Tepesh Neal and Arda Wind came to this beach position with the front and rear feet. The former seemed to be fine, and the latter carried fierce fighting. Traces and a little injury.

“How about the hostages?” After seeing these two people, Mo Fei asked Tepes first. Under normal circumstances, the opponent is impossible to leave the abandoned building directly, ignoring the safety of the hostages. .

“It has been handed over to the Kingdom Army, Commodore.

There is…

According to Captain Roddy, Vice Admiral is about to retire. “

Tepes explained the situation there to Mo Fei.

Mo Fei nodded, and then I understand a little bit why Mr. Vice Admiral made such a rough plan to “cooperate” with a group of messy Pirates… The power is not used, expired and invalidated, before leaving The idea of ​​the pen can barely be regarded as “such is human nature”.

“Before his retirement, Fried Vice Admiral encountered Pirate’s invasion, and then he bravely came to the front line of the battle with Pirate, and unfortunately died…Vice Admiral contributed a lot. If it weren’t for him, these Pirates would have fled to the sea with the money.”

While speaking, Mo Fei reached out and pulled out the sword that was stuck in Fried Vice Admiral’s face. And because the opponent’s blood began to condense a bit sticking to fitness, Mo Fei kicked on the face of Mr. Vice Admiral, who had made great achievements.

“Remember, just say that to the outside world.”

“Understand, Commodore.”

External publicity is one thing, but in Marine Inside, Mo Fei must submit a real report… There is nothing to say, he is helping Marine “clean up the door”.

“Well, Mr. Vice Admiral must be very grateful to me at this time. If it weren’t for me, he would definitely fall into a situation where he is not guaranteed to be in the evening.”


If Mo Fei didn’t step on Mr. Vice Admiral’s face when he said this, then his words would definitely be more convincing. And in fact, Fried Vice Admiral is not only insecure at night, and even dead.

“Collect the money, then let’s go, and send someone to clean up the scene later. It’s a pity…”

Mo Fei silently glanced at the money box left on the ground , It’s a pity that the remaining money has to be returned to the group of nobles. But it doesn’t matter, credit and money can’t have both.

“Commodore, what a pity?”

“Nothing, Mr. Major, after you go back, you are responsible for reviewing and cleaning up the black sheep in the base. There must be other people involved in this matter. …Focus on the crew on the Battleship that Fried Vice Admiral took.

Aren’t you good at interrogation? This important task is in your hands.

Feel free to clean up the rubbish boldly. Anyway, after you finish this job, you won’t be able to stay in this base.”

Tepes: WTF?


A kidnapping incident that could cause turmoil in the kingdom, the planner was actually a Marine Vice Admiral, although the “local Marine” other than the center is indeed flawed There are a lot of them, but the fact that such high-level officers directly corrupted is still very sensational. Therefore, such a fact is absolutely impossible to disclose to ordinary people.

So Fried Vice Admiral was really carried back as a “heroic sacrifice”. In the face of this situation, some nobles who had a good relationship with him were even hypocritically squeezed out. A few tears.

Generally speaking, the nobles in this country are quite strict. Marine helped solve the kidnapping incident, rescued the hostages and brought back most of the ransom, and paid a Vice in the middle. Admiral and several Seaman’s “sacrifices”, so they decided to make a large donation to G23 afterwards… Said it was a “donation”, in fact, it was a bonus to the Seaman.

Then Mo Fei gave the Marine Headquarters a detailed description of what happened at the G23Marine base, and some corresponding evidence has been prepared, mainly including witnesses and confessions, these things All are waiting for review from Marine Headquarters.

At the same time, Mo Fei also reported on G23’s next cleanup and rectification plan. And from the overall handling of this matter, it can be seen that Mo Fei still has a considerable ability to grasp the overall situation and leadership ability. Considering his age and just two years of resume, he is the temporary Chief of this base. What In-Charge does is even “excellent.”

After this incident in the Kingdom of Wilvarin passed, Mo Fei’s “internship period” can basically be qualitative… far from being “qualified”.

After the return of the real base Chief-In-Charge, the real base of Vice Admiral, Talos a week later, the whole person is a forehead question mark… Isn’t this my base? Why is there such a big change in personnel?

Although he had been notified of related events when he was in G1 before, what he didn’t expect was that after he returned, he found that a large number of middle-level officers had been replaced.

This caused Tarros Vice Admiral to instantly suspect that he was being emptied. Fortunately, after Vice Admiral returned, Mo Fei explained the rectification process during this period of time to him in more detail, and quickly The power that belonged to the “first in command” was transferred out.

Thus, Vice Admiral has improved his evaluation of Mo Fei and gave an excellent evaluation, and…I hope the headquarters can quickly transfer this product.

Mo Fei is also fortunate that the problem on the G23 side is Fried Vice Admiral instead of Talos Vice Admiral, otherwise things will be more troublesome. At least Talos, the Seaman who became Vice Admiral based on his personal battle strength, was impossible for Mo Fei to kill in one shot. Everyone has to fight hard at least, and the outcome is hard to say… Even though Talos Vice Admiral is not a strength The most top-notch Marine Vice Admiral.

After the kingdom of Wilvarin had a defensible contribution, Mo Fei also became honest and began to live a salted fish-like life of clocking in and going to work.

He didn’t do anything except to practice the exercises from the sincerity, cultivate one’s moral character, cultivate sentiment, and save sentient beings.

In such a daily life, three months of time passed in a flash, and then Mo Fei received an order to return to G1.

After simply handing over the work at hand, Mo Fei did not stop in this country for a while, and was ready to go to G1 at the fastest speed… so far , His “development period” is finally over, and the next step is to go to the real “surging forward with great momentum”.

On the afternoon of the 2nd day after receiving the notice, Mo Fei was going to leave the country by Battleship. He came alone when he came, but two people when he left… He took the pick Pesh and Arda, Tepes is a “normal transfer”, and Arda has just “joined the army.”

The Marine base and the kingdom have already bid farewell, so at this time only Tristan and Earl Simarel Vesta came to see off.

Ms. Earl has no particular emotional expression, but Tristan is very reluctant to leave Mo Fei.

Mo Fei looked at the child, his mother, and then at the sad child, so he took off the high-tech weapon “TS” tied to his waist, and then stuffed the long sword into it Tristan’s hands.

“Mr. Tristan, you have to rely on you to protect yourself next.”

Well, one person’s waist cannot be stuffed with three swords at the same time, awkward and occupying space Let’s not talk about the problem. According to a certain metaphysical theory, the three swords may deceive the owner’s sense of direction and cause the phenomenon of getting lost…

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