The fiery jet of light slashed towards Mo Fei, and in a blink of an eye he had long sword in his hand, trying to block it.

Busoshoku Haki spread to the dark sword blade, making the light reflected on the sword blade named “Obuchi Xian” more restrained, and the sword light contains the cold of hard to describe. light, but……

Mo Fei’s long sword penetrates the opponent’s “light sword” directly, well, this is as it should be by rights, if he wants to resist one As for the lightsaber, then what he was holding in his hand should also be a lightsaber.

The lightsaber can continue to move forward with the previous slash trajectory. It seems that Mo Fei will be divided into two in the next instant. However, just when it is about to touch Mo Fei’s body, the straight sword light Deviated instantly.

“There is still a gap with Kizaru’s laser.”

Mo Fei said nonsense, but if you use a more correct method to describe it, you should say it like this…and ” There is still a gap in the laser of “Peace Pacifista”. Mo Fei has not seen Kizaru’s laser with his own eyes.

Moreover, the two are not the same thing at all. Fuwa Fuwa no Mi is difficult to deflect the laser, but a lightsaber like Floating is not that difficult.

The weapon was “confiscated”. This kind of thing made the Bounty Hunter stunned, but he did not continue to attack, instead he immediately took a step back.

“Marine’s Erindel Commodore, why do you… why do you mix with Pirate?”

Because of recognizing Mo Fei’s identity, Bounty Hunter stopped attacking, but he At this time, he did not relax his vigilance. In any case, it is very unreasonable for a Marine Commodore to be carefree in Pirate’s den.

“Do you know me?

I am a hostage kidnapped by Pirate, or why would I be locked up with other hostages.”

Mo Fei explained. Look, even a Bounty Hunter knows his Commodore, but the group of Pirate doesn’t even know him… Doesn’t pay much attention to intelligence work, which is a bit of a courting death meaning.

“First, I am a Bounty Hunter who is active in the Kingdom of Wilvarin. There is no reason not to know Marine’s number three; second, according to the information disclosed by my employer, you may Will stay with the hostages.” Bounty Hunter said.

Then you still ask why I am here? Don’t you know everything? Mo Fei secretly slandered, and then asked, “Your employer?”

“Earl Simarel Vista.”

“Oh, you are here to protect Terry Stan’s… Skypiea is here?” Mo Fei looked at the weapon in the opponent’s hand and the equipment in his shoes, and then asked.

Laser sword, or “laser shell”, this powerful weapon is undoubtedly from Skypiea, it is very iconic.

“Commodore, the number of Pirate outside is limited. With your ability… plus me, you can easily solve them and bring the hostages back to the capital.” Bounty Hunter defaulted Mo Fei guessed and then made such a suggestion.

But Mo Fei ignored this suggestion for the time being. He checked and found that the two Pirates in the room were sleeping well, so he started chatting, “What’s your name?”

“Alda Wind.”



“Really young Bounty Hunter.”

“Since I accidentally fell from Skypiea to the Blue Sea, I became a Bounty Hunter, which was three years ago.”


The young Bounty Hunter said a very funny thing in a very cool tone…Well, there are that many people on Skypiea, and there are always one or two bad luck eggs from the sky every year Falling down, and then every ten or twenty years, there may be a lucky bad luck egg that has not been directly dropped to death.

Mo Fei didn’t know what to say. The other party ended the topic in a strange way, so he had to talk back to what’s happening now. “For the time being, it’s impossible to take action against Pirate here. I doubt this group Pirate has colluded with the local Marine, so try to use them to call out the secret mastermind…so don’t send messages to the capital.

If you want to perform the tasks assigned to you by your employer, you can Protect Tristan from the outside until my business is over.”

Mo Fei is preventing the other party from carrying out the mission. For Arda Wind, rescue Tristan and send it back to the king. It’s not a difficult task, he will get a big reward next, but now Mo Fei has stopped him.

Alda Wind’s reaction was a bit beyond Mo Fei’s expectation. After negligible brief thinking, Bounty Hunter directly nodded and said, “Okay.”

“…I accepted it so easily?”

“I can’t beat you, Commodore.”


This reason, It’s too full.

After saying this, Arda Wend first listened to the outside movement a little at the door, and after confirming that there was no one outside, he slipped out again.

Bounty Hunter and Marine are not the same people, but this person didn’t expect this…obedient.

Mo Fei stared at the door and became thoughtful…Anyway, this young Bounty Hunter is good enough, because he is the first person to find here, and his efficiency is far Much higher than Marine. But now is not the time to consider these, Mo Fei quickly returned to the middle of the hostages, and then tied himself up again.

The room is still very quiet, as if the things just didn’t happen at all.

The silence lasted for three hours. Until three hours later, the place suddenly became extremely noisy, or it was suddenly filled with Pirate’s laughter.

Laughing wanton and arrogantly.

“Laughing so happy, did you find the money?”

After a while, someone pushed in from outside and he saw two sleeping Pirate was stunned, and then furious…What an important task Warden hostages are, you actually fell asleep?

Then he used Pirate to wake people up and slapped them up.

“You two bastards!”

“Huh? We are asleep?”

These two Pirates feel their necks are very sore at this time, but I dare not say anything.

“The money has been received, and then we will start to evacuate, the position is… Anyway, you two, quickly solve these little boys, and then follow.”

“Resolve them This is not the same as the agreement, shouldn’t we let them go back? These people are all of noble origin, that would completely offend the nobles of this country.”

“Yes, but that us What does it matter, we are Pirate.”

After speaking, this person left here directly.

The two goods were a bit tangled, and at this time a large number of Pirates chose to evacuate directly.

Is there no one to make the connection? In that case, how will the money be divided? Of course, this kind of thing can only be divided on the spot. Is there any trust between them, and the rebate will be given after the Pirates ran away?

Or you think you are wrong, only Pirate is involved in this matter from beginning to end?

Mo Fei is in entanglement.

At this time, the two Pirates are over entangled, and then they are ready to do it.


They don’t have to do it.

When Mo Fei opened the door and walked out of here, he just found a certain Seaman rushing over, and this person was stunned for an instant when he met Mo Fei head-on.

After thinking about it, Mo Fei remembered the other person’s name, “…Captain Roddy? Right.”

Next, another person suddenly shot out from behind. , Leg raised kicked this person to the ground.

Well, the last one is an acquaintance.

“Major Tepes, what are you doing… Corporal punishment and beating your subordinates is an order forbidden.”

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