are not the Sensei in the school, because they are not holding chalk, but muskets.


Someone banged the gun to talk on platform, then said in a vicious tone… Well, the so-called “punching kindergarten” probably means That’s it.

But Mo Fei knew that the other party was wrong about “robbing”. Since they came here, their purpose should not be robbery, but kidnapping.

He smelled the smell of blood emanating from those people.

In an instant, Mo Fei suddenly became Satori… No wonder the aristocracy’s traditional way of educating children is family private school-style. Look, this is the consequence of going to school together in school. Have you served it in one pot?

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