South of Calm Belt and east of Reverse Mountain, this vast water area is called “South Blue” in this world.

In an unknown corner of South Blue, there is a small island called “Tyrol”. The island belongs to a country called the “Kingdom of Hildegard”, but to the locals, its borders and belonging have no practical significance… It is just an isolated island in the open sea.

The products here are barren and life is poor. There is a town on the island with the same name as the island, and there are about two thousand people living here.

Mo Fei is one of them.

He is just a somewhat special person, and the “speciality” of his identity is actually very easy to describe-he is an Earth person who almost drowned in One Piece World.

When he woke up in a calm boat and looked at the boundless sea, the mood change brought about by the dislocation of Heaven and Earth turning upside down in terms of geographic location and identity was simply complicated. To the point of indescribable.

“Shipwreck” is a bit unimaginable, and even more unimaginable, it is actually a shipwreck in this world within the realm.

Fortunately, relying on the memory of the original owner, a little insignificant food, and the direction of the starry sky, he returned to this small island from the sea with difficulty, which was already half a month ago. Something happened… inheriting the identity and memory of “Mo Fei”, this small island became his temporary shelter.

Mo Fei is a young fisherman who originally had a big brother, but the latter unfortunately died in a shipwreck that happened not long ago. The simple family relationship allows him to pay a little attention, and no one will realize that he has actually changed a person.

The time of half a month is enough for Mo Fei to figure out his situation and sort out his messy mood, and now he has to determine another thing.

After many days, Mo Fei finally walked out of his simple wooden house.

Mo Fei stopped briefly after leaving the house and looked down at the whole town. The town was built on the hillside. From where he stood, he could see the sea in the distance, the small port on the coast, the old and barren town, and the bad roads in the town.

The air is filled with a faint smell of fishy and decay.

“This bad luck place is not inhabited by humans.” Mo Fei instantly issued such a purely subjective judgment in his heart, because all he looked at was impoverishment that was identifiable by naked eye.

After listening for a while, Mo Fei continued in his footsteps. His destination was the most “luxury” house in the middle of the town, which was the home of the mayor or mayor.

When he got there, there was already a girl who looked fifteen or sixteen years old with a little freckles on her face was waiting at the door of the courtyard of the big house.

The girl’s name is Amy Sha, and she is the maid of the village chief’s house, and he is also the playmate of “Mo Fei” when she was a child.

“This is like a place where people live, but the people living in it are not necessarily people anymore.” Mo Fei thought silently again.

This idea is not purely malicious speculation, because in a place where everyone is poor, there is one exception that looks very rich, which makes him think that this kind of “richness” must be problematic.

“Mo Fei brother, are you better?” Amy Sha said first, her eyes full of sympathy when she looked at Mo Fei.

This reminds Mo Fei of the scene where she cried when she returned to the island that day and brought back the news of the big brother’s death. Even now, she still looks like she would cry at any time.

Moreover, Mo Fei’s closed doors these days should be caused by “excessive sadness” in the eyes of normal people.

“It’s much better.” Mo Fei is naturally grateful for the fact that he survived and for the people who saved him, but such emotions do not have to be announced all the time.

“Mo Fei brother, all the things you asked me to help prepare are here.” After a while, Amy Sha remembered the business, and then she pointed to the one placed at her feet. Big stack of newspapers said so.

“Thank you so much, Amy Shah, I will borrow these things for a while, and I will return them soon.” Mo Fei expressed his gratitude to Amy Shah, and then easily took the pile of things The newspaper was moved.

Although Mo Fei has some knowledge about this World, these knowledge are all obtained from the “God’s perspective”. He feels that the “story” he has read in his last life is definitely not the same as the “reality” he is currently in. The so-called “dramatic advantage” is not enough to believe. In fact, he only knows a general idea about this real world.

So Mo Fei wants to learn some outside things through the newspaper.

On such a small island, it may not be difficult to find two newspapers, but if you want to find a complete set of newspapers that have been connected together in the past few months, it is probably only in the mayor’s house. Only found it.

Mo Fei then returned home with the newspaper, and after sitting on a simple chair, he immediately read it from front to back in order-“World Economic News”, which should be in this The world’s most important, informed, and widely distributed newspaper.

Thank God, as a fisherman on a small island, Mo Fei is actually literate.

Because he only looked at the key information, he flipped through the newspaper very quickly, so he soon saw the first very important news-the title was “Heroes Retire”, and the general content was Marine Vice Admiral, Monkey·D·Garp, who has the title of hero, is about to leave the first-line War Section team because of his age, and then he will retain his rank and transfer to the “Seaman training headquarters” related instructions.

Garp, this is a familiar character, and his photo was published in this newspaper.

It’s very important, but it’s not what he should care about now, Mo Fei shook the head, and then move forward. After a while, the headline of another major news came into view again:

“Marine Fleet Admiral decided to resign”

From this news forward, the cover news in the newspaper almost every day The headlines of the title are full of exclamation points, which are a series of reports about the entire process of development, Whitebeard and Blackbeard’s entanglement, and the trend of Marine Headquarters.

Well, it’s December 1520 in the Haiyuan calendar, and the “war on the top” was four months ago.

This is a major event once in a few decades, but Mo Fei did not borrow these newspapers to pay attention to the fiercest conflict ever between Marine Headquarters and New World Great Pirate. After hurriedly scanning the reports about “War on the Top”, he continued to flip forward and finally found what he really wanted to watch: “Captain Feikong Pirates, Admiral of the Shiki Pirate fleet, known as ” Feitian Pirate “Shiki was arrested again!”

Most of the content is irrelevant. Could it be the result of the incident? According to this news report, the Great Pirate Shiki, who was about to make trouble in East Blue, was finally arrested by the three Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral, the ghost spider, Yamakaji, and Strawberry, and was once again imprisoned in the big prison “Impel Down.”

There must be a false element in this news, because it is not Marine that solves the Great Pirate, that is, it is true or false that Shiki was locked into “Impel Down” again. If the final result is correct, then there is a contradiction-a few months ago when “Impel Down” was captured by the Blackbeard group, one of the current “Yonko”, there was no Shiki in prison.


Not “Impel Down” at all?

Or is it…”secret execution”?

In the same prison, the Great Pirate admiral, who is as famous as the “Pirate King”, plus Whitebeard Pirates’ second division Captain, and other wicked Pirates, are also being held in the same prison. At the same time, they have to face the possibility of coming The attacked Whitebeard Pirates, the pressure really exceeded the limit.

Marine naturally has no right to execute criminals at will, but World Government can. The “Impel Down” prison is not a Marine military facility, and the management power belongs to the judicial administration… That is to say, “Impel Down” is not a subordinate organization of Marine Headquarters, but a subordinate organization of the World Government.

Mo Fei feels that “Shiki” is probably dead.

The reason why he pays attention to this matter is because Mo Fei wants to find out if the Devil Fruit he ate was the fruit… He naturally knew what he ate during the shipwreck Stuff.

Next, I saw Mo Fei suddenly let go of his hands, but the strange thing was that the newspaper that recorded Shiki’s arrest still floated in midair, and then moved with Mo Fei’s fingers. With a flick of nothing, the newspaper automatically turned a page…

Fuwa Fuwa no Mi.

As the name suggests, it is a fruit that can float everything except living things.

Shiki is very likely to die, coupled with his demonstrated ability, so Mo Fei has reason to believe that the fruit he ate will be Fuwa Fuwa no Mi.

After confirming Shiki’s matter, Mo Fei recorded some important information he saw in the newspaper in a notebook. After finishing the record and sorting out, he decided to take the borrowed Things to return.

At this time, the time is approaching evening.

When Mo Fei came to the mayor’s house again, he heard a sound of reprimand from a distance.

“As a servant, you dare to steal the master’s things, how dare you? Do you understand the rules?”

Then there was a clear sound.

Mo Fei frowned, and walked over there quickly. After turning a corner, he saw a middle-aged man in his forties scolding Amy Sha in the courtyard outside the big house.

Amy Sha lowered her head, but the red palm prints on her cheek couldn’t be concealed.

Mo Fei looked at the newspaper in his hand, and after a little thought, he understood what was going on.

For the master, these newspapers are just useless waste. The master’s waste can be littered, but the servant can’t move it. If you move it, you are stealing.

Does this little thing need to be irritated?

But the reality is like this. The smaller the place, the more the “a nobody” that emerges from ordinary people, the more domineering than the real “great character”, because there is only this Only by “arrogant” can they express their “greatness and nobility.”

Mo Fei pushed the door directly into the yard. He was the cause of the incident, so naturally he would not just watch the little maid continue to be beaten like this.

The mayor quickly noticed the person who broke into his home. The direct intrusion of the poor like Mo Fei obviously aggravated the other’s anger again… What is going on today, why is the town here? The poor ghost dare to go directly to his house?

The mayor flicked his arm and strode towards Mo Fei, and he seemed to want to give him a slap first.

“What are you? How dare you…”

However, they didn’t wait for the mayor to get to the place or Mo Fei to speak. Their behavior was interrupted together. Now… Suddenly, something heavy dashed through the air with a strange and familiar screaming sound, and then there was a burst of fire from somewhere in the town.

Followed by vibrations and loud noises.


The riots and people’s noise came from the small port below the mountain.


“Pirate has landed!”

Pirate? Mo Fei first looked at the port. After thinking about what had happened, he immediately turned his face back, admiring the lose one’s head out of fear on the face of the mayor in front of him…

The expression on Mr. Mayor’s face is in sharp contrast with the domineering and domineering just now. Mo Fei feels that this contrast is far more exciting than Pirate’s attack… It’s really boring and evil. .

But what I have to admit is that a person’s little arrogance seems to be easily broken.

For example…

A cannonball.

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